The online racing simulator
iRacing - chapter III
(1141 posts, started )
Quote from IsaacPrice :Yes, it's due to the way the diff is in some of the cars in iRacing. Open diff = lift off oversteer, on power understeer. The fastest way in those cars is to control the oversteer with how much throttle you use under braking. I wouldn't really compare it to XRR, it's much more like if you drive a UF1 as that has an open diff.

I meant more for heavy braking but yes like the UF1.
Can some nice person post up the current schedule. Thank you
Quote from anttt69 :Can some nice person post up the current schedule. Thank you

The current schedule only lasts for a week or so. Season 2 schedule would be more useful at this point.

There was a topic in Rookie forums, with people blaming the MX5 and the conclusion was that it pretty much handles right in most cases. The only difference would be the lack of "ass" feel and the small POV being unreflective of slides and people feeling slides having smaller angles than the actual angles. I never had problem with the MX5 or any other cars. The Formula Mazda sure needs an updated tire model to sort out some of the weird slides, but it's not what I'd call undrivable. Not being able to handle a car around the track, while thousands of people are completely fine with it, then blaming the simulator after giving up is not into my mindset.
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2014 Season 2 Schedule.pdf - 129 KB - 411 views
Got my rating up to about 2.85 then had some horrible races. Got taken out on the first lap in 2 races then took myself out on the first corner as the guy one pole was incredibly slow through the turn and I spun trying to avoid him. This took my rating down to 2.65.

Gave myself a good break and came back tonight to nail this race. Some solid laps in the 52s. Not the best competition but just happy to put in 10 near perfect laps. Had one lap in the 54s which would have dropped that average but quite happy with the consistency. Getting sick of this car/track combo. Really need the next licence!
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Quote from Kristi :The current schedule only lasts for a week or so. Season 2 schedule would be more useful at this point.

There was a topic in Rookie forums, with people blaming the MX5 and the conclusion was that it pretty much handles right in most cases. The only difference would be the lack of "ass" feel and the small POV being unreflective of slides and people feeling slides having smaller angles than the actual angles. I never had problem with the MX5 or any other cars. The Formula Mazda sure needs an updated tire model to sort out some of the weird slides, but it's not what I'd call undrivable. Not being able to handle a car around the track, while thousands of people are completely fine with it, then blaming the simulator after giving up is not into my mindset.

yea, tbh its the only reason I don't bother getting my road SR up...
On other news we are looking to start our GT3 series with some test races soon, league name is revolutionary racing.
Rumors say july for driver swaps
(dawesdust_12) DELETED by dekojester : not again, please
(Bmxtwins) DELETED by dekojester : not again, please
(umadragek) DELETED by dekojester : not again, please
Quote from DejaVu :Email from iRacing this morning titled - iRacing - 1 Year for $1

I was like yeah right just a random spam message, but it wasn't haha

*edit* Maybe because i have the Founder award? (aswell as not racing that account since 2008 aswell lol)

Got this as well, not played since it was released. Applied the code and also found I had $1 in my account, so 1 year for free for me!

So... What's good about iRacing these days? What can a FWD driver play with on default content?
Still looking for someone that would be kind to convert a skin from FZR to RUF I have the psd of the original skin, so I guess it would be easier.
Quote from Kristi :Still looking for someone that would be kind to convert a skin from FZR to RUF I have the psd of the original skin, so I guess it would be easier.

Send it here and I'll give it a go...
Sent a PM. Thanks a lot for the effort in advance
I had a race last night in an MX5 and was left with a massive feeling of disappointment.

The grip on the back end just disappeared suddenly without any warning. The FFB felt weak and not very precise, I had no feel for what the tyres are doing. rF1 feels considerably better than iRacing for me, a massive disappointment and left me wondering how they get away with calling it a racing sim! Feels more like an ice rink simulator which just so happens to be in the shape of a race track.

So what am I doing wrong? I'm running a Fanatec Forza CSR wheel with G25 pedals.
I find it a bit weird too, to be honest. I've driven and overdriven an MX5 on slicks, and it's very predictable and easy to drive, even if overdriven. Yes, you can spin it, but in those cases you know why, unlike in iRacing (last time I tried, been a while). I had so many unexplainable spins in the MX5, especially under braking, it just feels like the brake balance is way too far rear or something. In rF2, AC and LFS you usually understand why you spin, but the iR spins seem unprovoked to me. Put me off the game, really.
Wow the mx5 is crap on cold tires. Drove mustang last night and managed 1 inc. mx5, forget it with how that car spins.
Gave it a try since long break in the GT3 series running at Zolder, great train-ride up to lap 4 until one guy spins, no chance to avoid and epic wreck.
Man, if iR would stop punish me with rating caused by others, I would be already at 4.99.

