The online racing simulator
Saying Hello!
Just saying hello in general!

I race under the name of goshumi - and have been racing for about a week.

I can regularly run 1:37s, but have got 1:36s a couple of times.

Now i have hit a brickwall and seem to be getting slower!
Quote :Now i have hit a brickwall and seem to be getting slower!

join the club. im hopeless sometimes.

p.s. i think in user cp you can choose to display your racername i think.
Yeah, my first question was going to be what steering wheel should I buy, but there's already a thread on page 1 about that. Problem is that it doesn't give me a clear answer! Lol, well the clear answer is the g25, but I can't afford that. Currently using my little ps2 style logitech rumblepad 2 - think it's worth upgrading to a wheel? Anyway.. I'm sure I'll figure something out.
#29 - joen
Quote from iJesus :Yeah, my first question was going to be what steering wheel should I buy, but there's already a thread on page 1 about that. Problem is that it doesn't give me a clear answer! Lol, well the clear answer is the g25, but I can't afford that. Currently using my little ps2 style logitech rumblepad 2 - think it's worth upgrading to a wheel? Anyway.. I'm sure I'll figure something out.

Well, it all depends on what you want to spend ofcourse. The G25 looks like it will be great, but it's not cheap. Although there are far more expensive ones out there.

I think the best wheel for an affordable price is the DFP. I've got a MOMO racing myself. I like it, but it has a lot of problems which you will eventually run into. So I wouldn't recommend it because of that. (My pedals don't work properly anymore for instance, but I must say Logitech service is very good in my experience, they're sending me a new set )
steering wheels
I use a Thrustmaster Force Feedback GT - can be picked up cheap on ebay.

I have no problems with it - strong and easy to setup.

I actually have two, as I run two machines on a Lan at home for racing, so that shows how much I like them!

Have had for a couple of years for GP3, GP4,TOCA etc and they are still like new.

I recommend.
Quote from iJesus :Yeah, my first question was going to be what steering wheel should I buy, but there's already a thread on page 1 about that. Problem is that it doesn't give me a clear answer! Lol, well the clear answer is the g25, but I can't afford that. Currently using my little ps2 style logitech rumblepad 2 - think it's worth upgrading to a wheel? Anyway.. I'm sure I'll figure something out.

i use a logitech formula force ex, not as good as dfp, but its about £20 cheaper. use this site to find a good deal before you buy anything. works like froogle, but better.
Quote from Captain Slow :join the club. im hopeless sometimes.

p.s. i think in user cp you can choose to display your racername i think.

user cp?
Quote from PRADO :user cp?

just worked out where user cp was - sorry being thick
Quote :just worked out where user cp was - sorry being thick

lol dont worry. have a cookie.
Didn't see this thread but any hoo. Hi I'm new I bought this game on Monday and glad I did .
Quote from DTrott :Didn't see this thread but any hoo. Hi I'm new I bought this game on Monday and glad I did .

We all are, new precious braaaaiiiinnnnsssss
Well i bought s2 the another night and my shiny new steering wheel has just arrived

Im loving it so far, even though i've only played single player - is it worth just diving into multiplayer or do you think that some practise is needed first?
#38 - joen
Quote from Zoidfarb :Well i bought s2 the another night and my shiny new steering wheel has just arrived

Im loving it so far, even though i've only played single player - is it worth just diving into multiplayer or do you think that some practise is needed first?

I'd say you learn most and fastest online. But yes, I recommend some practice on a certain car/track combo first.
Mainly to learn the track. There's no sense going online if you don't know what corner comes next for instance.
Most people don't mind beginners being slower, but being a hazard is another thing.
Just practice to the point where you know the track, and you can drive consistent times (not necessarily fast) on it.
Cool, cheers for that

I'll go practise some more then
hi evryone whos new and welcome to lfs.

Just tried the L f S demo and I am impressed!

I host a racing group each Monday evening racing either GP Legends or GT Legends. We've been running for just over one year. We are a flight sim squadron just turning three years flying Wednesday evenings. Now my new chore is convincing the others to try this sim so I can then get us into Live for Speed on Monday evenings.

Like I said, I'm impressed!

Quote from Kafco :Hello,

Just tried the L f S demo and I am impressed!

I host a racing group each Monday evening racing either GP Legends or GT Legends. We've been running for just over one year. We are a flight sim squadron just turning three years flying Wednesday evenings. Now my new chore is convincing the others to try this sim so I can then get us into Live for Speed on Monday evenings.

Like I said, I'm impressed!


s2 even better where you can enter lots more events more card & tracks much much more
#43 - GTS
New to S2 LFS but played on Demo for a while
Well Ive finally got the full version and i must say it certianlly lives up to the screen shots and the videos Ive viewed on the LFS Website. I havent played online yet as Im familimarising myself with the awesomely powered cars and downloading new setups to be able to keep up with the veterans. I must say there are going to be some sleepless nights for the next month of so. Good luck to us S2 LFS Noobs

Welcome to LFS to all new licensed and demo players.

You will never be able to leave LFS, you will love it.
Quote from GTS :Well Ive finally got the full version and i must say it certianlly lives up to the screen shots and the videos Ive viewed on the LFS Website. I havent played online yet as Im familimarising myself with the awesomely powered cars and downloading new setups to be able to keep up with the veterans. I must say there are going to be some sleepless nights for the next month of so. Good luck to us S2 LFS Noobs

Your right on the button there - LFS is the best and as for sleep........
Hi to all who've posted their introductions I'm new like you guys (just had my first online S2 race last night), and it's great to be here. I remember hearing about LFS maybe a few years back(?) - I went to the website, checked out some of the screenshots, thought it looked good, but didn't download. There was some hype about the game, but I decided I wasn't interested in sim-racing. Reading a few positive comments on the tweakguides forum a few months ago re-ignited my curiousity for LFS (at the time I was into Trackmania Nations, a fun game I was good at, and TOCA 3). I downloaded the demo- and the rest is history. LFS to me now is like the girl that you never really noticed before, but suddenly, you're obsessed! I can now imagine a long rich relationship stretching miles ahead of me. Racing, leagues, new friends, setups, strategies, physics, skins, code improvements, mods, textures, expansions... LFS holds out so much. Now I know why they call it "Live" for speed...
Hi, im also "new" (a month) to LFS. Im from Slovenia, still on demo for now, hope to go S2 soon.

This game can get you addicted. Hope to see you on the track.
Hi all, i play lfs for a while now, and its great, now i'm planning to buy a lincese to play with all the cars online

cya at the race track

greetz dafke
Quote from GTS :Well Ive finally got the full version and i must say it certianlly lives up to the screen shots and the videos Ive viewed on the LFS Website. I havent played online yet as Im familimarising myself with the awesomely powered cars and downloading new setups to be able to keep up with the veterans. I must say there are going to be some sleepless nights for the next month of so. Good luck to us S2 LFS Noobs

Welcome to LFS, even if you did steal my name
Hi all, ive bought LFS a couple of days ago, but i play for about a year or so.

I'll see u on the race track ;-)

BTW these 35 Euros were the best spended EVER :-)

New players say hi here
(3726 posts, started )