hats off, Fordman! it made my day to read Scawen's post and i'm glad i was wrong that he wouldn't repeat his message
regarding open source, there only needs to be 1 open source racing simulator??? everyone just develop that. i was going to mention TORCS which btw has been forked a few times so i fail to see the advantage to be gained with LFS. Dave has the most realistic suggestion of doing some smaller improvements but i'd be afraid of the lost control.
regarding fps btw in case you don't know LFS input processing is not affected by your fps. 120 "fps" on a 60hz monitor is 100% no different than 60 fps! sorry this is logic haha.
regarding 3D: having done the shutter glasses, it was cool but honestly we all need to wait a little longer for the hardware to catch up. imo rift will change the market after becoming a big hit and forcing a hardware technology rev.
as for your news, Scawen, it's good to hear you've made a choice about the future of our sim. it must have been hard to give up the quest for the holy grail of "total realism", at least for this next version i guess. having been late to the LFS party, this is my first experience with hearing from the developer of something i really care about in a forum that feels a bit like home. it's really cool

congrats on kicking the smoking habit, that makes two of us!
i'm with a bunch of others here in saying "take my money" for the next version.
LFS is dead! long live LFS!