Fanatec gt3rs firmware 681, yes it is on LFS. I followed the instruction. Anyway I was not super sure on the ip address to input.
Quote from loopingz :Fanatec gt3rs firmware 681, yes it is on LFS. I followed the instruction. Anyway I was not super sure on the ip address to input.

The IP should match the IP on your config file.

You have to update your wheel to make it work, firmware 681 is not supported.
Thanks for the info, I thought my firmware was up to date, I was wrong! I updated to 750 (not user friendly but feasible).
I tried with various settings in cfg.txt. Then I got back to a clean version and applyed changes and now it works.

Thanks for the good work it is a very interesting feature.

My cfg looks likes this:
OutSim Mode 0
OutSim Delay 1
OutSim IP
OutSim Port 0
OutSim ID 0
OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 3
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0
Thanks. Glad you have worked it out.
Fellow racers,

We're proud to release another version of Fanaleds. In this rather big update we have a big list of bug fixes, optimisations and two new games supported! This version of Fanaleds does no longer require administrator rights to operate thanks to the new SDK provided by Fanatec. Kart Racing Pro is now supported and also F1 2012 by Codemasters is now supported, before the native support from Codemasters.

Check it out:
hello, good job.

I wanted to ask if you could implement some function more like its type in real time.
for instance show a video onboard a mclaren
I wish it was available here is such a thing as what is shown on the right.

will be possible?
the problem is definitely the dispaly 3 digits. but not so big.
using 2 digits for the decimal EXAMPLE on display FANATEC -.23 would - 0,230 milliseconds in reality
however, when it improves over a second EXAMPLE -2.2 or 2200 milliseconds
would be a great idea.

(I have the clubsport wheel)
You mean the delta time (I believe it's called that) right?

We are actually working on that.
if you call delta time I have no idea.
except for the term that escapes us, yours is a very good news
The hard part of getting this working with LFS would be obtaining the time diffs. OutGauge and OutSim don't provide any sort useful lap time info. The only way I can imagine is reading the raw lap time from memory and matching it to track nodes.
Quote from MadCatX :The hard part of getting this working with LFS would be obtaining the time diffs. OutGauge and OutSim don't provide any sort useful lap time info. The only way I can imagine is reading the raw lap time from memory and matching it to track nodes.

Yeah indeed... Luckily iRacing is easier.
Fellow racer,

We have just reached another huge milestone in Fanaleds. As you will notice, our website has been completely overhauled. Thanks to the help of Daan Schaart the old simple website has been replaced by a modern looking design that suits Fanaleds.

Because we are getting bigger we have also chosen to get a domain name for easier access. You are now able to visit us via!

But that's not all! There has been a major milestone in the plugin itself too. A new big feature is the car profiles which enables you to use different settings per car in each game. All kind of settings like the RPM values and even the wheel angle! This now also means people with a CSW now can have revleds in all games.

We have added game support for GTR 1, RaceRoom 2, RaceRoom Racing Experience and OMSI which brings it to a total of 28 supported games.

Last but not least there's a new display mode you can use. The gearrevs mode is a combination of gears and 'fakerevs' to bring the best of both worlds. Because of the many display modes we have made it possible for you to hide certain display modes if you don't use them for example.

We hope you enjoy the changes!
Happy new year from Fanaleds!
Fanaleds goes to England
Upcoming weekend, from the 16th till the 18th of February, we will give the Silverstone track a visit at Leo Bodnar's invitation. After a race experience we will discuss our future collaboration. Open discussion on our forum.

Also, as you might have heard; we expanding the Fanaleds experience to more hardware. We currently have a beta running for Logitech G27 support and we will soon have SLI-M and SLI-PRO support (Leo Bodnar devices).

In case you have not seen the technology video yet which shows the new support: ... mbedded&v=Rft7LglU3bI
Thank god you'll have SLI-M support. The "official" application sucks really bad. I'd use the one I wrote (which also works well).. the only issue was the library I used for accessing my USB device takes a lock on the device (which means I can't use the buttons ).
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Thank god you'll have SLI-M support. The "official" application sucks really bad. I'd use the one I wrote (which also works well).. the only issue was the library I used for accessing my USB device takes a lock on the device (which means I can't use the buttons ).

