The online racing simulator
CityDriving / Cops&Robbers
(134 posts, started )
Quote from Dudles :Sorry Mate... but i changed it because playing on the server, i See a lot of people chrashing because they are too fast to go through the little detour... and i have done it because i think that that barriers between lines cause more accidents too... some nice improovement you could do is to keep the detour but change the barriers in the middle to that white line...

sorry... I wasn't sopposed to upset you... sorry... my principal idea was really the Gas station...

But if I have worked around a hour to make the highway two lines on both sides,without the wall somewhere,and I see that is reverted back again,what is the point that I keep working on it?
I have the idea that it is just wasting my time.
Quote from Sternendaal :But if I have worked around a hour to make the highway two lines on both sides,without the wall somewhere,and I see that is reverted back again,what is the point that I keep working on it?
I have the idea that it is just wasting my time.

i didn't mess with the Higway... i only made an acess to the gas station on it... i have changed that street from the pits, to the roundabout...

I turned this :

Into This :


sorry... but my english is crappy...
Quote from Sternendaal :But if I have worked around a hour to make the highway two lines on both sides,without the wall somewhere,and I see that is reverted back again,what is the point that I keep working on it?
I have the idea that it is just wasting my time.

you started the whole hype about this city thingy.
you did more then any one else who changed some "little" things to the track
Now I even wonder if Max used the new layout before editing it.

To explain:

It was:

I turned it into this:

and now its this again:

get it?

Anyway,for what it is worth:
Attached files
AU1_CityDriving 1.8.lyt - 3.9 KB - 570 views
Quote from Sternendaal :Now I even wonder if Max used the new layout before editing it.

To explain:

It was:

I turned it into this:

and now its this again:

get it?

Anyway,for what it is worth:

now i got it... but since i started playing online it is the last way... with the little detour... that's why i wasn't understanding why you got so mad about it...

EDIT : It's awesome now mate ! expect someone to put it in server soon...
this versions are confusing me totally. Anyhow, im using ver 1.61, meaning ive, with timbes help, fixed some small bugs on 1.6 and using that. I think its easier for every1 if i just say im using the MaxH branch of the layout. will be posted her upon request. I am pretty satisified with it and dont know if it needs more tweaking. the next step, if any, would be to "play around" do develop it. But thats another months worries.

At this time (couldnt sleep, darn weather being warm!) ive fixed another computer and moving the server program to that. I've had it on my laptop before, and im going to need it in the future. So, shortly, if u just get this thing going, the server existance is saved and is going to be more permanently than before. technically its a downgrade but from what ive read it shouldnt be a problem. Edit: Done, and up. Have fun.

Lible: i just say you wrote 1.6 on your layout database, please change that to 1.5, since that is what i wrote in the refering post you are linking to (awesome work from you btw!)
Quote from MaxHeadroom :this versions are confusing me totally. Anyhow, im using ver 1.61, meaning ive, with timbes help, fixed some small bugs on 1.6 and using that. I think its easier for every1 if i just say im using the MaxH branch of the layout. will be posted her upon request. I am pretty satisified with it and dont know if it needs more tweaking. the next step, if any, would be to "play around" do develop it. But thats another months worries.

At this time (couldnt sleep, darn weather being warm!) ive fixed another computer and moving the server program to that. I've had it on my laptop before, and im going to need it in the future. So, shortly, if u just get this thing going, the server existance is saved and is going to be more permanently than before. technically its a downgrade but from what ive read it shouldnt be a problem. Edit: Done, and up. Have fun.

Lible: i just say you wrote 1.6 on your layout database, please change that to 1.5, since that is what i wrote in the refering post you are linking to (awesome work from you btw!)

I've been talking to Ran,and he said he removed some small roads,and I saw that the highways were still the same,so I thought you reverted everything back. Must've misunderstood you
Quote from Sternendaal :I've been talking to Ran,and he said he removed some small roads,and I saw that the highways were still the same,so I thought you reverted everything back. Must've misunderstood you

Yeah, i saw it and as always, i took the good part of it never used that actual layout.
Well guys we have a new forum setup at so if you want to go there you can always come, we always have a dedicated Citydriving clan called TC: Traffic Cops, thats great fun. We communicate through mic and nobody runs from us!
Quote from jegorchangai : Well guys we have a new forum setup at so if you want to go there you can always come, we always have a dedicated Citydriving clan called TC: Traffic Cops, thats great fun. We communicate through mic and nobody runs from us!

