The online racing simulator
I won't cancel mine either! I'm too keen on the new experience. Seems they are pretty much there with technology!

I liked the independance character of that thing a lot, and now there's a bit of a bitter taste to it... But I'm looking forward to putting my hands on one soon hopefully!

edit: And of course I'm keen on the experience with the Rift combined with LFS!
Quote from Scawen :I'm still looking forward to getting my Rift and believe it will come.

It will come. It's not like they've scraped the Rift project and started developing a Facebook Virtual Social Reality headset instead. Release of DK2 will go as planned. The extra money may even speed up things if anthing.

Quote from Scawen :Would have preferred Oculus to stay independent but looking on the bright side, at least this is better than selling out to Microsoft for example.

Some quotes from CEO of Oculus:
Quote from Palmer Luckey - CEO of Oculus :
I am sorry that you are disappointed. To be honest, if I were you, I would probably have a similar initial impression! There are a lot of reasons why this is a good thing, many of which are not yet public.
Facebook has a good track record for letting companies operate independently post-acquisition, and they are going to do the same for us. Trust me on this, I would not have done the deal otherwise.
We have not gotten into all the details yet, but a lot of the news is coming. The key points:
1) We can make custom hardware, not rely on the scraps of the mobile phone industry. That is insanely expensive, think hundreds of millions of dollars. More news soon.
2) We can afford to hire everyone we need, the best people that fit into our culture of excellence in all aspects.
3) We can make huge investments in content. More news soon.

Quote from Amynue :
Some quotes from CEO of Oculus:
1) We can make custom hardware, not rely on the scraps of the mobile phone industry. That is insanely expensive, think hundreds of millions of dollars. More news soon.
2) We can afford to hire everyone we need, the best people that fit into our culture of excellence in all aspects.
3) We can make huge investments in content. More news soon.

I'm thinking that (just possibly) Dave was not being sarcastic with his original post ("just what was needed")
Like most people, I also thought "aw shit" at first, but then things like the CEO mentions above started to occur to me. If FB truly stay hands-off then it's probably a major win all round...
And as Jason says, we can all chill out cos VR is inevitable now.
(Having said all that - I was fighting the impulse to buy one until I read the news. Now... I'm not. Will wait and see.)
Quote from Matrixi :If anyone wants to cancel and refund their DK2 pre-orders, it's possible. From Reddit:

About Facebook VS Microsoft... I'm not sure. MS are atleast partially a hardware and core gaming company,

Dude, Microsoft killed a LOTS of projects, their strategy is to buy a project from independent company and then destroy/cancel it. From graphics area, they destroyed Truespace 3d and they tried to do the same with Blender... fortunately they didnt managed to knock out Blender foundation
Destroying Oculus would make no sense however, they would be killing a goose laying golden eggs for them, even MS in all their recent stupidity wouldn't be that dumb.

Only company buyout that I would have been almost 100% happy with would have been Valve, which still to this date is a privately held company with no shareholders.
Personally I'm sad that the day after I pre-ordered dk2 facebook bought oculus! But...... I understand why and the injection of cash will hopefully help the product become better quicker!
Now it's the best time for buying a used DK1.0 or 1.1. They are now going on ebay for 200€ (was like 300 before the facebook deal).

Are there any experiences with DK1.0 vs. 1.1 when using with LFS?
It's good if you like playing tetris like LFS.
Quote from Scawen :

Would have preferred Oculus to stay independent but looking on the bright side, at least this is better than selling out to Microsoft for example.

why so?

i would have preferred m$ at least they are a hardware company, and whatever you say about the company, the hardware was always top notch.
they have the know how, they have the experience, they have the connections, that have the factories in china.

facebook have farmville and adverts.
Quote from obzelite :why so?

i would have preferred m$ at least they are a hardware company, and whatever you say about the company, the hardware was always top notch.
they have the know how, they have the experience, they have the connections, that have the factories in china.

facebook have farmville and adverts.

MS is not a hardware company. Their main focus has and always will be software.
everything is working pretty good actually, except for head tracking, when I enable oculus rift it says Oculus Rift DLL not found, and I have LFSOVRDLL.dll but its still not working... Help Quick!
Quote from airpline1 :everything is working pretty good actually, except for head tracking, when I enable oculus rift it says Oculus Rift DLL not found, and I have LFSOVRDLL.dll but its still not working... Help Quick!