We are hearing this a lot recently. Hopefully we will satisfy the current SLI-devices users with software that's easier to use.
Sometimes the data will.. just stop being displayed. The only thing you need from InSim is to get the current PLID so you only show the data for the current car. The other thing (that's a shortcoming of LFS) is that the flag state isn't in OutGauge, but you haffto grab it from Insim.. and unreliably.

Yellow flag state is actually impossible to grab to see if there's one near you. You can find if there's one on track anywhere, or if you're throwing one. but not if you're driving into one (like the LFS warning message shows).

Maybe one day that'll be fixed. If you need a tester for SLI-M, I'll help.
As you might have seen last week, we announced that we were going to visit the Silverstone circuit in England at the invitation of Leo Bodnar. Now that we are back we would like to share the experience we had with you. We stayed at the Whittlebury Hall, which is the closest to the race circuit.

On Saturday we met with John Beeson who gave us a tour around their office. The first thing that caught our eye was the 'moderate' rig they have set up to play around with. The wheel that was installed on the desk was new to us; it's the wheel Leo Bodnar is going to release soon. It has to be the strongest and most insane wheel we have ever driven with.

Sunday was the day which we were obviously most excited about: driving around at Silverstone. The night before John gave us our tickets to the race experience. Until that moment we had no clue about what we were going to drive. To our surprise we were going to drive in a single seater. This 140bhp car, which weighs around 500 kg, launches you from zero to 100 kph in around 4 seconds. A short briefing about the rules, race lines and such we had a session of 20 minutes where we had to follow a pace car which showed us the race line and steadily built up the tempo. After the pace car session we were allowed to drive around on ourself for another 30 minutes or so.

Because we purchased an USB drive which recorded our driving we also have a great video for you to watch. Unfortunately it only recorded the first part of our session without the pace car which means the lap times were still quite slow. We hope you enjoy the video and will be enjoying the support for Leo Bodnar devices soon. ... mbedded&v=7WngH4Oiuzk

Thanks to Leo and John for this amazing weekend.

@dawesdust_12, we would love to have you as tester when we're ready for it.
You might have seen this game already; it's the latest title from Kunos Simulazioni called Assetto Corsa. We have the privilege of early access and the resources to add support to this game before the public launch. Even though AC is being sponsored by Fanatec and has some native support, Fanaleds covers support for all popular sim-hardware. We are not helped or sponsored by Fanatec or Kunos Simulazioni in any way.
We are pleased to announce we released a new version of Fanaleds with some great new features. We have added Logitech G27 support and game support for Assetto Corsa, netKar-Pro and X-Motor Racing.

As usual, downloadable here:
Another big update for Fanaleds is released. Fanaleds now supports the Steelseries SRW-S1 wheel, Project CARS and Formula truck. Full changelog:

- Fixed displayMode bug when switching between profiles (Fanatec hardware)
- Added support for WMD Project C.A.R.S.
- Added native support for Formula truck
- Supporting the Steelseries SRW-S1 wheel
- Fixed stuck display/rumble in LFS and alike games
- Fixed RBR and ROR wanting to use inSim
Just over a year ago we released the first public Fanaleds version. We couldn’t imagine how many people would use our software back then. Therefor we would like to thank everyone for their great support, feedback and donations. Thanks to you we are where we are right now. A few months ago we announced the support for the SLI-M and SLI-PRO from Leo Bodnar. You might be wondering what’s the status on that. There is a beta test running currently of the upcoming Fanaleds version. There are still many things to do, but we are getting closer and closer. There is also another piece of hardware that we will support, which is not yet announced. We won’t tell you just yet which display this is, but we would like to see you guess. Head over to our Facebook page to watch the teaser.
g27 errors
everything is matched up, cfg and fanaLEDs match, but in LFS is just keeps saying Car:None. no matter what I do. and I get Outgauge::UDP::disconnect :\ I really like how this looks, but I cant get it to work.
Have you enabled the insim?

Did you follow the readme?
latest version fixed the LED not working but the brake pedal and wheel won't vibrate if i set them to under lockage in any of the games i've tested. metric/imperial seems to be working for me as well.
What wheels and pedals do you have? And how do you have the pedals connected?