String NUL Pad a A Space Pad
Hex Str Low Nibble h H High Nibble
Null Byte x X Back Up
bit 1bit t
nibble 4bit n N u4bit
byte 8bit b B u8bit
short 16bit s S u16bit
long 32bit l L u32bit
float 32float f F 32decimal
double 64double d D 64decimal
quad 128quad q Q 128decimal
Struct {}
Backrefrence [Varable]
Inrefernce ()
So MCI packets unformat string would look like this would look like this.
The only limitation is that back references, and in references would have to be same level only to avoid ambiguity. If I knew C++ better, and I had the PHP SDK, I would make this function and add it to PHP myself. I think this it a worth wild project. I also think that JavaScript should have these functions as well with the upcoming WebSocket support for binary data.