Would have posted some feedback after the E10 patch, but I've just been having too much fun racing - in 30+ years of playing racing games and sims I've never enjoyed driving anything as much as LFS in the Rift

. Thanks so much for all the work you've put into the Rift support - it's really paid off m8. Anyway, now that I've managed to tear myself away I do have some more feedback on E11:
1. The aspect ratio correction works really well and is a great feature - with it enabled I've been racing at 1920x1080 rather than 1920x1200, improving FPS at no cost as the black strips at the top and bottom of the screen aren't visible in the Rift.
2. The head and neck modelling also works great -it's a fairly subtle effect if you're not looking for it but it makes head movements feel much more natural.
3. The default settings are pretty good, though I tend to reduce the FOV slightly to 112 degrees and raise the head height so the slider's set around 70-80% to the right as my eyes seem too close to my shoulders at the default position (gauged by looking at my virtual shoulder in the rift then tilting it off my face so I can peak at my real shoulder and comparing the relative distances).
Feature requests
1. It would be really great to have an option to match the rotation of your virtual driver's steering wheel to your real steering wheel rather than the car's. This would be a purely visual change but would greatly increase the immersion for Rift users and improve the illusion of inhabiting your virtual driver's body, an illusion which is currently slightly spoiled when you rotate your real wheel 90 degrees but see your virtual driver rotate the virtual wheel two or three times as much.
2. By adjusting the interface x centre and y scale settings (to 0.17 and 0.80 respectively) and setting the HUD FOV to maximum, HUD distance to minimum and HUD aspect ratio to 16:9 I've been able to position the in-game HUD elements so they no longer clash with most of the cars:
As you can see, the minimap, position and lap info look a bit like they're projected onto a large pane of glass stuck to my right wing mirror so they don't get in the way when looking forward but can easily be seen by glancing to the right out of my side window. The drawback of these settings are that the menus are stretched horizontally wider than I'd like and the flag and split time messages are slightly off-centre, as are the virtual gauges in chase view:
IMO these sacrifices are well worth not having the in-game HUD clash with your car in 3D, but they wouldn't be necessary if we could adjust the interface x scale setting to values bigger than 1.0, effectively stretching the HUD horizontally (which would negate the need for moving the interface x centre to the right), and if we could have separate settings for the HUD and the menus (allowing the menus to be drawn with less distortion).
3. Some objects very close to your head like the V-shaped head rest extensions, the roll bars above you, or the cockpit sides in open wheelers are over-aggressively culled:
Would it be possible to tweak the near plane clipping to eliminate this issue?
Many thanks,