If you didn't join the "LFS'ers at Assetto" steamgroup already you may think about it again, the plan is to get some semi public racing going there with weekly events and clean racing on a passworded server. (I am open for suggestions, will probably do first event Wednesday if the server holds up fine)
edit: you need all the addon tracks linked to join the server, blame kunos for that, the anti cheat thing checks every track in rotation.
edit2: I've removed the anti cheat files for the addon tracks, so hopefully you can join without having them now.
I've deleted the SweetFX, just couldn't get it to look how i wanted..
Ended up with this, just a small adjustment of weather.ini and cloud textures from Ovi1, pleased with the looks.. and we'll get some graphical update in the new patch anyway.
Around [---/-] FPS. Shouldn't be a problem at all with a small resolution and those specs. You should be able to get more than the 60FPS your monitor can display for sure I think.
Seriously??? I have lower specs than him and I am hitting around 120-130fps with a 1080p HDMI resolution.
OK I have more Ram (double), but his GFX card is better than mine, his processor is better than mine, and he has SSD, I don't.
PS - Oh wait, just seen his problem, he has H81 chipset...this will bring his FPS down quite I bit, so you might be right Bose