In my LFS folder there in no such file, only LFSORDLL.dll. And it loads just fine.
Try renaming it
Quote from obzelite :why so?

i would have preferred m$ at least they are a hardware company, and whatever you say about the company, the hardware was always top notch.
they have the know how, they have the experience, they have the connections, that have the factories in china.

facebook have farmville and adverts.

Well if it had been bought by Microsoft, it seems to me they would have wanted to make it only work with Windows. As far as I know, Facebook would not have any reason to limit it to any particular system.

It can work if Facebook is a backer that just wants to cash in on VR and wants a 'cool' product to improve its own 'not so cool' image. It's just sad for me that Oculus didn't feel they could stay independent. They claim that the extra money can make the device way better. Maybe that's true. But they are no longer in control of their own destiny.

If it had been owned by Microsoft then, looking at the way they are trying to cut things off and force people into pointless upgrades recently, I would have severe concerns about it. But no need to worry about that, all I can do is hope that Facebook doesn't make a mess of it and allows users to use that device how they want to, without any connection or login to Facebook itself.

Quote from airpline1 :everything is working pretty good actually, except for head tracking, when I enable oculus rift it says Oculus Rift DLL not found, and I have LFSOVRDLL.dll but its still not working... Help Quick!

As Daniel says, the file must be called LFSORDLL.dll and be in your LFS folder, visible beside LFS.exe in there.
From what I've read by Palmer, they lost their independence in June 2013 when they took $17 million as venture capital funding, and further $75 million in December 2013. This FB deal happened most likely due to those investors wanting to cash in their 20x profits from their previous investments.

But what's done is done, all we (consumers, developers) can do now is put our trust in the smart people at Oculus, and hope FB don't start meddling in their business too soon.
Quote from PeterN :Good morning Scawen. I'm hitting a crash that seems to happen sometimes when another program switches to fullscreen and/or back.

I got this same crash each time when I start/end race in Asseto Corsa, while LFS is minimized. Used completly clean LFS, all default textures, ...
Quote :
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: LFS_6E14-2.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 52ebe6b5
Fault Module Name: LFS_6E14-2.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 52ebe6b5
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0013ea99
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1050
Additional Information 1: 2430
Additional Information 2: 2430a6f9ccc051b3e34455b5b09a5a74
Additional Information 3: 0bd6
Additional Information 4: 0bd6326f3d67a10dd5e7a4446db167a5

Read our privacy statement online: ... d=104288&clcid=0x0409

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

Unhandled exception at 0x0053EA99 in LFS_6E14-2.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000FFFF.

Quote :Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: LFS_6E14-2.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 52ebe6b5
Fault Module Name: LFS_6E14-2.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 52ebe6b5
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00130eb9
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1050
Additional Information 1: 2430
Additional Information 2: 2430a6f9ccc051b3e34455b5b09a5a74
Additional Information 3: 0bd6
Additional Information 4: 0bd6326f3d67a10dd5e7a4446db167a5

Read our privacy statement online: ... d=104288&clcid=0x0409

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

Unhandled exception at 0x00530EB9 in LFS_6E14-2.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000023C.

non-crash related :

VIDEO about something funny

BTW Is it possible to increase drawing distance for objects/textures/... What I hate the most about LFS track enviroment is when objects and some textures appear only when you are close enough, but it's definitely not enough as you can see in pics. Some slider to increase ...
Attached images
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :.... more time waste ?? awesome...

Fixing crash bugs are not a waste of time. The worst thing that could possibly happen in a game is a CTD. Imagine leading the KY500 and you have a crash bug? Not such a waste of time, now is it?
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Fixing crash bugs are not a waste of time. The worst thing that could possibly happen in a game is a CTD. Imagine leading the KY500 and you have a crash bug? Not such a waste of time, now is it?

you wouldn't start and finish a race in AC while leading the KY500 lol
Quote from MandulAA :[Probably not DX9/Rift related]
Today I was racing with Eza on GTR (with E14) when I lost the connection. Checked chat history and got a new (at least for me) error, check the picture. What's this?

Packet from unknown UCID ...

I saw that too, only in new patch.

Checked my log file which contain last two years of all messages from LFS, never happened until E14. Altough it doesn't happen often, during last two months of E14 only 4 times.

a bit more details regarding this message, replay+logs

happened two times in that replay, lines with that message are bolded.

