LFSCART Light Series 2013 - Signups
To enter the 2013 LFSCART Light Series, you must go to http://newdimensionracing.com/testbin/register.php and register there. You will first create an account at the site (if you had one last year, it is no longer valid, if you were signed up for the 2013 Kyoto 250 OR are signed up for the 2013 LFSCART Series - YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE AND CAN SKIP THIS STEP). Activate your account via the link emailed to you, then login, and go to http://newdimensionracing.com/testbin/lfscartlight/entry to actually enter the event.
The system will not let you take a number that is already taken or reserved; it will not let you register if you use an LFSWorld ID that it cannot find on LFSworld.
I do not know your password, so I cannot get it to you if you forget it. If you need to reset it for any reason, there is a "Forgot Password?" link on the signin page.
This is the way NDR is finally beginning to do event entry. This is part of the plan to reduce our overhead, and we hope provide a smoother, more accurate experience in regards to event entry and management.
View the current Entry List