Through the glass, darkly
(164 posts, started )
In the interests of openness and freedom of speech, ( Americans may need a dictionary at this point ) here is an interview with Bashar Al-Assad from 26 August this year.
As this will never have made your media you may find it interesting.

After all, there are two sides to every conversation.
No one cares
Bmxtwins wins the debate.
Oh, it was a debate ?

I thought it was just the standard " I dont give a f^$# cus they don't count as human " US point of view.

/begin sarcasm: Anyway, the US's rulers are again telling them what to do, so as US citizens have no say in their future I'm not surprised that watching Miley's bumps is far more important.
So, in the interests of freedom, for you in the US, here you go.

After all, faced with WW part 3, this is clearly the only thing that's important for you. /End sarcasm

Anyway, for those of us removed and taking a technical point of view, WW3 is looking interesting, the modelling I've seen has most of the US fleet in the med being taken out in the first 4 hours, Both Iran and Syria have the capability and when Russia joins in it should get really interesting. While Israel has 2/400 nukes that should take out the middle east they'll get wiped off the map as well.
Then we get into the Russia/US global melt down. But, I'm sure none of that will actually affect anyone........

Or, as an alternate strategy, people convince the US to back down.......
But wait, their only "following orders" aren't they ?
Quote from Racer X NZ :Oh, it was a debate ?

I thought it was just the standard " I dont give a f^$# cus they don't count as human " US point of view.

/begin sarcasm: Anyway, the US's rulers are again telling them what to do, so as US citizens have no say in their future I'm not surprised that watching Miley's bumps is far more important.
So, in the interests of freedom, for you in the US, here you go.

After all, faced with WW part 3, this is clearly the only thing that's important for you. /End sarcasm

Anyway, for those of us removed and taking a technical point of view, WW3 is looking interesting, the modelling I've seen has most of the US fleet in the med being taken out in the first 4 hours, Both Iran and Syria have the capability and when Russia joins in it should get really interesting. While Israel has 2/400 nukes that should take out the middle east they'll get wiped off the map as well.
Then we get into the Russia/US global melt down. But, I'm sure none of that will actually affect anyone........

Or, as an alternate strategy, people convince the US to back down.......
But wait, their only "following orders" aren't they ?

Gee whiz! You make it sound like it's a bad thing.
Hmmmm, no comment.

Just thought I'd give you in the US ( and Europe ) a quick warning, after all, the best way to start a war is for your 'enemy' to carry out an attack.

Found in the CBS report entitled ‘Graham: Nukes In Hands Of Terrorists Could Result In Bomb Coming To Charleston Harbor’, the report details Graham’s warning that a lack of military action in Syria could result in a nuclear ‘bombing’ in Charleston, South Carolina — the very destination of the black ops nuclear transfer. The CBS report reads:
“He [Graham] says if there is no U.S. response [to Syria], Iran will not believe America’s resolve to block Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Graham also says those nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists could result in a bomb coming to Charleston Harbor.”
Graham is quite literally saying that if we do not launch a war with Syria, South Carolina may be nuked. And this ultimately reeks of yet another false flag being orchestrated by the United States government in order to send us into war, or at the very least a threat. Except this time, we’re talking about nuclear weapons. Amazingly, we were the first to get intel on this from our credible and extremely high level military source, who told us the following:
“Dyess is beginning to move out nuclear war heads today. I got a tap from DERMO earlier. He said it was the first time they have been even acknowledged since being put there in the 80′s. No signature was required for transfer… There was no directive. He said that Dyess Commander was on site to give authority to release. No one knew where they were going really, but the truck driver said to take them to South Carolina and another pick up will take them from there.”
"Hopefully, this entire thing will amount to nothing and pass by without any form of ‘terror’ attack. Hopefully the attendee during the speech who told the US News publication that Graham’s speech was ‘absolute fear mongering’ is right. Unfortunately, the military source revealing this information is extremely accurate and is absolutely certain that a black ops nuclear transfer did indeed take place." ... ing-to-charleston-harbor/ ... fter-missing-nuke-report/

I have no idea how true this is but either a nuclear or chemical attack in either the US or Europe is really on the cards.

