where did driver disappear in Options->Driver
Some annoying bug
Im tracing one nasty bug for a long time. unfortenutly no exact way to reproduce it, but here are some things I noticed when it was reproduced
-lose connection/timeout from server
-rejoin server (and in order to reproduce it your connection should be really laggy, like when Im downloading torrents+uploading to dropbox without any bandwidth limit)
-then start SHIFT+J (multiple times), and it takes few seconds to actually join because of lag
-and when you join, your setup seem to be corrupted, it isn't the one you selected to be, but some crazy suspensions... also some time ago I went to leave pits with XFG, same thing happened and suddenly I was at XRG with same corrupted setup.
here are local logs when this bug is successfully reproduced:
20:55:24 Lost connection to host //lost connection due to lag
20:55:41 Autocross : 1 checkpoint //rejoined
20:56:14 Avoiding multiple join requests //shift+j,...
20:56:14 Avoiding multiple join requests
20:56:14 Avoiding multiple join requests
20:56:14 Avoiding multiple join requests
20:56:14 Avoiding multiple join requests
20:56:14 Name is already used
20:56:15 Garage : data\veh\XR GT.veh
20:56:15 daniel-cro^L left the pits (XRG)
20:56:15 Warning : Rallycross tyres on road track
20:56:15 /autoclutch 1
20:56:21 daniel-cro^L already has a car //this message seem to be a key of bug, whenever i see this bug i also see this message
20:56:28 daniel-cro^L voted to RESTART
Happened to me just now in 0.6E10 on singleplayer, so looks like its maybe not related to lag at all.
If someone else experienced same problem, please confirm