Except F12012. That game looks BAD. It's fun, but so so bad looking. Like a PSP game TBH.
Uncharted is pretty pixelated aswell, I don't think it's being run at native res to achieve 60 FPS.

Indie games have easily been the most fun so far on the Vita, they also don't shove mandatory touch screen stuff in your face like most of the big mainstream titles do. The damn device has buttons to avoid exactly that kinda crap which makes all phone/tablet gaming horrible.
I didn't find Uncharted to be that bad. Easily the best game I've played on mobile, and I didn't find the touch controls as invasive as a lot of people did. You are right that some of the indie games are quite well done as well (like Retro City Rampage).

Hot Shots Golf was pretty fun too. I spent A LOT of time in it

I'm still pretty happy with my decision to trade my Xbox 360 in for a Vita

It spins. And it glows.
E: It looks so damn strange on my laptop screen.
Attached images
How you getting along with WP8, Boris?
Pretty good, you can see some of my thoughts in post your phone thread..
Here's my Windows Phone 8 homescreen (stitched together). I'm either using red or cyan tiles to fit the colour of the phone (so I'm using a cyan cover now).

Btw Boris, have you seen the Bing News, Sport, Weather and Finance apps? They're brilliant.
First thing I thought...

Yeah, that's my phone, but then in blue.
Quote from Bose321 :
Btw Boris, have you seen the Bing News, Sport, Weather and Finance apps? They're brilliant.

Will check them out..

Btw those colors are too strong on my eyes, the only color there that suits me is this 'steel' one. Every other is useless for me
Light theme is actually beautifull, now i can use those other icon colors properly

In my opinion, posting WP and iOS mobile desktops is pointless, they all look the same.
somone using this new fb addon on lock screen?
pretty nice thing
Quote from bmwe30m3 :In my opinion, posting WP and iOS mobile desktops is pointless, they all look the same.

iOS yes, but WP8 is far from the same. It's all about personalizing it actually. But I'll stop feeding the troll.
Quote from Bose321 :but WP8 is far from the same.

How? It's just a bunch of tiles that when scrolling by you don't pay any attention to.
That doesn't even make sense...
What does that even mean You can play around with tiles and colors pretty decently, on iOS you just can't do anything without jailbreak..
By looking the same I meant scrolling by in this thread, not when on the phone
Quote from Boris Lozac :What does that even mean You can play around with tiles and colors pretty decently, on iOS you just can't do anything without jailbreak..

I wonder how I do everything on my iOS devices then without a jailbreak.

Am I not supposed to do anything on my iOS devices without jailbreaking?

Should I just look at their beauty?
I've meant you can't do anything about it visually, you bastard.
I still don't understand why that's a huge sticking point for people. Even when there's a Jailbreak available (I upgrade to iOS betas, losing jailbreak), I don't find any reason to change how iOS looks from what it ships like.

Do you actually spend that much time looking at your home screen that you care what it looks like? Maybe you should try launching applications instead of staring at your home screen.
It's nice to have atleast some options, Android has it maybe too much and causes an OCD obsession with fidling, but just because it's ugly to begin with, so is iOS sorry, it desperately needed those iOS7 visual changes, those old icons were terible imo..
Windows Phone gives something in the middle, not every phone is the same as iOS and not every is completely different like Android.
Why is consistency regarded as a bad thing? Why is it that iOS is consistent, looks the same between devices and acts the same a bad thing? For the masses, consistency is important, and having a new device that acts drastically different is a huge detraction along with requiring people to learn.

The majority of people cannot use a computer (in fact, nearly everyone actually cannot actually use a computer, they just know 2 or 3 tasks). Expecting them to adapt to change every year is insane. Look at the backlash towards Win 8.

People struggle to adapt to new paradigms and new behaviours until they intimately understand them, and most computer users don't understand anything they do. They just know the actions that get them where they want, no matter how many "OK, Send CC details to China" buttons they need to press.

The fact that every Android lover goes "OMG iOS IS BORING" should actually be regarded as a wonderful thing for iOS, because it means the UI is consistent. Using an operating system should hold no surprises, and Android fails extremely hard on that front.

Post your Mobile Desktop..
(555 posts, started )