If you are in USA, Australia, Mexico, and Canada please try out - of course everybody is welcome to come try (and race!)
Server: USA Test Server
It's currently in demo mode, if the demo server fills up a bit day to day I'll add s2 server on same system. Mainly just want to see wine's CPU usage- if we provide some USA LFS servers we will utilize Windows & TCAdmin.
Server is located in Phoenix, Arizona, USA
If you have an active server and mostly USA people- ask me for FREE test server too, must have proof of existing activity.

*Ping spikes, may be related to LFS Racers internet connection
Server: USA Test Server
It's currently in demo mode, if the demo server fills up a bit day to day I'll add s2 server on same system. Mainly just want to see wine's CPU usage- if we provide some USA LFS servers we will utilize Windows & TCAdmin.
Server is located in Phoenix, Arizona, USA
If you have an active server and mostly USA people- ask me for FREE test server too, must have proof of existing activity.

*Ping spikes, may be related to LFS Racers internet connection