RacerX would you advocate this book?
yeah. 9-11 was an inside job. See, one of the people that worked there was going to blow the lid off that whole fake moon landing. So in order to cover up the murder, they decided a terrorist attack would be a great idea. The free Masons, working with the Illuminati and the Nation of Islam recruited Bin Laden and his whacked out henchmen to be the scapegoat. like what they did With Lee Harvey Oswald and Princess Di's REAL driver. This was all done as part of a long term strategy to get Obama in the White House. And we all know who he really is.
They made one small mistake though. See the guy they were after was a janitor that worked second shift. He was in New Jersey at the time of the attack. But don't worry he's safe. He's living in N. Korea with Amy Winehouse. That's why Dennis Rodman goes over there so much.
Haven't you noticed the increase in UFO sightings since Bin Laden was killed?
It all makes sense.
Don't call him a dummie. He is keeping this forum interesting.
God knows Scavier aren't doing their part.
If the 'official' conspiracy theory ( and they all are just theories ) was rejected by the 911 commission then why the refusal to actually look at what happened.?

The 'official' story is far more of a looney conspiracy theory than many other theories.

Perhaps that's why people are so desperate to support it.
And again, I love the way that rather look at the issue, the aim appears to be to draw attention away from the issue by attacking me for pointing out some questions.

I love the ' your just attacking America ' bit, no, actually if you could stop starting new wars every 15 minutes, stop spying on the world, we'd actually like you a lot more, and as for some bizarre reason we're one of the few allies you have left, I think the NZ hates America is a bit of desperation.

So, 19 Muslim extremists managed to outwit the entire US intelligence system, managed to stand NORAD down, managed to outwit all airport security, and managed to display flying skills even top airforce pilots can't emulate, causing 3 buildings to collapse in free fall into their own footprint, place a 757 into a 10 ft hole with no bits left over.........

And I'm the one accused of crazy theories !

At least mine follow the laws of physics and common sense.
Quote from Bmxtwins :RacerX your opinions are automatically invalid

Quote from Mustangman759 :RacerX would you advocate this book?

I applaud you guys for your ignorance, you clearly are special.

Just because one wants to disagree, you start attacking him. Let him have his theories, I bet you don't even know about that shit much more, apart from the bs newssites which you blindly believe.
Quote from Racer Y :yeah. 9-11 was an inside job. See, one of the people that worked there was going to blow the lid off that whole fake moon landing. So in order to cover up the murder, they decided a terrorist attack would be a great idea. The free Masons, working with the Illuminati and the Nation of Islam recruited Bin Laden and his whacked out henchmen to be the scapegoat. like what they did With Lee Harvey Oswald and Princess Di's REAL driver. This was all done as part of a long term strategy to get Obama in the White House. And we all know who he really is.
They made one small mistake though. See the guy they were after was a janitor that worked second shift. He was in New Jersey at the time of the attack. But don't worry he's safe. He's living in N. Korea with Amy Winehouse. That's why Dennis Rodman goes over there so much.
Haven't you noticed the increase in UFO sightings since Bin Laden was killed?
It all makes sense.

You know, this could be expanded into a real funny satire of conspiracy theorists.
Quote from nikopdr :I applaud you guys for your ignorance, you clearly are special.

Just because one wants to disagree, you start attacking him. Let him have his theories, I bet you don't even know about that shit much more, apart from the bs newssites which you blindly believe.

Common sense can be used.
Quote from nikopdr :I applaud you guys for your ignorance, you clearly are special.

Just because one wants to disagree, you start attacking him. Let him have his theories, I bet you don't even know about that shit much more, apart from the bs newssites which you blindly believe.

Quote from Bmxtwins :I blame wikipedia

Spot on Niko.
12 years of arguing.

Never forget.

P.S. it was an inside job of course.

Quote from TexasLTU :12 years of arguing.

Never forget.

P.S. it was an inside job of course.

I don't recall ever claiming that.

I have said that the official theory is, by far, the craziest looney conspiracy theory out there. Let's try to have a theory that is supported by the laws of newtonian physics at least.

