The online racing simulator
Quote from PeterN :Good morning Scawen. I'm hitting a crash that seems to happen sometimes when another program switches to fullscreen and/or back.


Hi Peter, can I just check, is this when LFS is in a window?

I guess it should only happen when LFS is in a window, because other programs shouldn't be able to go fullscreen if LFS is already fullscreen.

I'm looking into how LFS could get the wrong answer when it checks if it's ok to draw, or if it can become not ok to draw (e.g. another program goes full screen) at some point between the check and the actual start of drawing.
Yes, LFS is either in a window or minimized when it happens.
I had a similar issue (same thing, crash when changing from window to full or vice versa) but I can't for the life of me remember what was causing it.

Does this happen all the time or only when you have other programs opened? I.E. Run LFS straight from a boot without TS, Steam, or anything else going.

*added* I remember to fix my issue I just did a clean install of LFS then loaded the backups of my layouts/setups/skins/textures. Have you tried running a fresh LFS install on this machine, Peter?
(S.E.T.H) DELETED by Scawen : spam
(dawesdust_12) DELETED by Scawen : spam
Announcing the Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 (DK2)
Some good information here too.

Time to get your DK2 pre-orders in.
Thanks for the info. Ordered!
I guess we will never see any new patch now.
Almost two months since last one
Expected shipping @July but the year is not mentioned
This year.

However do remember, that the DK2 uses a Pentile display. So it won't really be true 1080p, more like 1488x930 due to the RG/BG subpixel arrangement. It's a huge shame that they couldn't get a true RGB stripe display in, as I personally abhor the Pentile technology, but atleast it should be a tiny bit better than the DK1 screen, even if the screen door effect with Pentile will be more annoying to look at.
Since we have a little wait until the next patch should be ready, can we get a frame time tool built into LFS? "/fps 1" - Show's FPS, and "/fps_graph 1" shows a frame graph for when the rendered is presenting to the frame buffer. "/fps_save <filename>" allows you to store the time in milliseconds each frame takes to render.

I'd like to be able to do some benchmarks, like "Inside the Second".
Quote from :Expected shipping @July but the year is not mentioned

LOL FAQ does state 2014, so fear not

Quote from Bose321 :I guess we will never see any new patch now.

Huh? Noooo noooo, you've got it all wrong. This guarantees we'll have the tyre physics patch in July, cos Scawen will want to have it out of the way before enjoying his new Rift
Quote from Dygear :Since we have a little wait until the next patch should be ready, can we get a frame time tool built into LFS? "/fps 1" - Show's FPS, and "/fps_graph 1" shows a frame graph for when the rendered is presenting to the frame buffer. "/fps_save <filename>" allows you to store the time in milliseconds each frame takes to render.

I'd like to be able to do some benchmarks, like "Inside the Second".

Here is example of proxy DX9 (this one work with LFS)

Pretty fun actually, allows you do draw anything you'd like, count FPS (just put the counter in EndScene or Present, ... ) or you can hook your dll with SetWindowsHookEx which is sometimes easier, no need to restart LFS, just load it at runtime
Speaking of DLLs, a lot can be done with them usefull and less usefull. However dinput.dll Lately I see this one quite a bit "abused"
Sad day for VR.

Hell, I would have preferred EA over facebook, and that says a lot.
I used to want a Rift. Not any more. What are the rivals called again? They'll get my money now.
Quote from tristancliffe :I used to want a Rift. Not any more. What are the rivals called again? They'll get my money now.

Valve is supposedly working on one, but they've made no comment on whether they're even pushing commercial marketing for it.
My initial reaction is pure horror but after spending 10 minutes thinking about it, they are willing to spend 2 billion on a technology that most of us here on this forum, scawen included, realise is the future. No matter what, no matter what price occulus comes at, from this point, vr has the financial backing and will succeed. If they are too expensive or not good enough, someone will do better. Exciting times ahead. See you guys in the virtual world.

BTW I am the blond bird with the big tits
Can I have your phone number then? Or are you already going steady with a sheep. :P
Quote from tristancliffe :I used to want a Rift. Not any more. What are the rivals called again? They'll get my money now.

If you're looking for PC VR, there's not a whole lot out there after this. Sonys Morpheus is rumored to be a PS4 exclusive, and Valves prototypes are for their in-lab use only. So, Rift had the only open PC VR goggles out there with any meaningful development going on.
the fact that Facebook buyed OR is gona affect something to the development of OR implementation into lfs?
Quote from Inouva :the fact that Facebook buyed OR is gona affect something to the development of OR implementation into lfs?

if that means tire model earlier, then im ok with that
I preordered and paid on 23rd... Probably wouldn't have that easily...
Quote from rediske :I preordered and paid on 23rd... Probably wouldn't have that easily...

Similar thoughts...

I paid my money to an independent company. It's different now.

But I'm still looking forward to getting my Rift and believe it will come.

Would have preferred Oculus to stay independent but looking on the bright side, at least this is better than selling out to Microsoft for example.
If anyone wants to cancel and refund their DK2 pre-orders, it's possible. From Reddit:
Quote :I had cancelled mine yesterday. Just email saying you want to cancel, and include your order number.

I'm still looking forward to getting my DK2, as I'm sure it'll be the best overall VR solution for the short term future, but knowing my money is going for the FB goons certainly makes me feel very dirty inside. Notch made a great blog post that aligns with my feelings on the matter.

About Facebook VS Microsoft... I'm not sure. MS are atleast partially a hardware and core gaming company, whereas FB are only in to selling your personal information and flooding you with ads - that is afterall where they make all their money from. Doing a deal with MS would have possibly meant doing an x-bone exclusive product though, so that would have been an even worse outcome.

If Palmer & co would have had the patience to stay independent and wait a couple years and carry on with their current investors and crowd sourcing supporters, he would have been able to make that $2 billion and above even on his own, that's how big of an effect I predict VR is going to have on the world. FB got them cheap, I think.

Also, John Carmack is now an employee of Facebook. If someone would have told me that last week, I would have died laughing.
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