Sound's nice but smell's like stealed stuff!
Quote from Timbe_ :Sound's nice but smell's like stealed stuff!

Yeah especially external links directly from MaxH's website were making me laughing my ass off.
There was already a team called TC (Just TC), so it would be nice, if you could change that (even tough that TC was a Estonian wreckers demo team )
everytime i try to connect to MaxH's Server ( and only to that server ) it appears "Host Refused Connection" What's Happening ?
Quote from Dudles :everytime i try to connect to MaxH's Server ( and only to that server ) it appears "Host Refused Connection" What's Happening ?

That is ban my friend. Now let's hear what happened? (I am an admin on this server but don't know anything about it, yet)
Quote from RAYfighter :That is ban my friend. Now let's hear what happened? (I am an admin on this server but don't know anything about it, yet)

I have not done anything that deserves a ban, and there was no voteban for me in this server... never... someday i lost connection with the server... You have already played with me, you know i'm a fair player and wouldn't diserve a ban... and i stayed without understanding why i couldn't connect. If you can do anything for me, i would be thankfull.

EDIT : I see a lot of people complaining about bans because they crashed or so... i guess the same person that banned someone, shouldn't be allowed to play at the server with BF1 (or any other car not compatible with the purpose of the game ) Just because he is Admin and has the power to do whatever he wants in the server, you should respect more the racers over there... some are just seeking for some fun, like I am. And that BF1 thing is happening frequently in the CnR servers... don't know MaxH's server because as said before, i'm banned from there... don't know why, don't know how long. This is a message for all the admins... have some respect to other racers, so you'll be respected by them.
Quote from Dudles :I have not done anything that deserves a ban, and there was no voteban for me in this server... never... someday i lost connection with the server... You have already played with me, you know i'm a fair player and wouldn't diserve a ban... and i stayed without understanding why i couldn't connect. If you can do anything for me, i would be thankfull.

EDIT : I see a lot of people complaining about bans because they crashed or so... i guess the same person that banned someone, shouldn't be allowed to play at the server with BF1 (or any other car not compatible with the purpose of the game ) Just because he is Admin and has the power to do whatever he wants in the server, you should respect more the racers over there... some are just seeking for some fun, like I am. And that BF1 thing is happening frequently in the CnR servers... don't know MaxH's server because as said before, i'm banned from there... don't know why, don't know how long. This is a message for all the admins... have some respect to other racers, so you'll be respected by them.

And the same sentence goes from admins to players. They mostly do have respect to admins, but that little boy kind of respect, we might pretty much call the fear of daddy's belt. What I want to point out here is the respect towards Police. In real life (in case you already have the driving licence) you would agree that if the Police car is even somewhere around, you immediately act like the rolemodel of all nice drivers of the world. You definetly won't burn your tyres when accelerating directly towards their car!
"We just wanna have some fun here" I hear you say. Maybe it's just me being older than most of you, but the most fun we ever had on the server was when 3-4 Cops were chasing 1 "robber", while all other civilians provided an excellent scene for this chase, driving within the speed limits in their right side of the road and even slow down and free the way whenever they seen police cars with screaming echoed sirens running around. (let's also mention that cops, even in the pursuit, tried hard to avoid any civilians casualties of course!). The chase lasted several long minutes, because cops didn't simply ram the robber, and rammed into the barrier themselves after that. And guess what? The chase ended with "Ok guys, I give up, nice chase!".
Now THIS was fun! Once everybody understood that they didn't want to scratch their paint because it's damn expensive thing IRL, that they definetly didn't want to injure themselves, for obvious reasons IRL, the huge tension and excitement from the car running just few centimeters from barriers at 150km/h came.
Another common wrong understaning of police chases is the moment, when about you are considered as "busted". 3 police cars surround your wreck and eventhough you can barely move, some guys still keep they gas floored in a desperate trying to break through. In real life you would be simply shot to your tyres, and then to your head perhaps. Our cops haven't got guns, so please admit you have lost, what more do you want to accept that those police folks have got you??
Also let's think about the "THIS IS POLICE, PULL OVER!" call. Most of the time you should stop, to avoid making it all even worse, right? If you already must run from the cop who just wanted to stop you for a routine papers check, but you are not sure if he didn't see your wrong way, you run because you believe that if you stopped, it would be pretty bad (long spectate time, in our case). But man, if they wanted to put you in spec for 1 minute, for a wrong way being the damn dangerous thing to do IRL, what do you expect when you run away (driving totally recklessly of course) and get busted? Those 4 minutes in spec are really nothing compared to what would happen in real life, yet still some guys refuse to accept such a funny punishment. Hey dude, you was brave to run, but you sucked and lost, now please leave the playground for few minutes, and watch the show!

Nevertheless, username Dudles is unbanned, and that admin is no longer the admin on MaxH City Driving server, since the owner, MaxHeadroom, really cares of the fairplay on his place. Looking forward for more heat of fair police pursuits guys!
Quote from RAYfighter :And the same sentence goes from admins to players. They mostly do have respect to admins, but that little boy kind of respect, we might pretty much call the fear of daddy's belt. What I want to point out here is the respect towards Police. In real life (in case you already have the driving licence) you would agree that if the Police car is even somewhere around, you immediately act like the rolemodel of all nice drivers of the world. You definetly won't burn your tyres when accelerating directly towards their car!
"We just wanna have some fun here" I hear you say. Maybe it's just me being older than most of you, but the most fun we ever had on the server was when 3-4 Cops were chasing 1 "robber", while all other civilians provided an excellent scene for this chase, driving within the speed limits in their right side of the road and even slow down and free the way whenever they seen police cars with screaming echoed sirens running around. (let's also mention that cops, even in the pursuit, tried hard to avoid any civilians casualties of course!). The chase lasted several long minutes, because cops didn't simply ram the robber, and rammed into the barrier themselves after that. And guess what? The chase ended with "Ok guys, I give up, nice chase!".
Now THIS was fun! Once everybody understood that they didn't want to scratch their paint because it's damn expensive thing IRL, that they definetly didn't want to injure themselves, for obvious reasons IRL, the huge tension and excitement from the car running just few centimeters from barriers at 150km/h came.
Another common wrong understaning of police chases is the moment, when about you are considered as "busted". 3 police cars surround your wreck and eventhough you can barely move, some guys still keep they gas floored in a desperate trying to break through. In real life you would be simply shot to your tyres, and then to your head perhaps. Our cops haven't got guns, so please admit you have lost, what more do you want to accept that those police folks have got you??
Also let's think about the "THIS IS POLICE, PULL OVER!" call. Most of the time you should stop, to avoid making it all even worse, right? If you already must run from the cop who just wanted to stop you for a routine papers check, but you are not sure if he didn't see your wrong way, you run because you believe that if you stopped, it would be pretty bad (long spectate time, in our case). But man, if they wanted to put you in spec for 1 minute, for a wrong way being the damn dangerous thing to do IRL, what do you expect when you run away (driving totally recklessly of course) and get busted? Those 4 minutes in spec are really nothing compared to what would happen in real life, yet still some guys refuse to accept such a funny punishment. Hey dude, you was brave to run, but you sucked and lost, now please leave the playground for few minutes, and watch the show!

Nevertheless, username Dudles is unbanned, and that admin is no longer the admin on MaxH City Driving server, since the owner, MaxHeadroom, really cares of the fairplay on his place. Looking forward for more heat of fair police pursuits guys!

Agree blindly with what you said... i see cars going wrong hand drive just because he felt like going wrong hand drive ( even when the right hand drive track is empty and he can perfectly go though there ).

Thanks for the inban Ray... see you around.
(928GTS) DELETED by 928GTS
Banned in 1 second!
Hi, I just join the CityDriving Cops & Robbers server and theres was 3 people on it. Right after i join i was vote banned! I didnt even have time to go to the pits or even say anything! I did not violate any rules what so ever and the people who banned me didnt even say why or anything. So I am wonder why i got banned so quickly for doing absolutly nothing. The screen names were AudiS3-- and oWMrWolf i believe.
hey ive been banned forever from there for tapping a cop car who broke suddenly
Quote from Xaid0n :hey ive been banned forever from there for tapping a cop car who broke suddenly

Hehe,not the first time things like this happen
Quote from tripleplay905 :Hi, I just join the CityDriving Cops & Robbers server and theres was 3 people on it. Right after i join i was vote banned! I didnt even have time to go to the pits or even say anything! I did not violate any rules what so ever and the people who banned me didnt even say why or anything. So I am wonder why i got banned so quickly for doing absolutly nothing. The screen names were AudiS3-- and oWMrWolf i believe.

Il look into the issue, il unban you btw.
Quote from Sternendaal :Hehe,not the first time things like this happen

im not bothered... ill stick to Max's server instead
Ok, thanks jegorchangai.

CityDriving / Cops&Robbers
(134 posts, started )