Mar 20 20:46:36 ByDequdeR^L connected (61karadeniz61)
Mar 20 20:46:37 Lecontinue^L pitted
Mar 20 20:46:38 New user (20704) : MxJens -> from Sweden [140 km|9 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:46:39 Lecontinue^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:46:43 New user (20705) : nachoo_speed -> from Argentina [1281 km|28 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:46:43 ByDequdeR^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:46:48 MxJens^L timed out (MxJens)
Mar 20 20:46:49 New user (20706) : Kolumbiets1 -> from Russian Federation [881 km|50 laps|0 wins|7 fin]
Mar 20 20:46:49 ivan^L connected (asda91)
Mar 20 20:46:54 New user (20707) : 61karadeniz61 -> from Turkey [251 km|29 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:46:57 › asda91 : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:46:57 › 61karadeniz61 : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:46:59 New user (20709) : Quazar -> from Russian Federation [5125 km|821 laps|4 wins|42 fin]
Mar 20 20:47:03 XxX^lSPEED CAR^rXxX^L pitted
Mar 20 20:47:04 XxX^lSPEED CAR^rXxX^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:47:08 Lubike^L pitted
Mar 20 20:47:08 ivan^L connected (asda91)
Mar 20 20:47:09 Lubike^L left the pits (XFG)
Mar 20 20:47:13 › asda91 : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:47:16 ivan^L connected (asda91)
Mar 20 20:47:16 Lost connection to ivan^L (asda91)
Mar 20 20:47:32 Lubike^L pitted
Mar 20 20:47:33 /pit_all
Mar 20 20:47:33 Lubike^L left the pits (XFG)
Mar 20 20:47:33 All cars returned to the pit lane
Mar 20 20:47:41 [DRIFT]Quazar^L pitted
Mar 20 20:47:42 [DRIFT]Quazar^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:47:49 [DRIFT]Quazar^L pitted
Mar 20 20:47:49 [DRIFT]Quazar^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:47:49 [DRIFT]Quazar^L pitted
Mar 20 20:47:49 [DRIFT]Quazar^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:47:55 /ban theponczek 0
Mar 20 20:47:57 Lecontinue^L pitted
Mar 20 20:47:57 ^J‚o‚n‚m‚b‚y‚d‚jƒc^L was banned (theponczek)
Mar 20 20:47:58 Lecontinue^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:48:02 TomasssBB : ^L:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Mar 20 20:48:02 [DRIFT]Quazar : ^L=D
Mar 20 20:48:05 [DRIFT]Quazar^L pitted
Mar 20 20:48:05 [DRIFT]Quazar^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:48:14 /ban matumasta36 0
Mar 20 20:48:23 sa^L connected (sesesese)
Mar 20 20:48:23 New user (20710) : sesesese -> from Bulgaria [0 km|0 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:48:38 uslu52mikail^L connected (uslu52mikail)
Mar 20 20:48:38 uslu52mikail [2014-03-18 16:36 / 1m 10s]->from Turkey [423 km|41 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:49:07 [DRIFT]Quazar : ^L=(
Mar 20 20:49:07 Lecontinue^L was banned (matumasta36)
Mar 20 20:49:07 uslu52mikail^L disconnected (uslu52mikail)
Mar 20 20:49:07 The_KOSTEK^L disconnected (The_NitroKill)
Mar 20 20:49:07 dest^L connected (swat5454e)
Mar 20 20:49:07 Naughtylus^L connected (Naughtylus)
Mar 20 20:49:07 New user (20711) : swat5454e -> from Turkey [53 km|7 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:49:09 › swat5454e : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:49:11 Naughtylus^L left the pits (FBM)
Mar 20 20:49:13 ivan^L connected (asda91)
Mar 20 20:49:13 New user (20712) : Naughtylus -> from Sweden [177 km|13 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:49:14 dest^L connected (swat5454e)
Mar 20 20:49:14 swat5454e [2014-03-20 20:49 / 3s]->from Turkey [53 km|7 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:49:17 The_KOSTEK^L connected (The_NitroKill)
Mar 20 20:49:17 The_NitroKill [2014-03-20 20:49 / 28m 58s]->from Poland [679 km|28 laps|1 wins|6 fin]
Mar 20 20:49:19 dest^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:49:23 › asda91 : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:49:23 › swat5454e : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:49:23 ivan^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:49:24 The_KOSTEK^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:49:30 /spec Lubike
