I'm sorry...
But I still trip out when Europeans and Africans describe themselves as "Black" or "white".
That bland of a distinction should only be for Americans. I mean if you really want to identify yourselves that way, then go right ahead. But if you do that, then maybe you can figure something else out for me:
Thanks to an open minded relative, I recently went from circling "W" on official forms to circling "H".
DO y'all eurotypes know what the "H" stands for? You obviously want to be identified with "W" or "B", what about "H"? LOL if you're smart you won't.
"H" stands for Hispanic. No one is really quite sure what that means.
See It's sort of supposed to mean people that came from Spanish Dominated language ethnic groups. Here's the funny part. People from Spain are NOT considered Hispanic and people from Brazil are.And they speak Portuguese!
Go figure.
I dunno Scawen... I think you might be going the wrong way with this.
What ought to be done instead is a spot on the forums called "Race Bait"
Where once a week a random racial or ethnic group is listed and for that week anyone who feels like making negative comments about that group can. They just have to realize that their group will be listed sooner or later too.
See I think the bigger problem isn't from the Racists. We already know those defects have self esteem issues and are jealous of others that are able to be more successful than they are.
No the problem are the thin-skinned whiners that are hyper sensitive.
If they're that way on the forums, how much of a wimp will they be out on the servers? Have you thought about that?
If they lose a race, will they offer up the lame excuse that others blocked them out cause they were a so and so?
Don't get me wrong, If there's a definite hater that goes out of their way to mess with others, then they need to be gotten rid of.
But I also think that the ones that reported Bose for the term "Arabbbbb" (that many b's?) are too wimpy for me to want to race with. You should ban them for being pussies. If they're that damned whiny over a comment like that, what kind of hell would you catch from them if you swap paint with them on a corner?
Hell, you know how many times some Eurotype ragged on me for being..."Merican" ? Nah, I don't either. Geesh I don't go running crying like a little girl to the admins when that happens. LOL Besides, Being a "Merican" I know I'm the superior person.
Don't get me wrong Scawen. I realize that there's a difference between goofy kid making an off color remark to someone that easily gets their panties in a ruffle and a mentally defective type that is basically cyberbullying a poor guy just trying to have a good time.
I just hope y'all do too.
Merry Christmas
You poor U.K.ers have eleven more days of this crap.