GT World Series 2014 - Team Entry
Welcome to the Inaugrual Season of New Dimension Racing's GT World Series!
If you wish to apply a team to the series, please follow the instructions below, TO THE LETTER.
We WILL ignore ANY application that does not conform to the requirements.
To Apply your Team
Make a post in this thread listing the team name, and team drivers, then a "Team Car" instance as specified for each car you wish to enter for your team.
teamName: Example Motorsports
teamManager: {username, Forename Surname}
- {username, Forename Surname} NOTE: one vice-manager per line, maximum of 3.
- {username, Forename Surname, Country} NOTE: one line per driver, no maximum
# Team Car x (where x = instance number)
class: GT1 or GT2
car: FZR or XRR or FXR
number: (02-49 if GT1, 52-99 if GT2 - 01 and 51 are reserved for ineX Racing)
An example of an initial Application:
teamName: New Dimension Racing
teamManager: {dekojester, Jonathan Palmer}
- {Deutschland2007, Dominik Engel}
- {hyntty, Timo Hynninen}
- {dekojester, Jonathan Palmer, USA}
- {CSF, Chris Ford, Scotland}
- {hyntty, Timo Hynninen, Finland}
- {Deutschland2007, Dominik Engel, Germany}
- {TFalke55, Thilo Falkenberg, Germany}
- {jonathon.provost, Jonathon Provost, England}
# Team Car 1
class: GT1
car: FZR
number: 42
# Team Car 2
class: GT2
car: XRR
number: 69
To Edit Your Team Application
QUOTE the first post for your team (the master post for your team) and then list the changes being made. All master posts will be linked in the entry list.
List ONLY THE CHANGES, and which line of the application it affects, and what change must be made, if necessary.
Commands (Please ALWAYS give the command all upper-case): REMOVE/DELETE, ADD, CHANGE
REMOVE driver {hyntty, Timo Hynninen, Finland}
ADD driver {boothy, Michael Booth, Scotland}
CHANGE class FROM GT1 to GT2
To DELETE your Team Application or a Team Car
Quote the Master Post for your team, and state which element you are deleting, using this command:
DELETE Entry for {element}
Example: DELETE Entry for New Dimension Racing Team Car 2.
Applications Processing
Numbers are selected by the team from the remaining pool of numbers. Additional number space will be opened up at administration discretion if necessary.
This thread will be locked during the time period from 18:00 UTC on the Friday prior to a Round, to 18:00 UTC on the Sunday following a Round. Any edit to a Team Roster that is urgent in nature must be submitted via PM to both dekojester and Deutschland2007 for review and implementation if permitted
You may view our current record of your team here.
Sorted in no particular order; Ctrl+F your team name to find your team.
At This Time...
Teams may enter one OR MORE car(s) per class.
The Initial Application Period will end at 23:59 UTC on Wednesday, October 17, 2013.
Summary of Entries
GT1 (15):
01 ineX Racing
02 Team Vires
03 My3id Gaming NC:R3 - Withdrawn after Round 3
04 M5S RacingTeam NC:R4
05 aceX Motorsport NC:R2
06 nFinity eSports Racing
07 Conquest Racing
08 Conquest Racing
09 Genuine Racing
10 Dynamix Racing - Withdrawn after Round 2
11 Corse Motorsports
14 Scuderia Gas Racing Team
19 Racing League Romania - Withdrawn after Round 1
22 vortex.eu - Withdrawn after Round 3
25 Last Lap Motorsports
27 1v1 outside m8
29 Genuine Racing
30 Nitor Velox - Withdrawn after Round 4
33 CoRe Racing
49 Race Green Autosports
GT2 (23):
52 Last Lap Motorsports
53 FNC/ Simsports
54 Team Vires
55 aceX Motorsport
56 SAVAGE SimSports
57 rForce NC:R2,R4 - Withdrawn after Round 4
58 Team Vires
59 Genuine Racing
60 World Class Lions
61 World Class Lions
62 Last Lap Motorsports
63 Team Vires
64 World Class Lions NS:R3
65 SAVAGE SimSports
66 CoRe Racing NC:R2
67 Wonder Girls - Withdrawn after Round 1
69 Mafia Racing
70 Dynamix Racing - Withdrawn after Round 2
71 Scuderia Gas Racing Team
72 Last Lap Motorsports - Withdrawn after Round 3
73 Absolute Beginners
74 Rest of the World - Withdrawn after Round 4
75 1v1 outside m8
77 CoRe Racing
78 nFinity eSports Racing
81 Serbian Racing Team NS:R3 NC:R4 - Withdrawn after Round 4
82 Last Lap Motorsports - Withdrawn after Round 3
88 Iron Club
89 Gangster Squad
91 LT Racing NC:R2,R3 - Automatically withdrawn after Round 3; Number was used in a Q session, therefore has been officially used.
96 Poncha & Espetada Racing - Withdrawn after Round 4
98 Sonicrealms Racing NC:R3,R4 - Automatically withdrawn after Round 4; Number was used in a Q session, therefore has been officially used.
99 Sonicrealms Racing NC:R3,R4 - Automatically withdrawn after Round 4; Number was used in a Q session, therefore has been officially used.