Oh, I didn't even notice something was missing from AA screens. The reason I have put AA on was because the Prt Sc outputted black screen if i took it without AA, and in doing it with AA enabled i also forgot about driver AA setting

. And the reason for using Prt Sc in the first place was it was more convenient then built-in Ctrl+S because of no need for folder navigation to get to the .bmp

Basically, my main focus was so strong on the loss of image sharpness in DX9, using same settings as DX8, that i tunnel visioned everything else... sorry
The scenery loss does not bother or affect me as I don't use AA and, as ACCAkut tells us, people with newer drivers can disable adaptive AA and continue to use AA in-game normally. I can't do that because drivers are locked to my laptop manufacturer and it does not update them, making my scenery problem pretty unique and defiantly not worth solving. Actually there is no problem so to say, not on LFS's side as i see it. Since it won't affect me, it's all good?

By the way, using all three AA methods i mentioned earlier make parts of scenery disappear, if that matters.
EDIT: This is incorrect! Multi-sample and Super-sample AA work without problems, I had to restart LFS to notice that.
Only thing that remains then is less sharp screen on DX9, most notably the menus and any text of the screen. Taken another screen to show what i mean, this time without AA, using ctrl+s. Added old one as well for comparison. It can be remedied using Mip bias settings though so it's not that big of a deal but it does work different than before, which I don't know if it is intentional or not. More detailed about that in my previous post, but ignore the scenery
Thanks for helping me in this peculiar issue and sorry for the confusion i caused

Excuse the delay for the reply too, I couldn't use the PC before due to damn headacke.