The online racing simulator
New skid sound
(52 posts, started )
New skid sound
Unrar into your LFS S2\data\snd folder. Note: you may want to backup the original file. Try the .mp3 sample first! Enjoy. Skid sound has been updated. You can get it on the 12Th post
Attached files
SkidRoadHeavyMajor.rar - 359.5 KB - 9367 views
Skid sound.mp3 - 47.4 KB - 12007 views
is it possible we could get a sample?
Quote from Vendetta :is it possible we could get a sample?

Click on the second file, the mp3.
Sounds nice, I'm using it
I tried this for a few days. I like it, but I think its a bit too harsh. May be if it was between what it is now and the original one...

with sound fx, subtlety is king
#6 - bbman
Yeah, I also tested it and it was just a little too aggressive... Also, when in the cockpit view, it sounded as if I would be outside the car...
#7 - jenek
You can try mine skid sounds pack. I collect files from some other packs and the result is the most real sound I heared in LFS.
Don't forget to make a backup of "snd" folder before put 'em there.
Attached files
snd_bel.rar - 456.3 KB - 4423 views
I dont really like the SkidRoadHeavyMajor in this archive, too squeely.

However, using the SkidSoundHeavymajor (posted at the begining of this thread) and the rest of the other samples in the latest .rar sounds very nice.
#9 - jenek
Quote from DratsaB :I dont really like the SkidRoadHeavyMajor in this archive, too squeely.

I did many RL squeel on road tyres and find it very similar. On my car the squeel is also VERY loud

edit: I've forgot to mention the huge advantage of my pack - it's ten times more informative in grip feeling than a default one. Now it's more easy to drive for me, controll the grip, tyre temps and wear. I even improved my times and have a couple WRs (was some more in S1).
Quote from jenek :I did many RL squeel on road tyres and find it very similar. On my car the squeel is also VERY loud

Heh heh, I think im just used to too many movie tyre screeches
very good stuff Disposable, I really liked it! thanks!
I've been playing with some sound samples i found and came up with this one... A great improvement over both the original lfs sound and the one posted in the beginning of this thread (atleast in my opinion). Hope it's not too "harsh" for any of you... lol. To install simply decompress the .rar file into your LFS S2\data\snd folder and don't forget to backup the original sound (SkidRoadHeavyMajor.raw)
Attached files
AU Drifting.mp3 - 218.8 KB - 4031 views
SkidRoadHeavyMajor.rar - 77.4 KB - 2600 views
Quote from jenek :You can try mine skid sounds pack. I collect files from some other packs and the result is the most real sound I heared in LFS.
Don't forget to make a backup of "snd" folder before put 'em there.

nice sounds but i didn't knew that lfs can read "txt" files disguised as raw...
look into "SkidRoadHeavyMinor.raw" then you'll see what i mean.

hmm... what do you mean by that micha? Didnt found any .txt files in that sound pack...
Nice sounds. Could still do with a bit more tweaking, but almost there
lot of people saying "nice sounds!"...but i'm wondering if people really tried them, as someone already pointed out, there is one file that is not sound, it is a text file that when put into lfs, it produces of course strange noises that has nothing to do with tyre my question is:"how can random noise be better than original sounds?"
Theres some people in LFS community who has completely no respect for other people work. Instead of criticizing, you should try and do a better work!
i'm not talking about your file, i'm talking about the other pack posted in this thread, which most people thinks "it's better", but instead it's a fake! it's not a matter of taste, it's that it is not a sound file at all!!! ...and i'm wondering if people really tried it...i'm not critizing people efforts (my respects), i'm critizing people who put fake files! i clear enough now? someone before me already pointed out that was posted a fake, but no one seemed to understand...
Yeah theres something i dont understand alright... Its why everyone keep on talking about a file that has been released 10 months ago...
#20 - Jakg
Quote from Disposable :Yeah theres something i dont understand alright... Its why everyone keep on talking about a file that has been released 10 months ago...

because its in the thread and some people like me hadnt seen it before?
@ Disposable,

"SkidRoadHeavyMinor.raw" is the file i'm talking about, (posted by jenek "snd_bel.rar") it's actually a *.txt file containing audio data, but it was saved via Cool edit (sort off), point is, it discribes a skid sound. (look into it using a text editor)
If you feed it to your cool pro 2 then it'll open it, normalize to 60% (or something) and you'll hear a tyre-skid (see attach pic)

Attached images
Coolpro2_open file.jpg
Coolpro2_open file_spectral.jpg
Quote from DaveWS :This skid sound pack uses various skid sounds posted from previous people. I have edited and adjusted them to sound as good as I can make them.

been using these for a couple months. just wanted to say thanks. especially since i saw u had no reply to almost 400 downloads...
#25 - Mc21

New skid sound
(52 posts, started )