The online racing simulator
Quote from cougar8 :If i use this to race with will i still be able to race with others online and set clean laps on AIRIO?

Quote from Scawen :You cannot upload hotlaps made with this test patch because it is only a test patch, not an official patch

Everyone are posting their benchmarks, so I will too :P

My laptop (Win 7):

DX8; 1366x768; all max; AA not avaiable; Intel GPU
Frames: 956 - Time: 107641ms - Avg: 8.881 - Min: 5 - Max: 14

DX9; 1366x768; all max; AA not avaiable; Intel GPU
Frames: 1078 - Time: 108046ms - Avg: 9.977 - Min: 6 - Max: 15

DX8; 1366x768; all max; 8X AA;nVidia G210M
Frames: 1962 - Time: 107656ms - Avg: 18.225 - Min: 1 - Max: 36 // some HDD lag occured

DX9; 1366x768; all max; 8X AA;nVidia G210M
Frames: 3095 - Time: 107890ms - Avg: 28.687 - Min: 18 - Max: 43

My new PC (Win 7):

DX8; 1920x1080; all max; 8X AA; HD6750
Frames: 9779 - Time: 107952ms - Avg: 90.587 - Min: 60 - Max: 118

DX9; 1920x1080; all max; 8X AA; HD6750
Frames: 9997 - Time: 107921ms - Avg: 92.633 - Min: 58 - Max: 123

My new PC (Win XP):

DX8; 1920x1080; all max; 8X AA; HD6750
Frames: 10582 - Time: 107875ms - Avg: 98.095 - Min: 69 - Max: 128

DX9; 1920x1080; all max; 8X AA; HD6750
Frames: 11240 - Time: 107610ms - Avg: 104.451 - Min: 72 - Max: 137

Some kind of official benchmark tool build into LFS, would make life so much easier. Not hard to implement and could be very useful, like when some random user come to forum and say "my lfs 1 fps"...
CPU/GPU usage can be also logged, to easier determinate which part of PC you need to upgrade. After you finish benchmarking, auto submit results to LFS site, that will make results far more valid,
more entries to database, also people will have reference to what kind of hardware they need to run LFS adequately

Performance problems in Vista and later I mentioned before aren't so noticeable on my new PC, because now GPU kinda equals to CPU by performance in Win7. On old PC I'd get something like 36 FPS in Win 7 and 64 FPS in Win XP.
Even now when my hardware is way more powerful, I can clearly see difference in CPU usage/time between XP and 7. BL1, 20 cars, LFS windowed (60 FPS); in XP 20-22%; in 7 27-28%. (dual core)
Same problem is mentioned in this thread

To be honest this performance issue doesn't bother me anymore, but there are many people running Windows 7 and later with not as powerful CPUs. I guess it could be because of using relatively old compiler not as "compatible" as newer ones.

Quote :BTW (maybe (something) more interesting for Scawen)
Clicked X (Close) on LFSs parent window and... (happened only once)

That hang on exit I mentioned few days before was most probably because I was recording video with FRAPS and then suddenly exited LFS.
Right, a benchmark tool (that uploads 'official' / 'validated' results to ex. LFSWorld) would be a useful, great addition, but I think that's not the most important thing at the moment (just my opinion :shy.
BTW, yesterday and today did some races on cargame using E13, no problems so far.
Would be nice to have actual mirrors as well where you can see your car and can adjust them. The current ones are just a view from the back, slightly moved. Or are they even the same? I thought I saw a post about that a long while ago.
Quote from Bose321 :Would be nice to have actual mirrors as well where you can see your car and can adjust them. The current ones are just a view from the back, slightly moved. Or are they even the same? I thought I saw a post about that a long while ago.

Ya know, I don't think anyone else does that ... and come to think of it, it's not really needed because in theory we are all the same height in game because we all use the same model. Might become an issue when the occulus starts to know where you are in the Z axis in a 3D space, as the next version supports that, so it might be cool to add that now.
Has anybody tested this with SOFTTH and Triple Monitors yet?


Found a small grafical bug with E13 (rejoined server with stable E and it's the same,so not just on new patch) - just entered server and switched through players until I saw this. (see attachments) The view is focused on car thats inside the garage (in the farthest corner from view) with closed doors,which,as most know,are not closed phisically,for some reason one of the walls is now transparent. It's not transparent when view is focused on either from 2 visible cars,or in shift+U view from any point. Entering the server I got "Follower could not find position",most likely on that car in garage.
Just leaving it here in case if needed... (feel free to move to bug reports)
Attached images
Attached files
transparent wall.mpr - 20.1 KB - 651 views
Cant even install it on this pc.

