World of Warplanes
(20 posts, started )
World of Warplanes
Anybody else play this?

LIke World of Tanks I guess, free, but you can purchase content. I haven't played it yet, massive 5.6GB download, but was just wondering if anybody has or is on here, and is it worth it


It sounds counter-productive, but WT actually controls a lot better with mouse and keys (with WSAD remapped to pitch and roll) than joystick.
doesnt make the game sound very good
but gonna try it anyway...with both.
then ill see.
There are three game modes, Arcade, Historical Battles and Full Real Battles, in varying levels of realism. Arcade has 5 respawns and mid-air rearming, FRB really needs a joystick and you're locked into first-person view and HB is a compromise between the two.
warthunder is also gonna add tanks and ships
played it a bit now...its not bad, but i got to find out what planes are good which ones are not ect...loads of stuff.
I'm BattleMetalChris on there if you want to add me as a friend and Squad up sometime.

Or indeed, if anyone wants to.
added....also got TS3 just in case...
Tried war thunder. Just could not get it to work for me. Just didn't like it from the get go.

Have really got into WoWp though. The look, the feel (it may be a bit arcady, but it never proclaims to be anything else.) and the fact that I can marry it up to my WoT account.

But in all truthfulness, WoWp is by far better than War thunder if you just want a well crafted, reasonably well balanced game where you get to throw old war birds around the sky.

I sometimes find myself so engrossed in looking at the model that I don't even realise the game is starting.
how 'pay to win' is world of war planes?
Quote from R3DMAN :how 'pay to win' is world of war planes?

I think it's the same as WoT, pay for premium time to grind credits/xp faster.
Yeah, WoWP is pretty much the same as WoT. Premium items can all be bought for either cash or for earned credits. All paying does is reduce the grind to get to them. There's no items that can only be bought for cash that will make you better than someone who's ground their way up the hard way.

You could argue that paying for a premium account gives you more disposable credit-income to spend on the premium items, however.
It's one of the things I like about the 'World of' series. Yea, there is the premium element to it, but that doesn't stop skinflints like me from enjoying a game that doesn't feel unbalanced by PTW. So long as your putting the time and the grind into it you get a good game that just takes you a bit longer to work your way up the tiers than someone who's willing to splash the cash. But I'm cool with that. It's a good game. I don't mind putting in a few extra rounds.

Just been on it in fact. Got my Spitfire IX and nearly at my Mosquito. Thats Beta level that is so it ain't taken me that long really.
#19 - DeKo
Might have to get in on this. I take it it's fairly arcade but will my yoke or my joystick work OK?

Never got playing WOT, always fancied it but kinda assumed it was pay to win. I'm gonna give them both a try once my courseworks are finished, anyone play them on triples?
It's arcady, but in a good way. It's about the tactics and knowing your enemy.

I've heard that using a joystick isn't the best way to control the planes as with the mouse you can set it up to 'lead' the plane. Whilst a joystick is direct input only. Which means you can follow the target better with the gunsights than trying to second guess with a joystick. But thats only what I've read on the forums.

The only issue I have with the mouse is that you can't set up the camera to follow the plane properly which is only a real pain when you go inverted or follow someone in a dive, you get used to it but the camera sometimes takes a fraction to long to 'snap' back to the planes orientation. Apparently thats being adjusted in the next update.

I've not even played WoT since WoWP came out. It's that good. And I loved WoT's.

At the end of the day mate, it is free to play. So if you don't get into it, you've not lost anything. But I think if you like old warbirds and a good fight and can work out some coping tactics for the premium PTW's (it can be done once you've worked out who you can go up against and how, thats why I like it.) then you will like WoWP's. Even just to watch all the control surfaces move about. The old geek in me loves watching planes move about that I used make the models of as a kid. Love it.

Get into it. You won't be disappointed. And if you ever see me (Funnybear there as well) then say hello.

World of Warplanes
(20 posts, started )