Hello Drivers/People, this Thread is hopefully in the correct Forum Section and the Goal is a Conversation about LFS and other Racing Games that are available right now or will be in near Future. Feel free to reply but please try to stay on Topic and do now start flaming or simular Things. Thanks alot and enjoy.
What do we have now?
Looking at the Market now you could simplified say there are 3 Genres:
1. Games for Kiddies or for those that just want quick Races or just some Fun and enjoy Stuff like cool Cars/Graphics/Game Modes (NFS for Example)
2. Games for Pro´s: like LFS!, Nascar (Papyrus because everything else is
), GTR, GTL and so on where Skills are needed in order to survive the first Corner.
3. Everything together: Grand Tourismo 4 is a good example and maybe LFS is going the same Way.
Ok now what do we need to create a Game like mentioned at 3.?
1. A good Engine (good Pyhsics, good Graphics, everything as complex as possible)
2. Many Tracks and many Cars to waste alooot of Time with and to get used the every Combo, creating Setups, Tunning, add/remove Parts and so on.
3. With 1. & 2. in your Mind you can have/create alot of Game Modes/Series like Rally, Drag, Nascar, Road Racing, F1, GTR, Free Roaming...you name it.
4. A good Singleplayer Part, like Missions or Tournaments and this needs good/exelent AI.
5. a good Multiplayer Part, easy-to-use Serverbrowsers, a good Chat System and not to forget a good and stable Netcode.
6. Community and Updates are very important to keep the Game alive as long as possible. Improvents never stops until the Devs stop the Work, are rich enough and go to Holidays/Pension.
Ok now these are some basic Things and the Problem is now to get everything togehter. Many Things can happen, many Problems to deal with and Hurdles to master until the Game reaches the Point where it can be released.
Now imagine Grand Turismo (maybe GT5 who knows) would be available for the PC one Day what do you think would happen to LFS?
I will leave that in the Room and everybody can think about that.
I think LFS is pretty much simular to Grand Turismo by its complexity (the Way it goes tells me its going that complex), the Idea of giving as much People as possible can the Possiblity to do whatever they want to do.
For now i think the major Game Companys are either stupid or blind because they only focus at one kind of racing but once they will mention that and having in your Mind that the Hardware is getting better every Year and they have more Money and more People to create Games faster its possible that even this Situation changes once.
Now dont get me wrong this is not something to make Pressure on the Devs or anything like that but these are my Thoughts and i want to share them and see what other People think about this.
Ok now just a last one, imagine it could be possible to add some Parts to your Cars to make em faster, like adding Slicks or a Turbo or simular to the GTi for example so you can keep up with the TBO Class, wouldnd that be great? Hmm?
Im not talking about that sickO-NFS-tune-my-ride-to-death-and-beat-everybody-else but a clean & healthy tunning Option to expant this game even more. It could be set by the Admins so there should not be a Problem from my Point of View.
As you can see LFS inspires me and thats for the first Day i played this Game. I see the Possibilities and im really looking foward to a Game that beats everything that comes out from big Companies like EA or SIMBIN or even smaller Groups like LFS Devs, NetKar you name it (again).
I may forgot alot of Things or i may see some Things wrong but i need to sleep now because i emptied my Head and i need it
What do we have now?
Looking at the Market now you could simplified say there are 3 Genres:
1. Games for Kiddies or for those that just want quick Races or just some Fun and enjoy Stuff like cool Cars/Graphics/Game Modes (NFS for Example)
2. Games for Pro´s: like LFS!, Nascar (Papyrus because everything else is

3. Everything together: Grand Tourismo 4 is a good example and maybe LFS is going the same Way.
Ok now what do we need to create a Game like mentioned at 3.?
1. A good Engine (good Pyhsics, good Graphics, everything as complex as possible)
2. Many Tracks and many Cars to waste alooot of Time with and to get used the every Combo, creating Setups, Tunning, add/remove Parts and so on.
3. With 1. & 2. in your Mind you can have/create alot of Game Modes/Series like Rally, Drag, Nascar, Road Racing, F1, GTR, Free Roaming...you name it.
4. A good Singleplayer Part, like Missions or Tournaments and this needs good/exelent AI.
5. a good Multiplayer Part, easy-to-use Serverbrowsers, a good Chat System and not to forget a good and stable Netcode.
6. Community and Updates are very important to keep the Game alive as long as possible. Improvents never stops until the Devs stop the Work, are rich enough and go to Holidays/Pension.
Ok now these are some basic Things and the Problem is now to get everything togehter. Many Things can happen, many Problems to deal with and Hurdles to master until the Game reaches the Point where it can be released.
Now imagine Grand Turismo (maybe GT5 who knows) would be available for the PC one Day what do you think would happen to LFS?
I will leave that in the Room and everybody can think about that.
I think LFS is pretty much simular to Grand Turismo by its complexity (the Way it goes tells me its going that complex), the Idea of giving as much People as possible can the Possiblity to do whatever they want to do.
For now i think the major Game Companys are either stupid or blind because they only focus at one kind of racing but once they will mention that and having in your Mind that the Hardware is getting better every Year and they have more Money and more People to create Games faster its possible that even this Situation changes once.
Now dont get me wrong this is not something to make Pressure on the Devs or anything like that but these are my Thoughts and i want to share them and see what other People think about this.
Ok now just a last one, imagine it could be possible to add some Parts to your Cars to make em faster, like adding Slicks or a Turbo or simular to the GTi for example so you can keep up with the TBO Class, wouldnd that be great? Hmm?

Im not talking about that sickO-NFS-tune-my-ride-to-death-and-beat-everybody-else but a clean & healthy tunning Option to expant this game even more. It could be set by the Admins so there should not be a Problem from my Point of View.
As you can see LFS inspires me and thats for the first Day i played this Game. I see the Possibilities and im really looking foward to a Game that beats everything that comes out from big Companies like EA or SIMBIN or even smaller Groups like LFS Devs, NetKar you name it (again).
I may forgot alot of Things or i may see some Things wrong but i need to sleep now because i emptied my Head and i need it
