due to my low alchohol tolerance (i gave up drinking heavily a few years ago) it's a terrible idea for me to drink and drive with LFS (i don't even think about driving with even a half in me IRL) my motor skills and decision making suffer badly.
with smoking (ganja) it's a slightly different story, since my THC tolerance is quite high

, i can have a bifta or two and not really worry, my actual driving skills are sometime quite enhanced, but if the race is a close one i find i get the jitters after a while and end up over reacting to the subtlest of stimuli. sometimes with casual spot-races it's nice to drive stoned, but i don't do it with GPs etc.
driving with halucinogens (LSD, LSA, shrooms etc) in the system is particularly interesting. you can feel utterly connected and immersed within the game, but it can lead to terrible bouts of misjudgment and stupidity, usually followed by fits of irrepressable giggling. mushrooms are a bit too trippy to drive with due to intense distortion of visuals, but acid is a lot more subtle, although much stronger.
Amphetamines, (speed, MDMA (E), Red bull

) are probably the most suited to racing since they can appear to give you a distinct feeling of increased reactions and reflex response, although judgement can suffer badly. and they're VERY harmfull to you're nervous system)
Please, don't take any of these observations as an endorsement of drug taking/driving, it's really NOT clever and can do you SERIOUS mental damage (trust me

illepall) as well as physical damage if you're dumb enough to think you should drive IRL. I've been experimenting with these substances for nearly 10 years now, and to be honest, there are some drugs I wish i'd never toyed with.