WARNING!!!! Without reading every post going, so don't shoot me down here.
I used to love racing in leagues, and running them to be honest. You will always get a couple of now shows, but it happens in every sport in real life.
I looked at some leagues, and there seems to be only GTR's, Endurance, or single seaters. What happened to the class of GTI's, like the very very successful OLFSL. When Andre and co (me) used to run this, we used to divise the grid by hotlaps. Example, you had 1 week, to send in your hotlap, in your own time, when you can and before the shut off date, to determain what grid u was one. So 1 week, you could be on grid A, but then on Grid B. This put the drivers that was closest in laptimes on the same grid

It worked
TIME.....to run a league properly you need time, effort, website skills, friends to help admin the league, good servers, and obviously drivers. Without any of the above, it will not work. Andre had all of these and more.
The "real" problem, sorry hate the C word for personal reasons is all the Blackwood servers out there. Lets get some variety going on. If you log on just to take a look, and you see 15 BL servers, and 1-2 poss different I think, who whats the point, and log off. And stop all this Multi-Multi class servers. I mean GTR/LX/Single seaters and GTI/UF1....come one...seriously, what is the point??
But LFS isn't dead, its a bit like a vintage bottle of wine. Your saving the best till last, as you know the longer you leave it, the better the taste will be LOL...problem is though, with all fine wines, there is a best before date