Just because you can't see it happening doesn't mean it can't.

On a serious note: Yeah, I realize that it's not "realistic" to think Gordon, or anyone else in the top 5 other than Kenseth or Johnson will have a shot at it come Homestead. But you have to consider what this guy has done in the past, if he could just get this decade-old Monkey off his back he could be back to where he was in the 90's and early 2000's.
You act as if he has no shot of doing remotely well in Cup anymore. There are some fans that are much more "blind" than those of Gordon. I've just never understood why Gordon fans are perceived as this outcast group following without a cause, it's not like we're any different than other fan groups.
Oh, wait, we are... They don't have one of the greatest drivers of all time to root for.

I guess all the people who give Gordon/his fans a hard time are all of the leftover Gordon boo-er's from the 90's. Who are most likely still jealous because he continues to perform better than whoever their favorite driver is.