lfs is still one of the games i have installed on my computer for the longest amount of time. even if i do not play online very often i have driven thousands of miles in singleplayer and lan races.
the last two years the waiting got really boring and so i do not play that often anymore, also because i have more other stuff to do an less time.
what i still do not understand is why the attitude of the devs to the community has cooled down so much. lfs was so special with this ongoing development and the active community that wanted nothing but help scavier make lfs the best racing simulator ever. what other game that you played was so good even in its alpha stages?
so my biggest grief is still that they decided not to give us the vws and the lx8 for reasons that are not really valid in my eyes. i does not matter for the fun if the physics are not 100% accurate and we have to learn it all over again when the new physics get released anyways! even with the state lfs is in today it is still one of the best, if not the best racing simulator ever!
also it can´t be that hard to open that little industrial area in south city to expand the existing track untill new tracks for s3 are finished.
but i think slowly it is over - people are getting tired of waiting turn away, what is really sad, because then the devs have one less reason to do anything to keep the existing users happy.
on the playstation they even released a gran tourismo "prolog" at some point and people went crazy buying it because they were hungry for new stuff even if it was not a full game.
so scavier if you need money then please release something small as a intermediate update to bridge the waiting gap to s3 with new physics, day and night time and weather effects (and a rally pack...)!!!
we will buy it!
thank you!
peace, mo
the last two years the waiting got really boring and so i do not play that often anymore, also because i have more other stuff to do an less time.
what i still do not understand is why the attitude of the devs to the community has cooled down so much. lfs was so special with this ongoing development and the active community that wanted nothing but help scavier make lfs the best racing simulator ever. what other game that you played was so good even in its alpha stages?
so my biggest grief is still that they decided not to give us the vws and the lx8 for reasons that are not really valid in my eyes. i does not matter for the fun if the physics are not 100% accurate and we have to learn it all over again when the new physics get released anyways! even with the state lfs is in today it is still one of the best, if not the best racing simulator ever!
also it can´t be that hard to open that little industrial area in south city to expand the existing track untill new tracks for s3 are finished.
but i think slowly it is over - people are getting tired of waiting turn away, what is really sad, because then the devs have one less reason to do anything to keep the existing users happy.
on the playstation they even released a gran tourismo "prolog" at some point and people went crazy buying it because they were hungry for new stuff even if it was not a full game.
so scavier if you need money then please release something small as a intermediate update to bridge the waiting gap to s3 with new physics, day and night time and weather effects (and a rally pack...)!!!

we will buy it!
thank you!
peace, mo