The online racing simulator
Junior FOX: Round 1 Discussion
Due to the number of signups, I will post two qualifying scenarios:

#1. If there are less than 32 drivers confirmed, we will run a 15 minute hardcore qualification session (no tele-pit or spectating, time out etc.) If you do not set a lap you start end of grid.

#2. If we have over 32 drivers confirmed we will resort to a procedure which will allow drivers to take an outlap and then two hotlaps. The driver will then spectate at the next safe location or opportunity. A driver can abort their qualifying run only before they get the result of their first timed lap and only in the result of a spin off, damage, or being impeded by another driver.

A driver must REQUEST this, and an admin will look into the matter. Should your lap be impeded on the second hotlap, please simply protest it.
will there be any tracker or stream?
#3 - Guzzo
I'm sorry to question this, but what is the server name?
(Mustangman759) DELETED by Bmxtwins
Quote from Mustangman759 :Round 1 Setup update: first gear to a (deleted)
this will limit pitlane speed

Better put in Schedule & Setups

At least that's where I was expecting to find it.
I agree, we will reupload the file when im home from work
I've decided to leave the setup as is. I am not about to change the setup 2 days before the race when they have been posted for months. I will not fall into that habit.

Hope you all understand.
When is the deadline for registration confirmation? I really want to attend, but I still don't know whether I can...
Quote from vitaly_m :When is the deadline for registration confirmation? I really want to attend, but I still don't know whether I can...

There is no penalty if you confirm and do not show. I would confirm and if you cannot make it you can withdraw
I am not going to attend at 1st round. I've deleted confirmation post.
All drivers please try to be in server for 15 minutes. If you confirm late we can still allow you to qualify as well.
Lets go 3 wide into the chicane on lap 4...BRILLIANT!
Quote from OTone :No need.

Video from the start of the race until the crash happens:

Where is the wheel turned?

PS: About that screenshot on my cockpit. I just lol'd xD

tookeep the protest thread clean I'll post here.

at the moment you are closest to the white line, you turn left and leave your car moving down, at the moment I already made a move to go down on you. It might not be much you turned you wheel, but you did. And this car had a pretty sensetive steering. If you look on your replay. you were already a meter from the white line before we made contact.

Edit: You also blocked me on the start (illigally) and on 24 seconds you can see you blocking exactly when I make a move. The Third time it just went wrong
Thanks for copying my post to this thread.

So let me give you my view:

@ the start - I went to the right side of the track and then you flicked to the left as I did as instant later. (leaving you way more than 1 car width on my left. We weren't side by side anyway)
I was (totally) ahead of you so I had the right to maintain my racing line to make the corner. That was far from blocking.

@ 00:24 - I flicked (just barely) to the right yes, but I left you more than enough space to let you pass. That was again far from blocking.

@ the crash - Can be only two reasons: Lag or we just went to close. There is no sudden movement of my wheel turning except the obvious grass avoidance.
Quote from OTone :Thanks for copying my post to this thread.

So let me give you my view:

@ the start - I went to the right side of the track and then you flicked to the left as I did as instant later. (leaving you way more than 1 car width on my left. We weren't side by side anyway)
I was (totally) ahead of you so I had the right to maintain my racing line to make the corner. That was far from blocking.

@ 00:24 - I flicked (just barely) to the right yes, but I left you more than enough space to let you pass. That was again far from blocking.

@ the crash - Can be only two reasons: Lag or we just went to close. There is no sudden movement of my wheel turning except the obvious grass avoidance.

start you went off the racign line twice. you weaved left to right. As shown late rin the replay you clearly took the wide line. also I was making the move to overtake on the inside. thats where you went down.

@ 24 sec you made a sudden move towards me. It's just that I left lagg space that no crash occured.

@ the crash, you didn't maintain the line. you clearly moved left from the right side even after I made my move and was beside you.

Now I'll just leave everything to the admins. not gonna waste time here
Admins will not going to do anything because this is a lag related crash.
Nor about all minor wheel movements you mentioned.

