new patch for easter holidays?
(87 posts, closed, started )
Yes I also won my license and yes I have an old acc, but I don't hide it?
Quote from S.E.T.H :hi

thanks Sam so much for keeping the championship fair and bring in lfs new racers.

And why did you edit your post?
Quote from S.E.T.H :and bogdani, im ready to race you in any server with forced cockpit view.

are you ready to be smoked? can you do your best times without it? before blaming somebody, stop using that view first. thats poor.

Where the **** did I say I'm using it in the first place. I was born in a cockpit.

You can find me almost every day on s2, so I don't see what's the problem. Unless the fact that we've got a class developed system based on points there, and the only car you'll be able to drive is XFG since you haven't ever joined our server?

I got used to Cockpit view since I was demo. Back then I didn't knew too much about personalizing LFS so I got used to it just because it gave me a more "simulationy" feel + the fact that I could read the speed on board. Was drolling at that shit since every car game I played by then was NFS or such arcades.

Basicaly didn't knew that Virtual dials exist and I had no other way of checking the speed I'm going, unless cockpit view so yeah, got used like that.
Quote from MVelikov :Yes I also won my license and yes I have an old acc, but I don't hide it?
And why did you edit your post?

i dont hide it either. me editing my post is none of your business. people came to know me with this account. so i am continuing with this. and one more: whatever you think you may know about me is irrelevant, i paid for LFS and S2.

Quote from bogdani.cojocaru :
"simulationy" feel

simulationy feel with a mouse. yeah you rock! i could say you are more likely to be using it than the other people.

just get real. cargame doesnt have force cockpit restriction.
Quote from Karlokarlo :Why are you on the forums then?

They are very childish immature idiots they cant be adults bickering in that way, plus this thread is to ask for a surprise patch for easter,i cant see that happening some how, i can tell u that when the patch does come out u will be surprised the mean time :dnfnoob: and :feedtroll its very ugly.
Quote from S.E.T.H :...

k thx bye
Quote from S.E.T.H :you can hear the tire screech in lfs at 0.5 mph too, probably just need a full lock. rfactor and netkar has superior tyre model as you know. surprised you never mentioned AC there. it will be among the best if not the best. there cant be perfect simulation but some are closer to reality than the other.

and the rest of the blabla.

Hmm... I wonder why I again feel the need to defend LFS but I will anyway.

Seth, Have you ever heard of Inclination, Scrub radius, toe settings and in this case especially the ackermann principle? Even more important, do you actually know what the effects and results are? Probably not else your post would be less ... .

Anyway, yes the chance is very much there that a car have tyre squeel when doing 0.5 km/h or even standing still, in fact all roadcars will do so. On the normal tarmac you won't hear it but.. drive your stock road car into a underground parking lot.. and turn your wheel. The value of the inclination makes the tires squeel even louder.

Forget all that.. the fact is, is that values and metrics like inclination, toe settings, rolcentres, scrub rads and ackermann are included in a sim like this is still for my useless brain simply amazing. Yes many people do scream Assetto Corsa is the best blablka.. but can't match even close to the realism of LFs.

When changing the settings even in the slightest way, the results on track are simply put.. prefound! I still find it amazing how this was ever done. Of course some things might feel slightly different in real life, but nothing which carries the name "Sim" that I have driven comes close to LFs if talking about physics.

Scawen did in my view an amazing job!
Quote from Karlokarlo :Why are you on the forums then?

it's what they say when they crown a new king:
The king is dead! long live the king!
it means the person can die but there is still a king. i was saying that to be funny, because people say lfs is dead but it will never die. hell i made a new track for 4d driving a few weeks ago (after all these years i never knew about shift-f1!!!!!!! damn!!!! (to edit terrain too))

Quote from S.E.T.H :surprised you never mentioned AC there.

ahh.. i still use windows XP on my racing cockpit computer

S.E.T.H. i found your post friendly and not insulting. you insulted Scawen with an assumption, so i'm not saying i like you, but anyway, we have a saying in french that it takes all kinds of people to make a world. at least you have dialog sometimes but you didn't answer my question.

the most you said was "you can have good races in nfs too".. as if need for speed is a platform two people can use to test their skills against each other.. wait a minute, where is that... there.

AC has no multiplayer, iracing has that.. thing.. and the guy passing me is holding the gas and brake at the same time to magically straighten his car out. i tried to like it! i felt like i was racing against the sim instead of the other drivers. what else is there.. rfactor. in the words of peter griffin COME ONNNNNNNNNNN. you serious? i tried the demo of rf2 again for fun. i couldn't get on the track without a black flag in practice. even with the AI steering for me it still got a black flag. when it decides to enter "slide mode", it's like i'm in a big SWITCH statement. people who insist it's good say you need a car with better physics. the physics is different for every car. the physics is different for every car.

now. please, be nice to molocco! start your own thread please! he's maybe not right and you can make fun of the concept of "gentlemanly" but he does have a little point. and you will sleep better tonight if you start a thread instead of trololol.

