Artifacts on desktop
(12 posts, started )
Artifacts on desktop
It's been a while since I' started to see (sometimes) artifacts in Firefox (small colorful blocks), and I thought it was Firefox itself the culprit. But I have just say the same thing in the desktop, so I am a bit more worried now (see attachment). It does not happen that often, but I guess even if it happens once in two weeks I should keep an eye on it.

I've noticed another weird thing recently, but I can not confirm it. While I'm playing LFS (and today Minecraft did something similar) I get an extrange frame, like the camera is moved to the rear of the car. I'm in the FO8 and suddenly my vision is blocked, as when you try to look back in a single seater. But as it is only 1 frame I'm not able to see what happens exactly.

How worried should I be if I see artifacts in my screen? Should I expect it to get worse? (I can live with these funny friends for now)

My GPU is 3 years old, and has been working overclocked for at least 1 year. It peaks at 76º, the fan speed dos not raise beyond 50%. So this I feel that this is not related to the problem, but it's indeed worth mentioning.
Attached images
Try to get it back to stock settings and see if the artifacts still appear. Your overclock might have gotten slightly unstable with age (electromigration maybe).
The OC is done via the driver. I formated my computer a month ago, so it had to re-do the OC stability test, but I can run stock clocks for a while. The only bad thing is that I don't know how much time I have to wait until I can afirm they are gone xD
Lol you better hope they don't reappear on stock settings, otherwise that means your GPU itself is about to kick the bucket!
Thats my real concern, I sure don't want to see a part of my computer blow up (it's beeing a long time since the CPU died in a cloud of smoke :razz. On the other hand, losing that 20% OC will be a handicap too, but at least I would have money in my pocket xD

I'm running stock clock on GPU and GPU memory right now. Let's hope that it's alright now.
Haha it's not likely to blow up in a cloud of smoke, especially nowadays. What card is it anyway? Just curious.
It's an AMD HD5750, that was chosen with the help of the kind people of this forum. It is already lasting more than I ever expected, but once reached this point I'd like it to achieve the 4 years goal haha

Asseto Corsa's multiplayer should be what force an update, as currently my computer can handle it without crazy sttutering.
#8 - Mysho
Had this on my old 8800GTS, started "slowly" as seen on your desktop, but then it just made bigger and bigger artifacts and it was unusable.

In my case it was dead VRAM on my GPU (which basically means blown GPU) and the only solution was to change it.

When googling you will find one workaround - put your GPU to microwave owen for a limited time, it's not a joke and it works sometimes, but didn't work for my 8800GTS, had to change it.

Generally if you start to see something very odd, like this, you should just change the part as there is a high possibility it will come back again later or it just "blows" your GPU anyway... Time to upgrade I'd say!
Thanks Mysho, I hope that returning the vram speed to default clock helps to avoid the total failure.

If it breaks... it's a pitty. As I already would have to buy new MB, CPU, GPU and probably even a PSU I'm not even worried for a possible shortcut in the event of it blowing up or anything.

Quote from Mysho : put your GPU to microwave owen for a limited time, it's not a joke and it works sometimes

My brother put his laptop (motherboard only) in the oven to resurrect it, and it worked, though the computer was too hot and inestable to be used again.
Quote from Mysho :
When googling you will find one workaround - put your GPU to microwave owen for a limited time

Surely you meant the normal oven instead! I'm sure some time in the microwave oven would fry the GPU itself, if not the oven as well.
Yeah, I meant normal owen, did not catch the microwave part.
Quote from Whiskey :
I'm running stock clock on GPU and GPU memory right now. Let's hope that it's alright now.

A month without artifacts. I guess it should be safe to return the GPU to its normal OC, and to keep an aye on the memory clock OC, as that seems to have caused all the artifacts.

Thank you all for your advices once again

Artifacts on desktop
(12 posts, started )