After all, your glorious leader has said that you will attack Syria, therefore a reason will be found, and if 'they' attack you first then that makes it 'right'.

We seem to be headed for an all out war so I recommend keeping cash on hand, food and water stocks up, and saying goodbye to relatives.

As someone who's old enough to know what the threat of war between Russia and the US, and now China as well actually means I strongly recommened you get some plans in place.

As Russia has asked the awkward question, " What will the US do if there is evidence that the rebels carried out, or are responsible for the chemical attack ?" the resounding silence to the question makes it clear what the agenda really is. Also, in addition to the increased Russian presence in the area, Russia's statements that they will support Syria, the increased Chinese naval presence in the area, the no brainer that Iran will join in as soon as Syria is attacked, it's all looking like a massive clusterf@#k is on the table.

However, at least after this people may stop asking when S3 is coming out, just trying to find a positive here.
Well I hope it is not in Europe because that would definitely delay S3.
How did this latest shooting in the US happen ?

Surely the shooter knew that he was in a gun free zone and guns were illegal there ?

Why didn't someone tell him ?

Or are they not the answer to shootings .....
Quote from Racer X NZ :How did this latest shooting in the US happen ?

Surely the shooter knew that he was in a gun free zone and guns were illegal there ?

Why didn't someone tell him ?

Or are they not the answer to shootings .....

"Alexis, a 34-year-old military contractor with secret security clearance, had gained access to the base with a valid pass"

Guess he was special :/
Here's some food for you cousin....
Israel, Iran and Syria....
1. What middle Eastern Country has the largest Jewish population besides Israel and Turkey? Answer Iran.
2. About a year and a half before the Syrian civil war, Israel conducted a mysterious air attack on something in Syria. Assad didn't even rattle a sabre.
Why? Could it be they were trying to take out some of Assad's competition?
Iran... Guess who provided them with intelligence on Saddam Hussein during their war with Iraq? That's right. Our friends in Israel.
Ever notice when HAMAS attacks Israel, or Israeli forces raid Gaza, the ONLY people killed are innocent civilians? Now you know both sides have the resources
and the know how to take out each other's leaders or high ranking members.
but the militants are content to shoot mortar rounds into farmer's fields and the IDF is just happy to take out Palestinian rock throwers and Christians that have nothing to do with HAMAS or the brigades. no leadership targets.
I mean if I was in HAMAS or the IDF, the other side would have to keep having elections to replace all the idiots I'd have taken out. No old farmers, no little kids. Nope I'd go after targets that would matter. Yet these people don't.
You want conspiracies, look at that.
Sure every now and then you hear of a HAMAS leader assassinated. But notice when that does happen, it's always a player that's been put out to pasture OR is a threat to HAMAS leadership. That right there should raise your little flags.
The Bletchley Park museum, which is chaired by former head of MI6 John Scarlet and is famous for its role as a center for code breaking during the second world war, is planning to open a new installation on cyber security but will not mention Edward Snowden for fear that it “might imply it approves of Snowden’s actions”, it was reported in the Guardian.

“It is not within the remit of the Bletchley Park trust to make political statements. We are very much a heritage institution and involved with education. So that will be the focus of the cyber-security exhibition – drawing lessons of the past for the future,” said Kelsey Griffin, director of Bletchley Park’s communications..............

So clearly the facts have no part in history, seriously, I can't keep up with this stuff !
Who needs 'conspiracy theories' when 'reality' is far more bizarre.

With the recent bombings in Russia, a careful read of the following may be educational. ... meeting-syria-egypt.html#

Especially given this quote from Prince Bandar Bin Sultan during the meeting, "As an example, I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics in the city of Sochi on the Black Sea next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us, and they will not move in the Syrian territory’s direction without coordinating with us. These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role or influence in Syria’s political future.” ... ror-foreign-ministry-993/
The ministry stressed that the Volgograd blasts were staged using the same template as recent terror attacks in the US, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and other countries.