Quote from molocco :a few years ago you used to...

back to topic, no one would hate to see a patch man! and your plea isn't a bad idea. fordman's thread was so cool. can i just say your approach isn't as sensitive as fordie's was.

if i was a dev and read "you used to do this stuff..." i would feel bad.

of course it's a matter of opinion and trust, but i personally see no reason to doubt Scawen when he says he's working on the tyre model. everything about the work he did for me personally leads me to believe he wouldn't lie. LFS is a piece of software with integrity written all over it.

no one wants to please the community more than this guy. this is the topic right? a patch would be nice? then you have to convince me he could make a patch and just doesn't feel like it.

ps sorry about the off-topic. i replied to seth because i don't want someone who doesn't know lfs to read his post without a counter argument.
Quote from CarlLefrancois :
S.E.T.H. i found your post friendly and not insulting. you insulted Scawen with an assumption

maybe that iracing guy was actually oversteering the car with left foot braking?

i agree that rfactor is hard to use and having to download mods and cars and that poor interface makes people sick and those things keep many people off their sim. they dont know yet. i would go and "troll" at their forum too about this, but i care about lfs bit more also another reason is they made absolutely no improvement on both those sides with rf2. i guess they are ok with it that way. in a racing game, u shouldnt scare customers with hundreds of options and downloads. you should offer the goddamn racing. right away!

i didnt insult him, or at least i didnt mean to. scawen is a guy who is lazy but very talented that sits at right top side of the class unfortunately he used that talent for a short period of time

as they say: hard work beats talent, if talent does not work hard :snail:
Quote from R@fiXII :That's right, I remember him fighting tooth and nail with dido for this voucher

I misread this as "I remember him fighting tooth and nail with a dildo for this voucher"

Much funnier.
Quote from S.E.T.H :maybe that iracing guy was actually oversteering the car with left foot braking?

i was really surprised to find a video debunking that only iracing has the 2FMSH. it makes some sense if the rear contact patches are bigger than the fronts, but i thought you could do that in any car in iracing. too tired to google more

rf2 does have a really sweet tire model. i might have to buy it to be able to drive the nurburgring in more cars

ya man, you said "he just didn't work..." after Scawen said "I'm working...". basically you called him a liar. it makes sense based on what you know.. a long time without updates. i am a programmer and math/science/physics amateur and i believe you can spend years working and really get some things done and understood without reaching your goal yet. it depends on the kind of work.
Boring..... just stop asking for something that will not come this year.
A more actually Graphic would be nice like this upcoming Game!
This is not High-End Graphic but its better then actually LFS.
Quote from CarlLefrancois :...then you have to convince me he could make a patch and just doesn't feel like it.

I really appreciate your sentiments, and think that you're on target. The thing is that it's been almost three months since Scawen posted this TODO:

- render mirrors in 3d
- chromatic aberration correction
- allow head tracking and wheel button instead of mouse
- replay cameras (TV view) may be put on a virtual monitor
- include object selection buttons in SHIFT+U mode

I have a hard time believing that someone of Scawen's caliber would need this much time to complete those tasks.

Maybe the changes he wants to make involve modifying a load of old code.
Maybe he completed those tasks weeks ago and is working on some other juicy stuff.
in the patch test thread there some crash report. apparently if lfs is running in the background and you switch back and forth from fullscreen in asseto corsa, lfs crashes.

maybe Scawen is scouring directx documentation to find out what steps a program has to do to satisfy the internal requirements of a microsoft DLL. who knows.
How did I miss this thread!

*grabs popcorn*
cant any one help me<when i enter multiplayer and enter sertain servers that i want to go in they say that my xrg_defaulTM kopi skin is not found someone please upload it please thank you
You can upload your skin at

There is a small one-off charge for the skin slots if you are a demo racer and that helps us to run the download service.
You're the best Scawen, everyone expected such reply from you in this topic
Yes... sorry we couldn't get a patch out for Easter.

But we are working on things which you will like. Can't say more unfortunately!
Quote from Scawen :Yes... sorry we couldn't get a patch out for Easter.

But we are working on things which you will like. Can't say more unfortunately!

havnt you been saying that for 5 years now?
Quote from Franky.S :havnt you been saying that for 5 years now?

Hehe, I think I have something sometimes even a few years ago heard
This thread is closed

new patch for easter holidays?
(87 posts, closed, started )