The online racing simulator
lfs lapper edit
(5 posts, started )
lfs lapper edit
Hi someone knows how to add swear words in to the insim been look ing and i se a swear text document and it dosent work someone has a guide.?

Sry for bad english
In the main lfslapper.lpr file there's a section for swearwords (search Swearword filter) that advises that swearwords are saved in a .txt document called swear.txt.

This file is in same directory as the lfslapper.lpr file.

The default swear.txt file has few words in it - easy enough to add other words and save.

Copy of my swearword filter file attached - save you some typing.
Attached files
swear.txt - 1 KB - 235 views
Yes but i extracted that files u sended me but still dont work is it something more i need to do?
Within the lfslapper.lpr file, and in the swearword section there is the line

[B]#$SwearWordsList = "&./swear.txt[/B]";

If your code looks like that, then remove the hash symbol (#) from the start of the line.

In 'lapper' speak, the hash works like a comment mark and means everything from after the hash to the semi-colon at the end of the line(s) should be ignored.
thanks alot it worked

lfs lapper edit
(5 posts, started )