Well i had a chat with AndyLec when S2 came out since and was thinking
of the LFSTweakS2 layout, i asked if he minded that i make my own
version that would be part of LFSTweak. He didn't seem to mind at all
and almost seemed releaved that someone wanted to take over and
maintain it. We both made a quick test version for S2, but i never
finished mine, we both decided took a break and at that time, it was
clear that it would be
appreciated if modifications were put on hold
for a bit while S2 gets sorted out. I haven't had much contact with
AndyLec recently so i have no idea what he's up to.
AndyLec !! Are you there ?
I'll be honest though, it's on my list. It's not the next thing on there, but
the one
right after.

Of course, that's if i don't get a crazy idea
and start a new app out of nowhere like GteK.