The online racing simulator
Skin Templates
(119 posts, started )
One more gradient. Now I made it a bit more properly (longer from back to front) and I upload an svg, so you can set any amount of colors. This is what I got as my personal skin:

You can chose any colors number (but need some inkscape knowledge, google "inkscape editing gradients")

Here is svg: https://dl.dropboxusercontent. ... kin_gradient_template.svg
I wanted to do a UF1 skin, but the template on Master Skinnerz is marked as "x" which means it requires an update. Can anyone say what isn't up to date on the template or will it work just as fine?
Or if anyone has an up to date UF1 template, can you post it here?

E: I managed to find one, I hope it will work.
Quote from matijapkc :I wanted to do a UF1 skin, but the template on Master Skinnerz is marked as "x" which means it requires an update. Can anyone say what isn't up to date on the template or will it work just as fine?
Or if anyone has an up to date UF1 template, can you post it here?

E: I managed to find one, I hope it will work.

The template will be fine for usual skinning. There are some minor adjustments that were made to the skin mapping of the UF1 which may be barely noticeable around the wheel arches, though the difference is very small and probably won't effect your work at all. The reason why the kit wasn't updated was because I was expecting more polys to be added to this model and the kit would need to be pretty much remade from scratch anyway, in that case.
Talking about that, it's off topic pretty much, but i think RB4 model should be improved. Polygons... cannot unseen. Whatever skin i make those polygons makes them look angled and unrealistic.
Quote from RoachDaSimp :Talking about that, it's off topic pretty much, but i think RB4 model should be improved. Polygons... cannot unseen. Whatever skin i make those polygons makes them look angled and unrealistic.

Yes the RB4 could do with several dozen more polys. The curvy shape does accent the polygons more than some of the other models.
A new UF1 kit should be available within the next day or so, if all goes well
Fully updated versions of both the UF1 and the UFR skin kits are now available at Master Skinnerz.
I haven't touched LFS skins for years but thanks.

Does anybody still have Squale's helmet template archived somewhere? I'd like to do a personal helmet skin but I don't have any proper template. Thanks in advance!
Quote from Kristian K :Hi!

Does anybody still have Squale's helmet template archived somewhere? I'd like to do a personal helmet skin but I don't have any proper template. Thanks in advance!

I’ve only got a helmet pro kit from Master skinnerz if you want
Quote from delis :I’ve only got a helmet pro kit from Master skinnerz if you want

Thanks, but I've got the pro kit already. I was meaning template for visor, air vents and etc. Smile
Quote from Draggo :ths?

Yes, exactly this kind of template! Thank you very much! Thumbs up

Edit: Is there also a 2048x2048 version somewhere with the template type same as in the attachment?
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(Kristian K) DELETED by Kristian K : Accidental second post
citroen xsara for FXO
and nissan micra for UF1/UFR
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UF1 UFR micra kit.png
fxo xsara soft light.png
fxo xsara top layer.png
xfg chrome
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Bro como hago para abrir el archivo rar
4k XFG facelift kit
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xfg_24_v.1.0.7z - 13.3 MB - 39 views

Skin Templates
(119 posts, started )