LFS was shown on a TV show. Watch from ~4:00

The good thing is that they not only did show LFS but they also mentioned the name and said that it has very good drift physics.
The bad thing is that they're using tweak and on top of that - vob mods
(Kyle-Caz) DELETED by dekojester : not lfs news
thank you
Thank's for all members here.and for any member give us news,Realy i like LFS,i play it since 5 years,perfect if just some people create new tracks. since I play LFS,(on their official website)they said they'll have a surprise( Scirocco car and more and Rockingham UK as track, nothing of all this, I think they have create this great game an now they spend their vacation in caribbean to carabeen with Johny Deep.at the end I told them (Merci,thank you for this game, I like it.
Not sure where to post this, but might be worth mentioning, that LFS has now account on Twitter. Seems like official, since Scawen was one of the first two followers in there yesterday (along with Jakg).
Yes, I started the www.twitter.com/LFSracing account, thought it might be a good one for people to follow rather than my personal account.

Though that depends how much you are interested in getting muddy on two wheels.
Good to hear that LFS is slowly spreading into "social" networks.
This video is funny no matter how many times I saw it already

Original reddit thread

We should mention LFS more often there, might bring new people to LFS.
Man! I used to play LFS daily since I downloaded it around 2008 till July 2013. Sadly my laptop is out of order. Now all I want to do is take the backup of my HDD and run the game again without losing any of my in-game data. After 1 or 2 year gap, I hope to see something new in the multiplayer mode. I will be back soon dear LFS
(zaskarboy) DELETED by Flame CZE : off-topic / unrelated
(LukaPsB) DELETED by Flame CZE : off-topic / unrelated
(McEscher) DELETED by Flame CZE : off-topic / unrelated
(PatrickMcGuire) DELETED by Scawen : spam and responses to spam
(CodeLyoko1) DELETED by Scawen : spam and responses to spam
(DANIEL-CRO) DELETED by Scawen : spam and responses to spam
(LakynVonLegendaus) DELETED by Scawen : spam and responses to spam
(z13) DELETED by z13
(diego9972) DELETED by Scawen : off topic - not news
(CodeLyoko1) DELETED by Scawen : off topic - not news
(diego9972) DELETED by Scawen : off topic - not news
(kdo) DELETED by Scawen : off topic - not news
(Fasthunt517) DELETED by Flame CZE : off-topic
(parxo) DELETED by Victor : Off topic.
Yeah, note to self; *remove haybales and barriers in corners to get more funny Youtube video's*
Is now doing the rounds on Facebook, >60k likes.
Big grin very nice Big grin
Quote from boothy :Couldn't be arsed creating a new thread, but I noticed LFS was on the front page of reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/2s8mgk/this_is_why_its_important_to_look_at_the_minimap/

I think this is the 3rd time that exact video has made the rounds on reddit.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :
Quote from boothy :Couldn't be arsed creating a new thread, but I noticed LFS was on the front page of reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/2s8mgk/this_is_why_its_important_to_look_at_the_minimap/

I think this is the 3rd time that exact video has made the rounds on reddit.

If it's not OC, it's a repost.
You should put these kind of comments on Reddit, not here. For LFS it's not bad to be repeatedly 'in the news'.. And guess what.. Almost nobody knows.. But there is a special topic for this. Wauw.
I have moved the Reddit-related posts to here, although it's not really paper news.
Paper news? Hmm yeah 1M views, actually its nothing compared to a newspaper Big grin (do they still exist? :o )
Quote from cargame.nl :Paper news? Hmm yeah 1M views, actually its nothing compared to a newspaper Big grin (do they still exist? :o )

Quote from Vykos69 :Here we should post links and infos about LFS in the printed news, TV, Radio, Conventions etc (sticky pls. Wink )

But yeah, it's not a big deal.
Quote from cargame.nl :You should put these kind of comments on Reddit, not here.

I'll comment where I damn well please.
(michele603) DELETED by Scawen : spam

LFS in the news
(742 posts, started )