Poll : vote for all applicable

Live For Slicks
Baby UFR
OtherTongue" />lease state
XRT RallyCross
Next series poll
Sooo. Do you Live For Slicks or want the baby, or do you Live For Dirt??
#2 - Sobis
Which one is a team championship (multiple people driving 1 car)?
GT3 which comes after this series would, January or February.
Life For Slicks deserves another try - just keep me out of it.
#6 - OTone
Quote from Senninha25 :Life For Slicks deserves another try - just keep me out of it.

Desculpa caro amigo Rui mas para mim UFB é sinonimo de toneladas de diversão!
Quote from OTone :Desculpa caro amigo Rui mas para mim UFB é sinonimo de toneladas de diversão!

#8 - OTone
I know u got it
Matt? Nah, he doesn't understand mexican language...

UF Baby-R = Tons of fun, popular series in the past that has the potential to be just as popular nowadays.
L4Slicks = Fresh concept that deserves another try as long as there's a really good team of admins behind it.
XRT Rallycross = Also fun, but can get stale pretty quickly.

Choose as you wish!
great feedback so far guys, I will give the poll until Wednesday or Thursday to run before I start making any plans to make sure we can run the series.
RallyX then L4S
We will pursue L4S as a series once again, with UFBR series as a backup.
hi guys,
we are testing @ slicktest pw temp
make sure you load the slick exe then join server
The way the vote stands live for slicks would be our next season, I am goin to leave voting up until friday, please post any comments and concerns you have
So... UFB it is. After testing I found the L4S concept to be too hard to reproduce in a manner I wish to create. We will therefore focus on UFB after tests. Thank you for voting it has served its purpose of seeing if a series would be successful. I do believe a UFB series could hold a better participation over the course of a short season. Details to come shortly on schedule and I hope everyone will check back soon (2-3 days) for new information!
for now you can start signing up @ https://docs.google.com/forms/ ... y-IeNRT4QhsPbXu4/viewform
https://docs.google.com/spread ... M0NLY0hCUlU4Snd0Ync#gid=0
makes sense
Schedule - no dates or laps yet
1. SO1r
2. FE1
3. AS1
thats the proposed schedule, suggest any changes please
Will this championship be held on Saturdays like Fox Junior?
And I prefer KY2 rather than K21, but this is only my opinion.
Yes, Ky21 will be ok since there will be no pitstops needed and imo ky2 has too long fromt stretches for this car.
allow bumpdraftin pls