We talked about this after the race but you decided to go apesh*t and report me anyway.

You wasted your time posting your report in the first place.
Quote from jmeade :Lets go 3 wide into the chicane on lap 4...BRILLIANT!

I'm undeleting your post bc it's completely valid. Common sense chaps
Any comments regarding qualifying?
Quote from Bmxtwins :
Session: race
Timecode and lap: Lap 1, turn 1 (first official lap)
Cars: 20+ ????
Descrption: car 20 is spun by something, to be investigated

*admin witnessed and will investigate*

i was spun my car 48 lagging on turn 1, you guys really need to do something about high pingers before race start, that was upsetting. vadim and i were talking about how high his ping was beforehand (his car kept disappearing on start grid, something should've been done..) and we predicted something would happen in t1. just a suggestion, but you should check pings at start line in future races.
Quote from Bmxtwins :car 36 moved to the low line in the uphill sweeper and then upon exit committed to what seemed to be the middle line. Car 21 may have judged that 36 would either stay committed to the middle or jump to the low line on entry. Due to this the incident would be a racing accident. Car 36 drastically changed lanes it seems and there was slight overlap (not enough to warrant track position, but enough to keep a heads up)However car 21 did not have the time to lift out. We caution car 36 for what seemed to be a lane change and officially warn the driver of the 21 to use more caution when racing in a group and on lap one.

Understood, will try to be more definite with lanes. Going from right hand to left hand turn, at one point one is always in the middle and going from one apex to the next one.
1) qualifying was fine, I think it's simple, get in pit and wait for clearance, forgot to send setup, no clearance you will get asked for it, etc. just wait for instructions
Don't know how long the qualification took but outlap + 2 hotlaps was fine. Saves time trying 30min to squeeze on the track and get few clean and fast laps while others may be warming their tires, cruising around, ...
Qualification was good and on smaller tracks I think it will work well.

2) check pings, if somebody jumps around it's not pretty when driving so close, did not affect me much but I guess others it may have

3) start was fine, if only people would remember where they are supposed to stand and do not take places after cars that disappeared, thus moving the grid, always remember what side, what car is in front and what car is on the side

4) people need to learn to lift off and wait for better place for overtaking, it's not always the best to overtake immediately as one drafts behind somebody at that precise point on track with the traffic around, the races are not a sprint, take your time, Lap 1-4 does not win you the race, staying in the race after Lap 1-4 can. Drive safely.
Quote from jmeade :Lets go 3 wide into the chicane on lap 4...BRILLIANT!

I have to apologize for that. You moved to the left, so I taught you were clear on the outside. It was also an open invitation for me to overtake you because of the amount of speed I had. I think 12 turned in way to early tough. He was taking the normal racing line as if he was clear on the inside. Thats where the contact started.
Quote from ElNoobio :i was spun my car 48 lagging on turn 1, you guys really need to do something about high pingers before race start, that was upsetting. vadim and i were talking about how high his ping was beforehand (his car kept disappearing on start grid, something should've been done..) and we predicted something would happen in t1. just a suggestion, but you should check pings at start line in future races.

His connection is not that bad previously in other series. We usually try to observe people prerace and if that trend continues we take action and we continue to monitor people throughout the race. We have parked people for bad connections before but you can also be a bit cautious around a lagging driver also.
Quote from ElNoobio :i was spun my car 48 lagging on turn 1, you guys really need to do something about high pingers before race start, that was upsetting. vadim and i were talking about how high his ping was beforehand (his car kept disappearing on start grid, something should've been done..) and we predicted something would happen in t1. just a suggestion, but you should check pings at start line in future races.

Yes I understand that, I was checking sets and did not notice it until it was too late.
Really my connection was very bad, after quali rebooted the connection to try to improve in the early aparetemente was normal, but just before the official start connecting again had problems. After the end of the race, I went on the server and apologized, back here again to ask for excuses, especially those who fumbled / crash.
For the next step, if I have connection problems will not go running to prevent incidents.
Again I apologize for the race and now for my bad english