James Allen isn't that bad, the problem is that he's following on from Murray Walker. I for one really miss Murray, but I wont hold that against James Allen simply because he's mortal.
I do hate the odd football reference he makes, like he's dumming it down to larger lout speak for me to understand because when I watched some world cup matches they didn't give me any motor racing parallels so that I could understand it.
The one broadcaster from ITV I really hated was that twat Jim Rosenthal, because he really did only talk about football and football metaphors and I never understood a word of it - but that was always bound to happen when I guy gets the job covering an event that he then confesses to never having seen a race before, then strangely retracts the comments the following week, despite having said it in multiple places.
As for James Allen, I dont really care, he's there to make a noise whilst Martin Brundle is taking air, and that works for me. He isn't very knowledgeable, but you cannot say he isn't enthusiastic and from this point of view, he's just like Murray. He just doesn't have the great mans talent.