The online racing simulator
"TASTEE" - XRT Skin (v.1)
First skin I've actually done in one go. I spent somewhere around 9 hours working on it - I just couldn't stop when everything went so smoothly!

I'm quite happy with it, and yes, the skin is very inspired by Ryan Tuerck's 2JZ Scion FRS (I'm not much of a car geek, but I think that's correct).

I also spent some time figuring out what decals I should've put on it, I landed on a more realistic solution, meaning that all the decals in this version (v.1) are from companies I am associated with.

First time posting, and I'm mostly doing it to get my ego stroked, so feedback is very appreciated! Anyway, here it is.

Credit for template and kit goes to "Master Skinnerz".
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Someone post a XRG Skin everyone posts XRR XRT etc.
xrg skins anyone?
Here is my skin d, the author did not I just remade for the XRG.
And I have a demo version, who can fill my skin on
I would be very grateful!
This skin is Russian Drift Team Evil Empire
I'd like to go with this skin package online.
Attached images
Upload the skin please
Sorry but please upload skins : (
Quote from fatih269962 :Sorry but please upload skins : (

I can tell you a secret, but your skins delirium,
Since skin consists of two pictures, in that good?
Thank you to the kind person whouploaded my skin))
Please upload my skin...I have a demo version and i cant upload....

PLS Upload anybody...
This skin is Like Drifting Team Skin PLS UPLOAD
Attached images
XFG_team skin1.jpg
XFG_team skin2.jpg
Quote from lkr3 :Please upload my skin...I have a demo version and i cant upload....

PLS Upload anybody...
This skin is Like Drifting Team Skin PLS UPLOAD

Wrong forum, sorry.
To other demo players: you are so pathetic when you are requesting for uploading your skins with no any piece of beauty. I do better things on MS Paint than these crap.
Quote from Kamikaze94PL :To other demo players: you are so pathetic when you are requesting for uploading your skins with no any piece of beauty. I do better things on MS Paint than these crap.

I would add that i am the one who uploads skins for demo players, if i like the skin Spaming my PM box is best way to get on ignore list Nice skin gets always my attention
XRG Skin, Cirno from Touhou Project :3

Quote :

Attached images
Quote from Denny12 :I would add that i am the one who uploads skins for demo players, if i like the skin

I edit the skins to 1024!!!
Attached images
XFG_team skin1.jpg
If I send from an XRG skin can also upload them??
Like drift team (lkr3) DELETED by Flame CZE : Do NOT ask to have your skin uploaded to LFSW
BMW 320 IRL - Erich Edlinger
Hello guys my private skin based on Erich Edlinger BMW 320 (E30) IRL Hill climb car.

Original car:

The skin:

pretty good

XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )