Hi there,
Since getting new machine with Win8 I am struggling with connecting LFS to my new (and old) programs that used the .Net InSim library. The LFS/insim configuration is 99% not the issue - exact same config worked on my previous XP machine (xp was 32bit, w8 is 64b now).
In the new project I have downloaded the latest InSimDotNet nuget package (great work btw
) but still no luck. What I have tried is (in every configuration): enabling every Win8 firewall port related to both programs, running winXP mode and running as admin.
Did any one of you had similar problem and solved it? any help/hint/tip will be very appreciated.
To hype things up: I am working (well trying to...) on a new project called LFSHelper (http://sourceforge.net/projects/lfshelper/) which will in general group every idea I had that might enhance LFS experience using every possible input/output method available without hacking(input: insim, outsim, outgauge. output: controller proxy, keyboard). The project is open source
Since getting new machine with Win8 I am struggling with connecting LFS to my new (and old) programs that used the .Net InSim library. The LFS/insim configuration is 99% not the issue - exact same config worked on my previous XP machine (xp was 32bit, w8 is 64b now).
In the new project I have downloaded the latest InSimDotNet nuget package (great work btw

Did any one of you had similar problem and solved it? any help/hint/tip will be very appreciated.
To hype things up: I am working (well trying to...) on a new project called LFSHelper (http://sourceforge.net/projects/lfshelper/) which will in general group every idea I had that might enhance LFS experience using every possible input/output method available without hacking(input: insim, outsim, outgauge. output: controller proxy, keyboard). The project is open source