[B][U]Mar 20 20:49:41 Packet from unknown UCID 21[/U][/B]
Mar 20 20:49:41 SKIN : Not found - XRG_131_Hella
Mar 20 20:49:41 ivan^L connected (asda91)
Mar 20 20:49:41 sa^L disconnected (sesesese)
Mar 20 20:49:41 Lost connection to ivan^L (asda91)
Mar 20 20:49:41 dest^L connected (swat5454e)
Mar 20 20:49:41 XxX^lSPEED CAR^rXxX^L pitted
Mar 20 20:49:41 XxX^lSPEED CAR^rXxX^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:49:41 razor1700^L connected (razor1700)
Mar 20 20:49:41 asda91 [2014-03-20 20:49 / 38s]->from Bulgaria [15 km|0 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:49:42 swat5454e [2014-03-20 20:49 / 13s]->from Turkey [53 km|7 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:49:43 pasto1^L pitted
Mar 20 20:49:45 pasto1^L left the pits (XFG)
Mar 20 20:49:45 dest^L disconnected (swat5454e)
Mar 20 20:49:48 Lubike^L left the pits (XFG)
Mar 20 20:49:51 New user (20713) : razor1700 -> from Poland [252 km|32 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:49:54 › razor1700 : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:49:57 razor1700^L connected (razor1700)
Mar 20 20:49:57 razor1700 [2014-03-20 20:49 / 13s]->from Poland [252 km|32 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:49:59 dest^L connected (swat5454e)
Mar 20 20:49:59 swat5454e [2014-03-20 20:49 / 16s]->from Turkey [53 km|7 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:50:05 › razor1700 : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:50:05 › swat5454e : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:50:10 Naughtylus^L updated his controls
Mar 20 20:50:12 The_KOSTEK^L disconnected (The_NitroKill)
Mar 20 20:50:14 razor1700^L connected (razor1700)
Mar 20 20:50:14 razor1700 [2014-03-20 20:50 / 22s]->from Poland [252 km|32 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:50:20 Kolumbiets^L pitted
Mar 20 20:50:21 Kolumbiets^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:50:21 dest^L connected (swat5454e)
Mar 20 20:50:21 swat5454e [2014-03-20 20:50 / 23s]->from Turkey [53 km|7 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:50:22 › swat5454e : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:50:26 › razor1700 : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:50:26 dest^L connected (swat5454e)
Mar 20 20:50:26 swat5454e [2014-03-20 20:50 / 25s]->from Turkey [53 km|7 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:50:31 dest^L left the pits (XRG)
Mar 20 20:50:32 /spec Lubike
Mar 20 20:50:33 › swat5454e : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:50:46 XxX^lSPEED CAR^rXxX : ^Lsuper server
[B][U]Mar 20 20:50:46 Packet from unknown UCID 4[/U][/B]
Mar 20 20:50:46 › razor1700 : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:50:46 › slxboom : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:50:46 razor1700^L connected (razor1700)
Mar 20 20:50:46 slxboom^L connected (slxboom)
Mar 20 20:50:46 razor1700 [2014-03-20 20:50 / 34s]->from Poland [252 km|32 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:50:46 slxboom [2014-03-12 21:21 / 19s]->from Turkey [102 km|2 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:50:46 Lubike^L left the pits (XFG)
Mar 20 20:50:47 slxboom^L connected (slxboom)
Mar 20 20:50:47 slxboom [2014-03-20 20:50 / 19s]->from Turkey [102 km|2 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:50:58 › slxboom : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:51:02 slxboom^L connected (slxboom)
Mar 20 20:51:02 Kolumbiets : ^L:)
Mar 20 20:51:02 slxboom [2014-03-20 20:50 / 31s]->from Turkey [222 km|10 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:51:07 › slxboom : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:51:08 pasto1^L pitted
Mar 20 20:51:09 pasto1^L left the pits (XFG)
Mar 20 20:51:37 Naughtylus^L disconnected (Naughtylus)
Mar 20 20:51:39 ivan^L connected (asda91)
Mar 20 20:51:39 asda91 [2014-03-20 20:49 / 38s]->from Bulgaria [15 km|0 laps|0 wins|0 fin]
Mar 20 20:51:45 › asda91 : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:52:01 Saved MP replay - ^LBL3_qual_100M_7R_0Q_5

