The online racing simulator
Texpelt88 Designs
(77 posts, started )
I'm highly aware, thank you. Yeah and I actually remember editing that logo on jpg too. But with a computer crash and such, ya gotta work with what you've got. I've heard that gimp is the best, and I'll be greatly appreciate it when I can get a computer this summer to test (goof around) and see how it works. Afterwords, I'll make proper high quality skins.
(Texpelt88) DELETED by Texpelt88
I'm aware this isn't the highest of quality. Credit to Smove and Travis.
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Quote from lundqvist :its [crap].

Lol. I think you're mistaken. Go see the 1st page first. This, compared to those, is so much better
Albers Fan's skin for GTM. #105
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Karlokarlo skin for GTM #139
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Thanks mate
Something simple.
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AdvoCare GTM FXR #92
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i feel like uploading my ugly lx4 skin .
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Nice, I was wondering if I was ever going to see it again.
i plan to make similar skins for different cars in the future
Dale Earnhardt Jr. 2014 XRT Paint Scheme, 1/20+ I'm doing.... well, for the hell of it.
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You should get a decent skinning kit and do it in Photoshop, otherwise it doesn't look professional at all. Also, the design itself looks quite low quality, it requires a lot more effort to make a decent skin. This certainly doesn't look any good by no means.
Mouseman you make a very good point and I have no means of arguing with you. But, I cannot race online at the moment and this is for offline use pretty much. Currently, I have a new computer which is working like crap, and I am doing majority of the things in my life to the best of my ability. Now, I do have 1 suggestion: Have you put this through CMX, or on the LFS program, with the shine and everything on? Because if you have, like majority of all skins, you will hardly ever notice the tiniest mistakes that include: quality, errors, and such.

This was just a "project" I did for fun and honestly only posted it because I thought "Ya know, we really don't have a lot of NASCAR skins on here." So I posted 1, knowing somebody can do a better job than me. Now, if you are really that concerned about it, please by all means, make the skin better. If you, or anybody, has nothing positive to say, then please do not waste your time and energy by posting something negative.

On that note: Here's another skin of Michael Annet's #7 which was really hard but fun to do.
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Two new RB4's just in time for the AWD Winter Series. Yes, I designed one and then flipped the colors, not a hard edit. But it was such a simple, but fun, design that I couldn't help myself. I think I'll be making a zip file soon of all current online skins available.
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RB4_ADVO_white.jpg file with all online paint schemes
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Cause why not right?
2014 NASCAR Champion Kevin Harvick's car as a FO8.
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What Program do you use mate?
That nascar thing just has over 9000 stickers and a red line that a 9 y/o could pull off.
as a advanced skinner i realy need to say TRY GIMP. You´re skins are lowres because you´reusing small templates. Look at to get the "pro-kits" wich are in 2048px². You dont need to use the layers. But you should make a easy skin with some line on a 512px template and on a 2048px template. import them to lfs and you will see the difference.

The difference between gimp and paint is that you can draw clean lines. If you draw the same line in paint it will look like stairs in you house. You can clearly see the effect on your skins. Download gimp if you have no chance for photoshop and make the same line. you will see the difference. Aswell save the files as jpg. never do bitmapfiles. they´re reducing your files to much and are much bigger overall.

A other point is to get more time for one skin. don´t paint 2 lines and say you´re done. Did you ever watched a real racecar? Most of them have sponsors. You can add them with the layers in gimp very easy. you also can swap them around without a problem. But as Niko said its about practise. When i started skinning with photoshop i also had to learn the layer functions. it took some time but i think i did very well.

You don´t need to make artworks like me. But may google racecarlivery to get some inspirations. Ther´re easy designs wich look quite good. And try to make something "real".

A normal skin i made in the past(the good ones of me) took me atleast 3hours minimum. To get the aligning etc done.

Its justa advice and i hope you will get it and try it.


PS.: Also never copy things from a photo and put it on a skin. it looks horrible.
Quote from tadydrift :What Program do you use mate?


Quote from MousemanLV :That nascar thing just has over 9000 stickers and a red line that a 9 y/o could pull off.


Quote from kiste :A lot of things that were true.

Gimp- I'll try to download, but my computer is being weird.
Curve into staircase- yeah, I know. Looks better in BMP, but had to be a png or jpeg, so quality flys out.
Sponsors- It was a quick template I made for myself.
After practice and lots of looking and knowing the skin 3hrs turns into 2ish.
Real Life Photos- Oh god I know right! Good thing i always search "(Sponsor) Logo PNG"

I know yall put hard work into your responses, but I am personally too busy right now to care. The FO8_NASCAR paint schemes are my personal schemes and not online. So Im not sure why such the awareness for them.
Hey Texpelt88 - if you're looking for logos is pretty good - most of them come as vector eps files, so they're infinitely scalable without any drop in quality.

I'm pretty sure you won't be able to open eps' in Paint, and not 100% sure about gimp either tbh, but even the preview jpgs they have would be usable in most cases...

Texpelt88 Designs
(77 posts, started )