I did 4 races last night, 2 were marred by turn 1 murders, but the other 2 were decent races. I have yet to have minor contact so I can't comment on the netcode, but all the cars around me seemed very stable.
But in my final race, I did qualifying and all was fine, as soon as the server went to race, there was a buzzing in the sound (
https://www.youtube.com/watch? ... =UUEbEIt-oAYWSr8zCgXI6fvQ ) and it went away as soon as i exited the server after the race ended. Yes I did have fraps running because I thought it would be fun to record a race, but fraps was running in the background for all of qualifying, the sound started as soosn as the server went to race mode, but before I started capturing and persistes after i ended capture, the buzz ended when I logged off the server. Has this been reported by anyone else, I am not on the AC forum at the moment.
I did not mind the booking system, I think you can have decent pick-up and play racing on a server with a short booking time and short qualifying. I did 2 races in a row on the same server with most of the same guys. It was 2 minutes booking, 8 minutes qualifying so as soon as the first race ended we just searched the server name again, re-booked, waited 2 minutes and were right back into qualifying. Some random grids would be nice, or grids based on PB or something to not require qualifying would speed things up...I like LFS's system better, but I can live with this one.
There's little things: more time is needed between sessions: many people missed the start of the race and were just sitting on the grid because there's only like 5 seconds between the end of qualifying and the starting procedure, and there needs to be more time after the race, if you are way behind the leader, the session can end and you have not even finished the race.