OK....we all have a Geeky side, so here is mine

Lets hope I get it right...
Vykos - ACR / ? / Ocrana
Macest - ACR / ? / Ocrana
RudiTurbo - ACR / ? / Ocrana
Lefty - Boomerang Rapido
Bawbags - Mercury
Don - No team but fantastic artist
WGodden - Mercury
Floran - Ocrana
Hoffman - Creator of Boomerang Rapido
Gopher - Boomerang Rapido / De Racing / Triple 7 Racing
KingSCSI - Boomerang Rapido
Themad - Boomerang Rapido
MadH - Boomerang Rapido
Catalyst - Boomerang Rapido
Dangerous Dave - Boomerang Rapido
Krak - Boomerang Rapido
Octane - Boomerang Rapido / dE Racing
VTX - Boomerang Rapido / dE Racing/ Triple 7 Racing
The Original "Pink" Henk / Boomerang Rapido / dE Racing ( He loved Pink)
Moby - Boomerang Rapido / dE Racing / Now real life racer
Al1asx - Boomerang Rapido / dE Racing
Jug - dE Racing
JoeCool - The BEST video maker LFS has ever seen. Made loads of clips and had the great pleasure with working with him..a legend in his own right.
I think

and hope I got that all correct....
PS - I will just like to add, there is loads of name's I could of included, like RichardDK, Sinbad, Rich UK, Nukelane. BBO@BSR, Bismarck, Atomant, P1lot, SparkyDave, Three_Jump, and loads more, but these have been active here, at some point, recently. The list I mentioned I haven't seen in a very long time, and they all made an impact with LFS