I can't remember I did mistakes by myself, to be honest.
The no fault system works relatively well, there are going to be very rare occasions where you can't do a thing about getting hit but the vast majority of the time a little bit of defensive driving would have stopped it. I don't see the fuss anyway, it's so ridiculously easy to maintain an A 3.x that the thought of SR never ever pops up when I'm racing, I just couldn't care less if I lose 0.2 of SR.

Although, if anyone could come up with a system where some AI decides fault for incidents then I'm sure iRacing would be happy to hear about it. Humans themselves can't decide who is to blame for a crash, never mind trying to program a system to do it.

I agree the MX5 is a piece of shit, which isn't exactly ideal for rookies, but I can't really fault the RUF.
Quote from FireMike15 :Gave it a try since long break in the GT3 series running at Zolder, great train-ride up to lap 4 until one guy spins, no chance to avoid and epic wreck.
Man, if iR would stop punish me with rating caused by others, I would be already at 4.99.

I can't remember I did mistakes by myself, to be honest.

Yeah, that happened to me a lot in the past and I got fed up with iR because of that (too). It just sucks that you're trying to improve, drive carefully, etc, then some idiot finds you and makes you lose a lot of SR...
One step forward two steps back...

Still waiting for that $1 promo, but I guess I'll never get it because I'm fairly new. Joined in 2012 or something.
Quote from DeKo : I don't see the fuss anyway, it's so ridiculously easy to maintain an A 3.x that the thought of SR never ever pops up when I'm racing, I just couldn't care less if I lose 0.2 of SR.

It seems road is much more difficult on SR. Training hard to get C 4.0 for the GT3 stuff. Not even focusing on pace.

But, on oval I've dropped to a B 2.0 and got to a 4.0 within 2 days.
I'm not sure why people are raging at the MX5 so much. It's fairly drivable inside a tight court, which means you shouldn't expect LFS slip angles with a car that has half the steering lock of any LFS cars out there. Don't expect to correct slides with your limp cock, you actually have to improve your reaction time to catch those nasty slides, but driving in a way that those won't happen ensures you are fast too, and not only keeping it on the grey stuff. I think MX5 is a great car, even for rookies. It teaches them how to keep a car on the road, how to not overdrive cars (none of those iR cars tolerate it anyway) and it brings great racecraft on top splits. You can literally touch other cars, cause there is no velocity, therefore you only get 0x after slight touches.

About the ratings, I agree with Deko, it doesn't take more than a few days to get A class, and feels easy to maintain a good ammount of it. If you are seemingly losing SR, then just go back to MX5, drive a few clean races, which are quite simple, and gain SR. It also feels like free iRating after the RUF Cup main SOF races.
If you have difficulties reaching a certain Safety Rating, that probably means you belong there. Reacting to what happens around you is part of the racing, not going off the track aswell. C 4.0 to get GT3 is a piece of cake. Participating in GT3 wreckage is not, and I didn't even see non-top splits yet but they still turn into wreck fests. I rather stay in the CSpec, which is less mainstream, but at least all the drivers are enthusiastic and good at racecraft and almost on-pace. I also enjoy the car a lot more than GT3.
I don't understand the hate with the MX5. Have read a couple of posts here and on the iRacing forum where people are comparing it to a real life MX5. To me this is just silly. You need to adapt to whatever is represented in the game. Saying it doesn't handle like a real life MX5 is just a weak excuse for not being able to adapt to change.

Took me 20 - 30 laps to go from 1:55s to 1:52s at Okayama. Just need to keep working at it.
Quote from Bmxtwins :It seems road is much more difficult on SR. Training hard to get C 4.0 for the GT3 stuff. Not even focusing on pace.

But, on oval I've dropped to a B 2.0 and got to a 4.0 within 2 days.

You easily claim SR with Skippy if like that car.
Quote from Kristi :If you are seemingly losing SR, then just go back to MX5, drive a few clean races, which are quite simple, and gain SR.

Yeah, I saw that as I checked my friend status the last days. I guess this is a pretty good idea but I'm still at A 3.4 so I hope to stay there.
I wish to come through the GT3 races coming season. The hype will be ridiculous if the Z4's in the lineup.
Quote from tikshow :You easily claim SR with Skippy if like that car.

That car baffles me.
Quote from Kristi :Reacting to what happens around you is part of the racing

Yes, I still need to find out how to react to incidents like a guy totally missing the braking point and raping me in the ass while fighting for the win.

Of course, racing incidents happen, no probs with that, but these hilariously stupid ones seem to be haunting me. ALL THE DAMN TIME. I'm just the bad luck brian of iRacing, I guess. Well, I was.
Quote from Bmxtwins :That car baffles me.

Of course, but the races were fun, when I raced with it last time, because "noobs" don't even bother to race with it.

iRacing - chapter III
(1141 posts, started )