Sorry for making these threads but im just trying to learn more and more each day :P So let me get started :P
Basiclly i've made a OnCarContact code witch works perfectly fine untill a PlayerName gets to long or the message itself gets to long a example :
This does not show the whole message when a player is hit. I've tried to but it in a Var but still diden't work any ideas?
Thanks! Yoran
Sorry for making these threads but im just trying to learn more and more each day :P So let me get started :P
Basiclly i've made a OnCarContact code witch works perfectly fine untill a PlayerName gets to long or the message itself gets to long a example :
MessageToAll("^1** ^2Collision : " + _players[CON.A.PLID].PName + " ^1(^2" + _players[CON.A.PLID].CName + "^1)" + "^2 hit " + _players[CON.B.PLID].PName);
Thanks! Yoran