Corse Motorsports
Team Corse Motorsports is founded by Danny on the 21st of June, 2013. As a former Redline member (Redline Danny) it was hard to see that such a team as Redline had to die, this made me thinking of starting Corse Motorsports.
Corse Motorsports is a team that consists of serious drivers who all share the passion for racing. Being a team means more to Corse Motorsports than just wearing the same tag, it means we participate and communicate. With a lot of ways to communicate we are very active as a team even while we are not online in LFS. It didn't took long then, before the first real life meeting took place between some members. We have drivers from all sorts of levels, faster and less experienced drivers. Corse offers the opportunity to grow as a driver.
Core values for Corse Motorsports are respect, fair and professional off and on track.
Skins are ready for the FZ5, RAC, XRR, XRT, FOX, FO8 and the FBM. The others are in development.
Corse's objectives
- Participating successfully in leagues more and more.
- To grow as a team not only in quantity but primarily in quality.
- Having great races together and with others.
Corse\ Bass8
Corse\ Colin
Corse\ Danny
Corse\ Dimebag
Corse\ Doji
Corse\ George
Corse\ Jati
Corse\ M.Stankus
Corse\ Quinn
Corse\ Rocky7up
Corse\ Rolando
Corse\ Steelbeen
Corse\ SunSai
Corse\ Twiggy
Corse\ Vitaly
Corse\ Xyx
- Team Founder
Corse\ Danny
- Website/Design Manager
Corse\ Rolando
- Corse Motorsports GT Rotate
- Corse Motorsports Oval
- Corse Motorsports Roadcar Rotate
- Corse Motorsports S2
- Fox Friday team champion 2013
- Fox Friday driver champion 2013 (Corse\ Steelbeen)
- 1stBFA FBM cup Round 3 winner (Corse Steelbeen)
- GTws 2013 6th, XRR GT1 (Corse\ Hydyne & Danny)
- Corse's RAC/FZ5 Cup champion (Corse\ Danny)
- Corse's RAC/FZ5 Cup team champion
- CityLiga 1000km of Aston: 3rd. (Corse\ Danny & Twiggy)
Corse's webpage
Corse on Facebook
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