Quote from Sobis :Hmm, to me only the first stints were somewhat hard to start. After like 2 practice stints it became much more enjoyable and I had no trouble finding motivation. I was actually quite sad when I didn't have time to do a stint.

24hrs isn't long enough!
The way I said my thoughts was probably really unclear. I was talking about practice stints for the race
Quote from MoMo92i :

Was sad to see CoRe 77 having to retire due to connections issues :s

because being 2 laps behind when there's 22 hours to go seems too much for some people
Well we lapped LLM at least three times (eventually not to have a single one at the end) and your pace was even better than ours. Hopefully we will see you soon on track.
tbh you probablly would have had no problem turning that around within even 12 hours
Yeah, well, unfortunately it wasn't me making decisions in our #77 car :E
they just wanted us at the podium in the end!

No on a serious note it was just a rush desicion from them. their motivation were gone to the ground with those issus. i told them that they have the pace to get it back but finns are finns. hard to get them a smile in hard times.

So may we can do another one in future were we will be back with a bang!
Quote from MoMo92i :Well we lapped LLM at least three times (eventually not to have a single one at the end) and your pace was even better than ours. Hopefully we will see you soon on track.

yep. although it shows us a lap down we really were on the same lap as you guys we just got passed by the GT1 leader and you guys had not
That's always hard to keep going and luck is against you but well 2 laps isn't that much on this track especially as ilbens nearly lapped all the field except top 5 after 2 hours...We also have our bad luck and in the end I think that we at least also lost something equal to two laps, that's all just about keeping the hope, race being long, probably with safety car, gaining back a lap under SC is still possible as LLM showed. Audi won a race that way in ALMS.

@Matt : yep gap was 1min 38 on penultimate lap, but we had nothing really to gain at overpushing to lap you, we already had enough failure for the whole season, especially as finally you found some pace on your last stint.
the 8 hour mark was for me the most tense moment of the race. Vires making a mistake sure helped, but we still had to stretch the stint unbelievable far. Nathan joining and leaving the server each time showed how unsure we were as well about this. Because I went further than I managed to do in practice. This moment played a huge role in winning the championship. But definitely wouldn't be possible with all the other drivers.

I also have to say that this race was super fun and clean. Aside from the start crash everyone kept it very clean and everyone respected each other. Even with close battles.

Congratulations Vires with the race win. Same for INEX in the GT1. Also congratulations to all other teams who participated in the 24 Hours. It takes a lot of energy to race and finish and I respect all the drivers who managed to do it
This was clearly the most difficult yet the most rewarding thing I have done in sim-racing. I came into this race with the knowledge that this will most likely be my last major international sim race. I am 100% aware that I lack the time, the motivation and the talent to actually race in premiere series and the only reason that I am here is because the car counts are low so a guy like myself is able to squeak into the back of the grid.

The lead up was very difficult for the #56 car, we had massive driver turn-over in the week leading up to the race. Of the 5 drivers, 3 were added to the roster in the final 4 days leading into the race. The change in driver line-up required a complete re-think of the race strategy and a re-build of the setup in the final hours. But knowing this was probably my last major race, I refused to give up and because Troy stuck with me from the start, and Yann, Lars and Matthias stepped to the plate in the final days, we were able to get #56 on the grid. The opening stints went almost perfectly, Troy slaved through the night, Yann and Matthias provided much needed relief in the morning. Not to forget Jarda who stayed on TS for almost the entire race providing laughs, knowledge, insight and almost singlehandidly allowed us to gain a lap on all the cars behind by screaming "DONT PIT DONT PIT DONT PIT!!!" into my ear as I dove for pit road behind the safety car.

This completed my LFS cycle: my first ever race with teammates was at KY2R in a XRR, and this perhaps last race was at KY2R in an XRR. The difference being that the first one was a negligible event that resulted in a DNF ... the last one was one of the most demanding races that sim-racing has to offer and a 4th place finish (and I even got to lead a lap).

For me, I do not know where I am going from here, I think the first order of business is a bit of time away from sim-racing as some changes are coming in my life that will require more attention. Once those get settled hopefully I can come back with fresh motivation. But regardless of where I go from here, I am happy with where I have made it to. My sim racing "career" was born in Nascar 3, I was raised in Nascar Racing 2003, but I have been proud to call Live For Speed my home (and the home is in a pretty good town under Mayor Palmer).

Thanks goes out to Brent and Rej who were the only people not to think I was crazy for playing a computer game in an organized series oh so many years ago and instead said "that sounds fun, can I do it too?", they became my first team-mates. Thanks to the guys at NBVRL (especially Peter, Jim, Brian and Don) for allowing me to mature and putting up with my sometimes youthful exuberance. Rej came to LFS with me with the desire to do one endurance race for the LOLz. Thanks goes to JB and Zoltan who agreed to stick with this pair of Canadians who had no idea what they had gotten into. Thanks to Yann, Troy and Lars: of all the teams you could have driven for, I still do not know why you chose mine ... and why you came back for more punishment. Just know that I learnt more from you guys in a few hours than I learned in 2 years trying to figure it out myself. And thanks to the guys at Savage for the experience and the structure to work within.

I came to LFS to try out one endurance race, just to see what it was all about, and it ballooned to all of this. It has been a privilege to race with and against this field of drivers and under the immensely professional organisation of NDR.
From Mafia Racing we would like to thank NDR for organizing this great event.

Despite how frustrating it was the beginning of the race for the accident and the DT penalty (still can not believe we have been penalized for that), some punctures, a gravel visit and the most stupid divebomb ever...... The luck wasnt with us. But this is racing.

Anyway we had fun for most of the race tryin to recover the lost time. Greats and respectful battles with many teams. Our car was so fun to drive that we could have done for another 24 hours. :P

If this was the last race of endurance in LFS it will be a great memory. Still, we hope not.
Quote from Sobis :No offence, but hell no. I will stay here as long as I can.

Agreed i hope there is more leagues like this in the future i watched a few of these and they looked amazing i want to take part in one
Quote from Dr3dD :From Mafia Racing we would like to thank NDR for organizing this great event.

Despite how frustrating it was the beginning of the race for the accident and the DT penalty (still can not believe we have been penalized for that), some punctures, a gravel visit and the most stupid divebomb ever...... The luck wasnt with us. But this is racing.

Anyway we had fun for most of the race tryin to recover the lost time. Greats and respectful battles with many teams. Our car was so fun to drive that we could have done for another 24 hours. :P

If this was the last race of endurance in LFS it will be a great memory. Still, we hope not.
