LX Challenge 2013: Round 1 Race Discussion
Round 1. Races 1 and 2.

Date: 13 October 2013
Time: Free Practice 18:05 UTC (20 minutes) :: Qualifying 18:30 UTC (20 Minutes - Scrutineering Start 18:27) :: Race 1 19:00 UTC :: Race 2 19:40 UTC
Race Distance: 30 minutes
Course: Blackwood Grand Prix Reversed (BL1R)
Weather: Clear Day
Wind: None
Notes: The top 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 from Race 1 finishing order will be reversed for the start of Race 2. Draw will be announced at the end of Race 1.

Track Map
Any chance of posting a baseline set?
Quite fun to drive with the fixed setup
Quote from dekojester :
Track Map

on this track map, split 2 comes before split 1.

after reading through all these rules i'm in full-on high concentration mode
#7 - troy
It was awesome today guys. Brilliant concept with semi-fixed.
Even tough I'm shit at lx cars, it was the most fun I had in times will do this more. here have a nice pic and another one
Quote from jmeade :Session of Incident: Race 2
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident: Various, please see below
Car(s) involved 98, 21
Location of Incident (Track Map Here), Various, please see below
Brief Description of Incident:

So driver #21 was quite upset with me after race #1. I do not know why, the only contact I had with him was at Race 1 timestamp 15:32 which I feel was unavoidable. I have a feeling he is holding me responsible for the incident exiting turn 2 at timestamp 28:35 ... clearly, I had nothing to do with that incident. But he exchanged words with me after the race, accused me of punting him off because I am incapable of making clean passes.

I had a feeling that he would go after me in race #2 and he did:
0:38 - A punt into the back in turn 1
0:46 - a divebomb and forcing me wide into the grass on exit in turn 2
10:00 - a punt from behind in the chicane and a wheel-to-wheel slam into the final hairpin
11:30 - he finally finished the job by dumping me in the chicane causing lost time
23:55 - I chased him back down, passed him and he hit me 3 times between the chicane and hairpin
24:20 then rammed me from behind in turn 1

...nothing more to say

0:38 - minor contact caused by traffic or you not accelerating - no effect to your race
0:46 - hard to say as it looks like you did pinch a bit, but a dive bomb none the less
10:00 - first contact didn't do much, but then you drifted wide and he runs into you. Imo racing accident. But then you both get it on track and matt drifts into your side. He is at fault but probably should've just given up spot as apology at the most.
11:30 - into the chicane you get into his rear end messing up his chicane center and then you guys collide on the exit, you can see matt was on the brakes early when he saw the contact. I dont think it was malicious, and i'm not sure who is at fault as I have a conflicted interest
23:55 - you muck up your chicane in front of him by putting 2 tires off the curb and he slightly bumps you. You take a defensive line into last corner (low) and slide up a bit, he tries to dive low and minorly scrapes you, then continues to scrape you on exit as he slid into the grass, but it didn't effect your race - only slowed him down.
24:20 - you brake really early compared to him - check previous laps, he has a late brake point. Anyways he locked it up and when he did make contact with you it had no effect and sent him into a slide.

So basically you are protesting 6 incidents on track in which maybe 1 and most a second was Matt's fault/ actually had any major significance?

Correct me if I am wrong
- And don't take this the wrong way, I know it's your right to protest and I'm not questioning that, but I am just here to discuss and voice my opinion.
Long story short, car #21 was mad at me after race 1 for reasons that I still can not figure out. I was no where near his incident in the closing laps of race #1.

We went into race #2 and car 21 ran into the back of me 7 times, forced me off the track and spun me out...that is what is being protested
Quote from jmeade :Long story short, car #21 was mad at me after race 1 for reasons that I still can not figure out. I was no where near his incident in the closing laps of race #1.

We went into race #2 and car 21 ran into the back of me 7 times, forced me off the track and spun me out...that is what is being protested

I reviewed the race one incident after the other driver apologized, sorry about not sending mine earlier but the second race was starting. I knew before the race started you had not hit me.
Race2: Lap 1 : you left the door open on the bottom I went for the more than sizeable gap, only slight contact which pushed you wide, I thought I gave you plenty of room but will let admins judge it.
Second wreck (forget lap): you hit me in the rear and forced me to mess corner up, bounce off the curb which gave me a handful on the steering and made contact with you, you wrecked yourself there your problem. If your mad about the other contacts I can understand but they did not cause you to wreck. I raced everyone aggressively even my brother.
What I want the administration to see out of that race is that every time I got ahead of car 21, he hit me up the back in the next corner to re-take the place.

Lap 1: I started ahead and he punted me into 1, pushed me off in turn 2.
...I chase him down...
Lap 7: I re-pass him on the backstretch he punts me in the back in the chicane and hairpin
...I chase him down...
Lap 8: I re-pass him on the backstretch, he dumps me coming out of the chicane
...I chase him down...
Lap 17: I re-pass him on the backstretch, he punts me in the chicane...is still behind me so he punts me again into turn 1 on lap 18.

I don't care how the protest goes, it is just setting the precedent for the type of overtaking that will be tolerated in this series.

...I am done with this subject, it is out of my hands
Well your not supposed to editorialize the protests, thats up to the admins and they have handed out penalties for it before. like I said I raced aggressive but you caused yourself to spin after you pushed me wide onto the curb and my car bounced off it wrong into yours.
This is the discussion thread, Matt.

While we're at it:
Troy why do you use your brake and clutch improperly?
#16 - troy
eheh, I get asked all the time I started because the spacing on the G25 pedals was pretty horrible for heel and toeing, these days I'm just so used to this way that I'm not sure I could switch any more without serious consequences for other fellow racers.
Quote from troy :eheh, I get asked all the time I started because the spacing on the G25 pedals was pretty horrible for heel and toeing, these days I'm just so used to this way that I'm not sure I could switch any more without serious consequences for other fellow racers.

I would have problems when driving in real life then, you don't?