“The position of some politicians and political strategists, who are still trying to divide terrorists as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ ones, depending on current geopolitical aims, is becoming evidently mischievous,” the ministry stressed. “Terrorism is always a crime and the punishment for it must be inevitable.”
Quote from Racer X NZ :With the recent bombings in Russia, a careful read of the following may be educational. ... meeting-syria-egypt.html#

Especially given this quote from Prince Bandar Bin Sultan during the meeting, "As an example, I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics in the city of Sochi on the Black Sea next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us, and they will not move in the Syrian territory’s direction without coordinating with us. These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role or influence in Syria’s political future.” ... ror-foreign-ministry-993/
The ministry stressed that the Volgograd blasts were staged using the same template as recent terror attacks in the US, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and other countries.

“The position of some politicians and political strategists, who are still trying to divide terrorists as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ ones, depending on current geopolitical aims, is becoming evidently mischievous,” the ministry stressed. “Terrorism is always a crime and the punishment for it must be inevitable.”

This one: ... meeting-syria-egypt.html#
Read it closely. Notice that the article is about a closed door meeting a supposed closed door meeting between Putin and Bandar.
Who was the source of this info if it was a closed door meeting? It sure has a lot of detail for a story that is all that classified and from an anonymous source, don't you think? I think story is the conspiracy theory equivalent of Bat Boy in the National Enquirer.
Cool story though.
As far as world leaders and other celebrities go, I like Putin. He's like the Sean Connery of Politicians. I want to launch a campaign to get him to quit being President of Russia and run Governor of Texas.
Either him, or that mayor in Toronto. Either one would be better than the clowns we have running now.
Have a guess....

Here's the same leak reported in the Telegraph.

The details of the talks were first leaked to the Russian press. A more detailed version has since appeared in the Lebanese newspaper As-Safir, which has Hezbollah links and is hostile to the Saudis. ... al-if-it-drops-Syria.html

So, yes there's quite a lot of detail, as in the complete transcript. I wonder who that leak upset the most !
I also think the Russians don't like being threatened by some US puppet dictator. ... al-family/277683585596093
As an additional piece of information, if you keep up with US news, here's a fun bit of disinfo........ ... y012014/911-questions.php

Just wait, after the Russian debacle, there will be more on this.

For those of you living in a highly delusional reality, read the following to get an idea of what I'm talking about.
I'm open for questions to clarify the real story, in the meantime, try reading the following links, unfortunately they are all actually factual. ! ... g-israelis-phony-lawsuit/ ... sraelis-arrested-9-11.htm ... aeli-s-on-9-11-speaks-out
You have too much free time.
Semi related to this thread:
Hey Racer X...
You like Conspiracies, right?
I have a nasty one. Unfortunately, it's not just another conspiracy theory and it will eventually wind up directly affecting me.
Ever heard of Fast and Furious? No. Not the movie.
This was some sort of major screw up done by our ATF and Justice Department.
Apparently, they allowed gun runners to buy assault rifles they knew was going into Mexico and into the hands of the cartels down there. Have you heard much on that? One of those guns was used in a hiomicide of a DEA agent. Fast and Furious was supposedly an investigation to track the guns bought by gun runners...WTF??? Any Idiot knew damned good and well where those guns were going. Hell, even the guy at the gun store contacted the ATF about his suspicions of the gunrunner buying guns instead of just filling out the paperwork
But that's what they claimed. What they really were doing was trying to find another lame excuse to disarm us - at least we thought.
It's very important to know the location where this particular action took place.
Recent the DEA admitted to high level deals with the Sinola cartel. Have you heard of them? The guy that runs it is almost as rich a Bill Gates.
They made deals that allowed them to bring in mega amounts of coke in exchange for ratting out their competitors.

Remember about knowing where the Fast and Furious gun "investigation" took place?
It took place in Arizona. The state that's directly above the stronghold of the Sinola cartel.
Another interesting thing about the Sinola Cartel was when President Calderon of Mexico unleashed the blood bath, he all but gave the Sinola cartel a free pass.

