Round 3 [SO4] - Confirmations
Please use the following format to confirm your entry:

Number, Firstname Lastname, LFS username, Teamname

An example:
Quote :010, Joe Public, every1one, Example Racing Team

Please only confirm your participation if you are planning to take part in the main event. The 64 fastest confirmed drivers from pre-qualifying will be allowed to take part in the main event. The confirmation deadline is Tuesday at 23:59 UTC.

All confirmed drivers that did not attend must withdraw by Thursday, 03.10.2013 at 19:45 UTC to not receive a 15-point penalty.
84, Bernhard Schupfner, Berndithebig, BurnoutCrew
42, Iiro Sollman, Ippetus, Team Munapaat
37, Mihail Velikov, MVelikov, Fast And Crazy
48, Christian Müller, Ascona b, eXtrem Racing
96, Mike Peters, Mikey23, eXtrem Racing
17, Mike Röll, jonny5lebt, BurnoutCrew
#7 - OTone
06, Ricardo Costa, OTone, Sonicrealms Racing
19, Przemek Wdowiarz, przemek21061995, Conquest Racing
99, Miłosz Garbolewski, Asnl, Conquest Racing
85, Jens Schreiber,Jens_Schreiber, BurnoutCrew
72, Jan-Ole Schreiber, Jan-Ole, BurnoutCrew
09, Andrejs Laipnieks, Laipnieks,
(Smashmolth) DELETED by Smashmolth
50, Otto Taskinen, ukkojokkis, Genuine Racing
76, Charlie Guerra, Riddick, Sonicrealms Racing
74. Vladimir Milosevic, Vlado_M , mega team racers
27,Vladan Sofijanic,sofke,serbian racing team
22, Max Gode, super hero
91, Markus Blohn, NiceGuy, BurnoutCrew
79, Sebastian Johansson, Failezz, Genuine Racing
80, Chris McElroy, Degats, [TC] Racing
64, Martin Kapal, Flame CZE, SAVAGE SimSports
33, Karl Raudsepp, TypeRacing, SAVAGE SimSports
16, Joona Rantala, CardsetCrazy, Sonicrealms Racing
82, Pete Butcher, MButcher, [TC] Racing
#24 - Muc
23, Mārtiņš Mucenieks, Muc, Sex Tourism Organizers
073, Csaba Terhes, TCsabee,
This thread is closed