LOL ..... sorry, you may be right generally speaking, but when GT4 was delayed for 2 years (and online play delayed even longer here in the US, I gave up on it ..... and found LFS and my eyes were opened to what a real sim could be and what results when online play is given priority over eye candy and 600 useless cars. And Polyphony was even more uninformative about the delays despite epic complaining on the forums.
Despite the delays, I find LFS much more "successful" as a sim, and the delays and lack of communication at times much more tolerable than Polyphony's efforts. And much more "human" - less "bureaucratic", less hype and for the most part more responsive to users. The GT community forums were populated by the more avid racers - all clamoring for online play for years and wondering why the corporation was so uncommunicative with it's most dedicated users (though that group was a SMALL percentage of all the users). Appealing to the demands of the few "serious" racers wouldn't increase the mass sales to casual users that they were aiming for. Online play wasn't a priority apparently. Little did we know at the time, but LFS had already been there done that!! And done it well.
In my case, it was the delay and poor communication by a major developer that got me on the right track, so to speak

I do miss the good ol' days when Scawen would share frequently - things like vids of getting to test the real FBM. I'm sure Scawen misses those days of real "community" as well - at least I hope so. It was such a contrast (and still is) to the distance and sterility of Polyphony's mass marketing mediocrity.