Where I live, there's already cartel related violence. It's increasing a little, but nothing like in Mexico, but that's fixing to change. And once it sinks in to the cartel guys that the DEA is truly as big a player as they are, that unwritten rule about going after American police goes out the window. And the restraint they show here in the states will vanish as well.
Here's the nasty view.

Yes, I certainly have, why is the Mex govt busy supporting these's criminals ?

The people make a choice and.... ... -battle-drug-cartel-thugs

However, the mex govt then make this choice..... ... as/32021/0/38/38/Y/M.html

If you want an answer, see the nasty view.

And, as an USA citizen, you may not be aware of this. ... ma-administration-policy/.

After all, that really sum's up your govt's view of the constitution.

Oh, and this just supports what I'm saying...... ... -around-the-constitution/
Thanks for providing a real source for once.
Quote from Bmxtwins :Thanks for providing a real source for once.

Which was the real source? FauxNews?
It's worth reading the following. ... ws/26077/0/38/38/Y/M.html

Every so often, the real journalist's who work for their respective co's can slide some actual information 'through the glass darkly'

There are honest people everywhere, it's just that they are in the minority as, for most people, keeping your mouth shut and playing the game is what get's you ahead in this current reality.

And, the US govt and drugs..... ... roops-inspector-says?lite ... ug-control_n_4603879.html

Historical facts. ... ine_trafficking_in_the_US

It's not as if this isn't public information, there are even songs about it....

Dear Mrs. Robinson, your boy died today
He died a brave man far away
We had our dope, stashed it up real fine
Inside his mind

So we removed his brain and put in a K
He'll come back to you that way
And when you get him home, we hope you'll dig it out
Dig it out

And when you get it dear, will you make sure of this
To give it back to me,
Because me and my offices have got a lot of clout

Micky Mouse's body bag gets FedExed from Kabul
Minnie Mouse, she wonders why the body bag's half-full
Oligarchs and oil barons tell Walt Disney the news
John Wayne marches off to war in Donald Duck's shoes

1 2 3 what are we fighting for,
Don't ask me I don't give a damn, next stop Afghanistan
"F**k the EU," Nuland allegedly says in what appeared to be a recent phone call with US ambassador to Kiev, Geoff Pyatt, which was somehow intercepted and uploaded on to YouTube accompanied by Russian captions.
US officials, while not denying such a conversation took place, refused to go into details, and pointed the finger at Russia for allegedly bugging the diplomats' phones. ... d=2&objectid=11198272

Oh dear, and Americans wonder why most of the world considers them a joke. How dare anyone bug a US Ambassadors phone, unless, perhaps, they got the idea from the US bugging the EU.......... ... ion-offices-a-908590.html
The documents SPIEGEL has seen indicate that the EU representation to the United Nations was attacked in a manner similar to the way surveillance was conducted against its offices in Washington. An NSA document dated September 2010 explicitly names the Europeans as a "location target".
Quote from Racer X NZ :"F**k the EU," Nuland allegedly says in what appeared to be a recent phone call with US ambassador to Kiev, Geoff Pyatt, which was somehow intercepted and uploaded on to YouTube accompanied by Russian captions.
US officials, while not denying such a conversation took place, refused to go into details, and pointed the finger at Russia for allegedly bugging the diplomats' phones. ... d=2&objectid=11198272

Oh dear, and Americans wonder why most of the world considers them a joke. How dare anyone bug a US Ambassadors phone, unless, perhaps, they got the idea from the US bugging the EU.......... ... ion-offices-a-908590.html
The documents SPIEGEL has seen indicate that the EU representation to the United Nations was attacked in a manner similar to the way surveillance was conducted against its offices in Washington. An NSA document dated September 2010 explicitly names the Europeans as a "location target".

"US officials, while not denying such a conversation took place, refused to go into details, and pointed the finger at Russia for allegedly bugging the diplomats' phones."

They sure did. They got Snowden to do it for them LOLOLOLOL.

Through the glass, darkly
(164 posts, started )