GenR GTi Trophy 2013: Championship Standings
I thought only the two top drivers from each team were counted towards the team standing?
Updated with the correct points, sorry about that!
Thought something had to wrong when SR had 636 points already!
Can you check again Fast And Crazy's points? Because i think that they are calculated wrong.
Somehow managed to miss the second driver. Fixed.
#7 - OTone
Quote from mbutcher :I thought only the two top drivers from each team were counted towards the team standing?

No no, nothing was wrong.
Updated standings after Round 2.
The position columns in both tables seem to be mixed up
Umm, what?
He's right. If you look at 'Pos.' column they're wrong. Think they're still for round 1.
Oh that! Woopsy. Fixed!
Updated standings after Round 3.
Driver Championship points after Round 3 shows same file as after Round 2 for me
Positions seems to be messed up too in Team Championship
You've linked to the wrong driver standings spreadsheet.
Fixed and fixed.
100(should be 102)+118+105 = 102
It's odd how it took the formula away from your name. Fixed. Also, it should be 100 because Grid 2 points start at 100.
Updated standings after Round 4.
Updated standings after Round 5.
Updated standings after Round 6.
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