What is the issue with having an investigation that at least accepts that newtonian physics exists, and actually looks at evidence ?

Unless of course, like the Gulf of Tomkin, there may be a 'Conspiracy' that doesn't want the facts to be made public.........

As conspiracy theories are never supported by facts, for me to claim that 5 Israeli's were arrested on 911 for filming the attack would just be unsubstantiated rumour, expect, here's their appearance on Israeli TV boasting about it. http://www.bollyn.com/five-dancing-israelis/
Oh, sorry, should I have said 'reducted' to prevent any 'anti semetic' abuse ?

The explosive story of the 5 suspicious Israelis seen celebrating while filming the attacks on the World Trade Center was first reported nationally in American Free Press shortly after September 11. ABC News recently reported on this story and added a comment that deserves attention.
The Forward, a respected Jewish newspaper in New York, reported that at least two of the men were Israeli intelligence (Mossad) agents. The Israeli agents were first seen filming the attack on the WTC while kneeling on the roof of a white van in the parking lot of a New Jersey apartment building across the river from lower Manhattan.
"They seemed to be taking a movie," the resident who noticed them said. The men were taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background, she said. What struck her were the expressions on the men's faces. "They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange," she said.
She found the behavior so suspicious that she wrote down the license plate number of the van and called the police. The FBI was soon on the scene and a statewide bulletin was issued on the van.
The van belonged to a Mossad front company called Urban Moving Systems. Around 4 p.m. on Sept. 11, the van was pulled over, and five Israelis: Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari, all between 22 and 27 years old, were arrested at gunpoint. One had $4,700 in cash hidden in his sock while another carried two foreign passports. Box cutters were found in the van.
According to the police report, one of the men said they had been on the West Side Highway in Manhattan "during the incident" — referring to the World Trade Center attack. Sivan Kurzberg, the driver, said, "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem."
The case was turned over to the FBI's Foreign Counterintelligence Section because the FBI believed Urban Moving Systems was a “cover for an Israeli intelligence operation,” ABC reported.
While the FBI searched the company’s Weehawken, N.J., offices, removing boxes of documents and a dozen computer hard drives, the owner of the company, Dominic Suter, was allowed to flee the country. When FBI agents tried to interview Suter a second time they discovered that he had cleared out of his New Jersey home and fled to Israel.
When ABC reporters visited Urban Moving Systems, “it looked as if it had been shut down in a big hurry. Cell phones were lying around; office phones were still connected; and the property of dozens of clients remained in the warehouse.”
The Israelis had been held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, for overstaying their tourist visas and working in the United States illegally. Two weeks after their arrest, an immigration judge ordered them to be deported, however, FBI and CIA officials in Washington put a hold on the case, according to ABC.
The five men were held in detention for more than two months. Some of them were placed in solitary confinement for 40 days and given as many as seven lie-detector tests. One of them, Paul Kurzberg, refused to take a lie-detector test for 10 weeks and then failed it, according to his lawyer.
A deal was struck between Israeli and U.S. government officials after 71 days and the five Israelis were put on a plane, and deported to Israel.
The detained Israelis discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show after their return home. One of the men said: "The fact of the matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event."

So, my first question is, how did they know it would happen then ?

No one prepared to answer that question ?

Come on, your quick enough to accuse me of looney theories, here's some evidence suggesting something that no one wants to go near, and...........

And, as a point, NZ has charged Mossad with stealing NZ passports, an investigation that has been covered up as we don't want to upset them.........
http://www.stuff.co.nz/nationa ... der-accused-had-Kiwi-link
Quote from Racer X NZ :So, 19 Muslim extremists managed to outwit the entire US intelligence system, managed to stand NORAD down, managed to outwit all airport security, and managed to display flying skills even top airforce pilots can't emulate, causing 3 buildings to collapse in free fall into their own footprint...
...at least [my theory] follows the laws of physics and common sense.

