The online racing simulator
#1 - Noni
Do you slide around? (Guys with wheels on chair and wooden floors)
I have a floor with wood and a chair with wheels, whenever i turn i seem to turn with the steering wheel lol!

Anyway to sort it out?

P.S. Mods can merge the threads if they want.
Interactive simulation. Why change it? Your experiancing the G!!
i'm on a wood floor with easy turning wheels on my comfortable chair.
I can't say i do slide when turning my wheel. my feet on the pedals often just clamp me down.

Maybe i do slide but don't even notice *thinks* I just really get into LFS and sorta lose reality.
I'll try and focus next time i'm racing
suffer with the same problem, I have an office chair and a rug beneath it and it slides around. What kinda works for me even though its a weird fix is if you place the lids of jams (yes jam that you eat) and place all the wheels of the chair into lids it stops it moving in my case. But not sure the lids would work lol on a bare wodden floor as there is less friction, plus it may even scratch it.
#5 - Gaas
Well i dont move aroun but i do turn around i have office chair and i sometimes turn and thats anoying ...LOl hope ill make cockpit soon ^^
I've "tied up" the wheels of my chair with some cloth - works fine for me
You could just take the wheels off and place the ting on a rug so it don't scratch the floor . . .
#8 - Jakg
never had the problem, on a carpet tho, although my desk is a bit low so i have to use a different seat for racing or else i bash my knees into the wheel!
#9 - IDUI
Use a normal wheeless chair, a kitchen chair for example. If it needs hight just put it on something. A few layers of carpet or maybe "flat folded" moving boxes.
i used to have that problem, find some old shoes and put the wheels of your chair into them... works a treat if u do it right
Im a grip racer, I don't slide around

I have heavy legs on my 'office chair' and nice thick and big rug under it so, as I said, no sliding here.
I stick socks under the wheels which get jammed after a few laps, so I can race without moving. Downside is it means I get pinned in my desk so I have to climb onto my chair and over my bed to get out xD
just go to a DIY store (B&Q or similar) and buy wheel replacement Feet specifically for use with wood or laminate flooring, they cost a couple of quid but work wonders
remove the wheels, they can be pulled out if it is just a normal office chair.
i've got one to top the sliding problem!

I have carpet around my desk, with one of those plastic things under the chair so you can roll it around easily on the creates quite a mess because the carpet gets indented from the pressure of the wheels after i sit in it and it creates little "potholes" for my wheels to stay in. Its usally in the wrong spot (off by just an inch or so) so that I cannot move my chair to where it needs to be without it rolling back into the potholes LOL
#17 - MR_B
Then you look like that guy in your avatar

I'm sitting in a cushioned garden chair And on a regular floor, so I can move my chair by pushing me away, but otherwise it won't budge. I always wanted one of those cool manager kind of chairs, but they always have wheels, so I'm kinda scared to get one because I would be all over the place
works for me.!!
Why is Gaffa tape like the force?

Because there is a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together . . . . .
take the wheels off. lol.
Quote from MuNkEr : works for me.!!

xD I still remember the old duck tape adverts were there is a fat guy jumping in a bouncy castle and it pops, so they stick duck tape on the hole and he can jump again

[for those that don't know, there is a brand of duct tape that is called duck tape because the company logo is a duck]
i'm picking one of non-wheeled chairs from kitchen when i'll play LFS
I drive on my bed
It's just a temporary solution though, there's no room for a chair. Of course I'll buy a decent chair when I move.
I hope this driving style doesn't affect my posture too much...
THe Best chair I used was a glider rocker... It was almost as good as having a full blown motion simulator. The FF from the wheel went thru me and into the chair the thing bounced and shook when I wrecked or just hit bumps...
but the damn welds broke cause it wasn't well made.
Now I have a kitchen chair.