Attached files
BL3_qual_100M_7R_0Q_5.mpr - 613 KB - 594 views
Next VR solution for LFS? :-)

But no hardware available currently. Hopefully a developement kit is planned too? But sounds more expensive with more features then Oculus Rift?
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :
a bit more details regarding this message, replay+logs

happened two times in that replay, lines with that message are bolded.

You can better highlight the massive amount of JOOS - CAR lines.
Quote from :You can better highlight the massive amount of JOOS - CAR lines.

According to replay these UCIDs were indeed assigned to users which got JOOS - CAR

UCID 21 - "swat5454e"
Mar 20 20:49:23 › swat5454e : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:49:41 Packet from unknown UCID 21
Mar 20 20:49:41 dest^L connected (swat5454e)

UCID 4 - "razor1700"
Mar 20 20:50:26 › razor1700 : JOOS - CAR
Mar 20 20:50:46 Packet from unknown UCID 4
Mar 20 20:50:46 razor1700^L connected (razor1700)

Just want to point out to something possibly unwanted introduced with the E14, as there is not a single message like this during the last 2 years of my LFSing.
Quote from Pasci :Next VR solution for LFS? :-)

But no hardware available currently. Hopefully a developement kit is planned too? But sounds more expensive with more features then Oculus Rift?

Until they actually have something more than numbers pulled out of nowhere and pretty renders to show, I'd suggest ignoring them for now. Everything about it reeks of vaporware riding on the success of the Rift to me. I don't believe their claim of 10 years in development for one second, considering they don't have a single real world prototype to show.
(jokuf) DELETED by Scawen : spam
(malcomax) DELETED by Scawen : spam
Incorrect vertical rendering?
Hmmm, I can see the edge of the screen vertically when I look straight ahead.

When I have it on 1920x1080 with aspect ratio correction OFF I can't see the edges, but when I tilt my head, the image gets warped. Can anyone else with a rift confirm this? I've tried a fair few resolutions in LFS, and whenever the aspect ratio correction is on, the image looks fine when I tilt my head. But I can see the edge at the bottom (only just, but enough for it to be immersion breaking.) With a native resolution (1280x800 or 1920x1200) the aspect ratio correction doesn't change anything (which it shouldn't I believe) but the black border down the bottom and top is still there.

I've tried changing the hardware setup (extended/duplicate, even have the rift as my sole monitor), and scaling settings (gpu/display, aspect/fullscreen/none) and I get the same result. I'm not ruling out that it's something on my end though, that's why I want to know if people can see the same thing. I use the A cups, and the dial is set to about halfway in.

Or is this just something that's yet to be implemented yet? I just realised the new SDK 0.3.1 has an option for how close your eyes are to the lenses which probably has something to do with the FOV restriction. If this is the case apologies for my ignorance!

Didn't stop me from spending 6 hours straight in virtual reality LFS on the weekend! Was in another world!

EDIT: It appears that the new SDK 0.3.1 doesn't seem to change anything in LFS, i.e. if I change the IPD in it, LFS keeps the old value. Is this because it's a "preview" SDK or because LFS doesn't use it? Thanks!
I think that is because LFS doesn't use the full amount of vertical space available on the 16:10 screen.

I took the approach of rendering each eye's view to a square part of the render target texture, then distorting that square to the screen in such a way that the left and right limits reach the left and right of the physical screen.

I wouldn't really say its "incorrect" - it's just one way of doing it. It is possible to cover even more of the screen vertically by using an even bigger render target texture, but I'm not too keen on changing it at the moment as the next version of the Rift is 1920x1080 and LFS will then be quite near to filling the whole screen.

I don't really want to work on more Rift things at the moment as there are other things to do. I think it would be best to update the Rift support when I get a DK2 in a few months time.
Quote from marty-bett :EDIT: It appears that the new SDK 0.3.1 doesn't seem to change anything in LFS, i.e. if I change the IPD in it, LFS keeps the old value. Is this because it's a "preview" SDK or because LFS doesn't use it? Thanks!

LFS does use the IPD supplied by the Rift software. It gets this when the Rift is initialised, so if you use /rift toggle twice (off then on) it should get the value again.

But I have no idea if that is working in the new SDK. I have not tried it and I am hoping I don't need to look into that before I get my Rift.
This thread is closed