As far as out-witting the US intelligence system, that happens. You think if it was that easy to catch these people that they would need to tap into phones, emails, etc...? No. It's difficult. Very difficult. The sheer number of real plots, false leads, and other information that they have to follow means things fall through the cracks. Do you think the Boston bombing was an inside job as well? What about the London bombing? These things happen.

You think out-witting airport security is difficult? Even today, we constantly hear of all sorts of crazy items that slip past the TSA... and this is TODAY. Back before 9/11, security wasn't nearly as tight. Remember when people who didn't have a ticket could go through security and hang out with their friends/family at the gate until they left?

Flying skills top air force pilots can't emulate? What the hell are you talking about. It you have basic flight training, you should be able to pilot an airliner into a massive target. It's not like they had to fly through the trench and hit a 2-meter-wide target the size of a Womp Rat...

The only people who insist that the buildings shouldn't have collapsed into their own foot-prints are those who don't understand how physics works, or the structure of the buildings themselves... so no, you aren't following the laws of physics or common sense.
See my above post, and I'll accept the very faint possibility on WTC1 & 2 due to their construction. However, how they collapsed in the manner they did does suggest that jet fuel is one of the least likely explinations for their collapse and the 2 month long, high temperature fires in the bases of all three buildings which are clearly recorded by a range of sources, not least the company contracted to clean up. Unless kerosene really does remain burning at over 2000 degrees for two months plus. Physics and chemistry suggests that that is unlikely. Particually in the case of WTC7 which never had any exposure to the magical properties of kerosene.

BUT, WTC7, sorry, it was a conventional building, many have caught fire, far worse than WTC7. NONE have ever collapsed into their own footprint in freefall EVER. that is, except for WTC7, who's owner said, 'We have to pull it' shortly before it collapsed.

And here is John Kerry, who I believe is someone important in the US government, so I'm sure you'll believe him if not me, is here saying WTC7 was brought down by a Controlled Demolition.

Do I need to warn the NSA that your a 'threat to national security' for disagreeing with your Secretary of State ?

Are you some commie conspiracy theorist who hates mum, apple pie and your current Secretary of State, who we all know would never lie.

Or do you want to accept that WTC7 was brought down by a controlled demolition ?

What company was doing security on that airport, ( same airport for all the hijackers ) and who fled the country to 'reducted' before they could be interviewed about the security lapses ?

Sorry, check the flight of a 757 into the pentagon, as we all know it was a 757. They have wing's, they have flight performance guidelines and standards. Even throwing those out the window, top airforce pilots state that they could not achieve that in that aircraft.

Again, see my above post. An answer to my questions there may cast light on my questions and answers here.

But wait, no one wants to go near those questions....
Lets see if the next posts reflect this cynical point of view.
it was america playing yenga XXL
No, even cats can't achieve their result.
I know the reason the twin towers fell: Gravity.
Quote from wheel4hummer :I know the reason the twin towers fell: Gravity.

Uhm, i thought the reason was the twin towers?
Without leaving myself open to be blamed of shouting nonsense along with you all I'd like to add (if I may) that you all should grab a plane ticket to Abu Dabi (sp?), grab a donkey merchant; and ask, "may I suk your donkey's left testicle please?"

...die spam die
...Stang wrote:
"The only people who insist that the buildings shouldn't have collapsed into their own foot-prints are those who don't understand how physics works, or the structure of the buildings themselves... so no, you aren't following the laws of physics or common sense."