This application has failed to start because D3DX9_43
.DLL was not found

Thank You Lucas McFly!
By the way Scawen, you should consider indluding D3DX9_43.DLL in the game directory to prevent DLL hell
Quote from Bigbob1993 :By the way Scawen, you should consider indluding D3DX9_43.DLL in the game directory to prevent DLL hell

I do believe that is not possible (violation of DX9 license). Haven't seen DirectX for some years, but back then they provided "DX distributable" installers which you could bundle to your SW. Anyway, I think it should suffice if LFS will check if DX9 is installed and tell user to go ... update himself.
Quote from Ped7g :I do believe that is not possible (violation of DX9 license). Haven't seen DirectX for some years, but back then they provided "DX distributable" installers which you could bundle to your SW. Anyway, I think it should suffice if LFS will check if DX9 is installed and tell user to go ... update himself.


Also the DLL does not just work by it's self, I'm pretty sure, you need the framework around it.
(Scawen) DELETED by Scawen : didn't notice that the user had already replied
Since installing E13, the the performance has improved on starting grid, but my FPS peak at 60 and i haven't seen them go higher yet. FPS limiter is turned off. Is there any cause for that? Got Win XP, if it helps.
Quote from Kid222 :Since installing E13, the the performance has improved on starting grid, but my FPS peak at 60 and i haven't seen them go higher yet. FPS limiter is turned off. Is there any cause for that? Got Win XP, if it helps.

You are probably running LFS in windowed mode. Going to full screen will allow it more than 60 FPS.
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :You are probably running LFS in windowed mode. Going to full screen will allow it more than 60 FPS.

Well yes, i am, but even in windowed mode, before E13, i could get higher fps than now.
Better to have a good average then high peaks. Above 60 FPS is in my eyes a waste of energy to begin with. The average monitor is not able to present more then 60 (Hz/)FPS so you don't see 'more'.. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You don't have V-sync activated all of a sudden? Because it locks to your computer monitor capabilities then whatever you do. V-sync can also be activated by your graphics driver.
I also saw FPS improvements in E13 ...

in 0.6E I get around 170-190FPS, in 0.6E13 I am getting about 230-250FPS.

Gonna get my wheel set up, and try my Oculus Rift again, haven't tried it in a long time....
Quote from Kid222 :Well yes, i am, but even in windowed mode, before E13, i could get higher fps than now.

For some reason DX9 limit FPS in windowed mode to your screen refresh rate. It was explained earlier in this thread.
Anyway its not like you will see difference if your GPU is capable of 200 FPS and you monitor refresh rate is 60 Hz. Look to it from bright side, 60 FPS will save you some $$ on electricity bill I would suggest everyone to play full screen with VSYNC
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Anyway its not like you will see difference if your GPU is capable of 200 FPS, if you monitor refresh rate is 60 Hz. Look to it from bright side, 60 FPS will save you some $$ on electricity bill I would suggest everyone to play full screen with VSYNC

Makes sense, BUT I could have sworn someone asserted (some years ago? :shrug that the LFS physics loop was not entirely unaffected by the display FPS and thus (the argument went) it might feel better to have vsync off... Personally I don't think I ever tested it much though.
LFS physics run at 100Hz. Using vsync in racing games is horrendous as it adds a boatload of input lag to all controllers. Playing at a locked 100 FPS without vsync feels considerably better and more direct.
Quote from Neilser :Makes sense, BUT I could have sworn someone asserted (some years ago? :shrug that the LFS physics loop was not entirely unaffected by the display FPS and thus (the argument went) it might feel better to have vsync off... Personally I don't think I ever tested it much though.

Visually you wont see "difference", I prefer to have VSYNC on because it prevent that "cracked" screen effect.
Its true that LFS's engine is running faster when VSYNC is off, but you have to ask yourself do you care about that? In most conditions there is absolutely no difference, only thing I found to be affected is shifting gears. But do I care about 5-10 ms faster shifts? No
It's more than just a few milliseconds of lag with shifting. I suppose some people are more sensitive to it than others, but there's a considerable delay with the FFB delivery and the steering inputs when running on vsync.
Just a heads up, as it is a bug but not. If you use SoftTH and the LFS Patch, and you go to windowed mode when connecting ( I know who does this now ) LFS crashes back to desktop.

Also, the new patch doesn't work with the DX9.dll file for SoftTH. You still have to use the 1.08 version of SoftTH.

Just a heads up

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