Is it just me who thinks the driving is too hard in AC, way harder than in reality? I've had around 30-50 laps around the ring, and never once come near crashing/spinning around. Mostly with Swift stage 2 from r4r, some normal swifts from rrc, 4 laps in a clio rs200 (6 more on coming thursday

), 4 laps in an old Audi A3t, 6 laps in a 93 m3. Driving with the same "safe" style in AC as I do irl, I can't seem to finish a lap without spinning around and crashing. Mostly around Schwedenkreuz, Fuchsröhre, and in the whole general area after the karussell. Just a bit careless with the lift off in a turn, or breaking while turning in at higher speed cause a spin. Sure you can feel the tendencies for this in reality too, but it seems just exaggerated in this game. Hard for the sake of "realism", because hard = realistic? You feel the cars wants to do this in LFS too, but it's possible to detect it and correct it, and it feels and responds in a much more realistic way.. I dunno.. Maybe it's just habit.