The buildings operated like a giant flume. All the zietgiest or whatever it's called. All their fans forget things.
The airplanes basically hit the top of the building and caught fire. The buildings are air conditioned and had a flow of oxygen to feed those flames. and more importantly, the shape of the buildings was like a giant hyper charger for the fire.
As more fuel was sucked in, the building got hotter. Steel gets soft and concrete breaks when enough heat is put on them. I bet there was a wind current inside those buildings that topped 500mph as the air got closer to the fire as well.
And why the buildings fell the way they did is due to its foundation as much as anything else. These buildings floated and was suspended in place.
There wasn't hidden agents putting bombs on the framework the day before. There wasn't some top secret government collaborations involved to bring down these towers.
All it was was some super rich whacked out narcissist deciding that if he could get a couple of other idiots to learn the basics of commercial flight, they could take over a plane and wreck it into something. It wasn't a work of genius. It was a crazy act carried out by crazy people that had the money to get into flight school.
As far as van driving mossad agents.... When the planes struck the towers, it wasn't it an all at once thing. It took a while. They had plenty of time to get out a camera and record things after the first plane hit.
That wasn't the only incident of people being reported for acting suspicious during and after the attacks. I remember a guy getting arrested in a strip club for saying something the stripper thought was linked to the attaqck. THere was a case of some arab guys getting detained because a waitress in a Dennys decided they were acting suspicious. I think some of them had expired Visas too. This is America, as much as 10% of our population are illegal aliens.
There was all kinds of chatter coming from Al qeda in the summer of that year. They even released a report that they were going to do something really big in September. It wasn't Bin Laden's first time to attack the towers. He really had it bad for them. I don't see why it's so hard to accept that all it took to bring down the towers was a psychopath with a big bank account.
Scientists have said that people who dont belive into inside job are mentally unstable due to drinking too much colored drinks such as cola and eating all kind of that sh*t that makes their brains washable.
Well, it all seems very silent from the US's group who love to say 'Your a raving loony', For those who enjoy freedom of thought etc what do you think caused this ?

Perhaps their Secretary of State, in yet another oops moment, saying that WTC7 was brought down in a controlled demolition as it was 'unsafe'.

Now, for those of us left that still believe in the laws of physics and common sense, here's another question, how long does it take to wire a building for a controlled demolition ?

And, for Racer Y, one of the few sane US posters, I'll give you WTC1 & WTC2, yes, it 'may' be 'faintly' possible that kerosine caused them to collapse, how that kept 2000 degree fires burning for 2 months is beyond me.
I know, why not actually have an enquiry into how that happened !

But WTC7 ?, even your Secretary of State says it was a Controlled Demolition.
And I'm sure that Mossad just happened to have people standing around with video camera's just in case 2 757's flew into buildings that day.

The following made the news once on 911, then vanished.

This may cast a bit more light on the situation........
( And, yes, they do consider you to be idiots !, USS Liberty pretty much proved that )
If you throw your theories and beliefs at other people and neither are able to proove them, nore let people falsify your theory by proof, then that theory of yours is called religion.
You really really are a fundamentalist, a fascistic believer.


der trollfeederbutz.
Quote from nikopdr :I applaud you guys for your ignorance, you clearly are special.

Just because one wants to disagree, you start attacking him. Let him have his theories, I bet you don't even know about that shit much more, apart from the bs newssites which you blindly believe.

America. Home of truly mindnumbing ignorance.
Try looking at my post's dude. A video statement counts as a legal binding statement in a court of law. Particually as there are no signs of duress, or in the US's case, waterboarding, to get a confession.
Mind you, in the US either would be legal, fortunately I support neither so none of my evidence has been aquired using these methods.

The fact that this evidence is too much for people to cope with isn't really my issue sorry !

Any case depends on facts, not emotional feelings that something 'couldn't happen'.

All I'd like to see is an enquiry that looks at the facts, but that's just so likely to happen !

"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"

And, here again as a repost, John Kerry, US Secretary of State, saying WTC7 was brought down as a Controlled Demolition because it was 'unsafe'

And, again, 2000+ architects and engineers stating that the NIST report on how WTC7 fell, is inaccurate.

Which is fully supported by the US Secretary of States statement above.

And finally, here's George Carlin pointing out a few facts to Americans that are well worth understanding, if you get this, then the rest makes sense.

And here's the Chaser's view......... ( Damn Aussi conspiracy theorists )

And we could, for everyone else in the world who enjoys a joke, look at this shafting of the US peoples intelligence.

Damn Aussi's again. I reckon they need a good nuking...........

9/11 Conspiracy Theories - How the Towers Fell
(1218 posts, started )